I'm a suicidal millionaire AMA

I'm a suicidal millionaire AMA.

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Are you dead yet?


can you buy me a new pc?

Give me some of your money, college is fucking expensive and I'm trying to do good things with my life

All bs aside, helping others might make you happier.

same as this poorfag, parents fucked my fafsa

what problem do you have that your money can't buy you of?

give people money who actually appreciate life you selfish slef loathing piece of shit

WAIT, How's this for a plan... Say you're going to give out tons of cash near you... and instead, throw out thumb tacks... It'll make you laugh! That helps...right? You could also make people's lives better, and hope somehow that makes you feel better, but tacks work funnierly.

What's driven you to this state of mind?

unfortunately not. I have tried 9 times now and someone always shows up and it ends up bad for me. to many people care it pisses me off.
the only bull shit here is whats left on your dads dick after he fucks your mom
get a job
tried that made me want to kill them then kill myself
or you could stop being lazy lmao
hmmmm i haven't tried being evil user ty that might help



well it aint love faggot

you arent a millionaire or truly suicidal

and i have money i dont want any of yours you nig

Can you PayPal me 2k so I can buy a van and suit it up. I want to live in it so I can live cheaper and aave money for the future

hey user, will you buy me some stuff on my amazon wishlist wishlist/3J5LOJK84JUFY

Get the coolest stuff.

I wanna be a phd but one of my profs recommended me for a program that would have essentially meant i spent an extra year as undergrad

that fell through and now im +1 year into getting my BS in physics

can I have like 100$ before you off yourself?

How does one obtain a million?

Suicidal one hear torching about other peoples lazyness.. What a moron.

by working, nigger.

Your just a lazy sack of shit wanting another handout. Stop wanting others to give you what you want

Being evil works all the time... Just make sure you advertise the hell out of it... like "Come to *Insert your adress* I'll be throwing away 1 million dollars"

Hell... Throw out some fake money and watch people rip eachother appart for it...

But I do work, sand nigger. I want to learn to make money faster so I can fund my personal projects.

Hey user are you going to live stream it?

Put me in your will user, promise I'll do some good with it
Otherwise OC pics of money stacks or gtfo

>unfortunately not. I have tried 9 times now and someone always shows up and it ends up bad for me. to many people care it pisses me off.

what a load of bullshit. shoot yourself in the head you fucking retard

what about reality? if anything it seems like most people love living in a state of delusion by ignoring reality and diving into some sort of vice:
religion, drugs, sports, movies, porn, games, etc; all accessible through money. Pick your poison.
why not subscribe to any number of ephemeral, time-sinks that commercialized capitalism is begging you for? do you have some altruistic goal?

If your personal projects don't pay for themselfs you either need a new hobby or a better job. Either way stop being a Leach on Western Civilization


trips of truth

gime me all your money. i won't waste it.

i know your trolling but give me all your money.

Lol k.

even if I wasn't possessive about my money you're still a low key pedo and that's creepy. seek help.
not a give away thread
lmao physics good luck with the other chimps in sweater vests.
spend time looking at peoples needs and how to gain off those needs pretty easy tbh
there are just as many ways to love as there are to hate and i hate more than i love especially myself
thought about it and it would just effect my stock prices ill just keep it private. put your dick away no snuff tonight.
legally cant and I dont know where to get a gun
nice trips btw
theyre all fake lmao I read people for a living

Can I have a job?

>start buying stockpile of guns
>get as many friends as you can
>form militia when america collapses
>become warlords and start fourth reich

probably not considering you're looking at this thread unless you're a solid 10 and are a female that's looking for a job as a secretary/concubine

Ah I see. Makes sense. Should take a huge risk with your million to make your suicidal journey a bit interesting.

Good luck.

Well I have a shit ton of money I owe in scool loans, but I would appreciate even 100-10000$

My situation is pretty rough atm, but why are you trying to kill yourself bro?

t. attention whore with an inferiority complex plays big boi

>doesn't even respond to everybody that asks for money
>making this world a better place

When god weaved the world and laid you to hatch, she intended you to be happy and fulfilled. Don't throw away what she gave you.

God damn guys... He's not some money well... Depressed or not, it's his money. You're not entitled to it.

why not think of ideas, and make them reality. Think of really really good technological ideas or maybe a product and get a patent, sell it to a company or make it yourself. Or how bout make a company and try jumping into the big corporation race, or how bout buying shit loads of land and make a farm, come on rich user your literally have money and can do shit with it do something.

i was thinking of being shot into space but i think id get a lot of people imprisoned for that.
people are fake end of story
I love people like you, you walk in the room and are the easiest to read. how ive made as much money as i have. keep up the good work user
some seem to stupid to warrant a response
If I ever meet him Ill ask him to suck you off since you've been fapping into a bible your whole life

Hey man, I asked nicely. I also want to know why he fucking wants to kill himself millionare or not. More money ore problems, or so they say.

to stressful I have antibiotic resistant C Diff
I struggled when I was younger but I didn't waste my time.

Maybe he has kids, or a familly. Maybe he has bills too.

Dying is expensive, houses still need to be paid when you're dead.

You are doing well in a world that you are not adapted to. This can be changed, you can train yourself to enjoy this world. You can change the world so you can enjoy it. Do both and you will reach the point of optimum conditions in a few years. Funds are present. Act.


You are mistaken, these words do no resonate with me when speaking about god. God is a spider, the earth is her web, and we're all the hatched eggs fertilized for greatness.

no kids just family who has hands in my pockets
have acted been doing it my whole life

People are fake, and does this have anything to do with the money, or just relationships in general.

Like I hate how people try to act like they like you when they really don't. Or how they ignore you even exist until you mean something to them financially or materialisticicaly.

I need 10K to finish my studies, i live in a shity country, medium class family, and i droped college because of money, if i had 10K i culd pay it...

if you suicidal millionare want to make someone happy for the rest of his life

*cries in taco*

Make a new thread to send bitcoin ofc

You probably acted too much. Did you reflect on changes that your acts brought?

hmm... ive worked with worse and richer. would you like to give a shit about things again?

they don't even have control over their own actions and act on impulse. I seldom meet people that dont act on urges. no one plans long term no one sees what they can do what they do do or what is done to them. f.a.k.e.
what were you studying and how many years were you in there
yep i did all the gay shit
rates? I take it you're a shrink.

So you're just fed up with all the bull shit, nothing else seems new? It sounds like you need a change of scene.

To forget everyone you know. Start fresh etc.

Mechatronic engineer, 3 and half years till i couldn't pay it for economic problems whit my family, i need to money to revalidate asignatures in other college and finish in only 1 and a half years

timestamp and proof of money otherwise no one cares about you.

Close. more like life coach. First session is free. subsequent meetings are 5k per hourly meeting. No pony tailed yoga instructor consciousness expanding stuff. Straight talk.

changed scenes 3 times now same shit different places
lmao you do apparently
that confident in your charisma? Ive had a couple life coaches so far.... about the same rates what exactly am I paying for besides "straight talk" better not be some greek homoerotic fantasy bs that all the country club guys are into.

you're paying to learn what I've learned: Not just giving a shit about existing again, but straight up leveraging your ability to exist and have control again.

Well if you want to change my life I would appreciate it. I'm balls deep in loans so ill be working away the rest of my life to pay them.

To tell you the truth I've also been considering suicide lately, because I just don't see any other way out, but I'm still here.

Paypal email: [email protected]

Lets work together. If I had money I could live happily so I will suggest ways you could do the same. Im a very wise sage. It's about what you consume that gives you your perspective on life. Im good at filtering that. E-mail me to speak further. cky32688@yahoo

you sure about that? im after this reply you wont hear from me faggot. peace

wise men don`t call themselves wise.

Have you tried riding a motorcycle? It's really fun.

I'll second that.

sage. try a better b8 next time, faggot

If you're rich you can get top medical treatment, are you a brainlet who can't look up cures for your condition? Start doing research faggot, pay people to help you if you can't.

If I had the money I'd have all sorts of fun shit I know I could do, I'd have less stress also.

Nothing I do would even cost that much, it's just I could retire, not like I'm depressed about the amount I do have.

Sucks to be you OP, I'd be having a great time with it, already having a good time without.

True and I didn't...

just in case it`s true what you say, OP:
I can understand why you are suicidal. You maybe feel like your person has no worth. That`s why you say "I`m a suicidal millionaire". You put your money over yourself, maybe to compensate that there is nothing special about you in real life, except the money. Maybe OP, you have to truely learn WHO you are and what it is that makes you an individual person. If you wanna get into a talk with me: [email protected]

Burn yourself and all you’re money

Tell us more about yourself. Specifically why you want to kill yourself. Did anyone do something to you worth noting recently?

I would recommend to burn your belongings and money, so nobody will benefit with it. and then just hang yourself on a tree on a beautiful peaceful morning. OR you could just stick those millions inside your anus

My, I guess life long goal is to be a life assistant for the rich. I've always grown up lower middle class, and have always found a way to be happy. I'm always caught off guard at how anyone wealthy can get depressed, and I'd love to hang out with those that fall in that spot, and show them how to have a good fucking time. So my question is, if you're seriously on the edge of off'in yourself, would you contact me to have a fuckin blast to either change your mind and/or to have the best last day ever?

What emotional trauma are you not dealing with?

Wishing u well brah

Most people on here actually have a high in plus have you seen what people on here have been capable of doing, if you were actually smart instead of being rich because you were born with a silver spoon up your ass you would hire these people. You are lying about being a millionaire anyway

medhold bois


I'm interested. Assuming you really are a millionaire.

So... you can do what ever the fuck you please, eat or drink what you want you're still suicidal. So how about telling me why?
I'm poor and jobless shit who finally decided to consult a doctor for my depression btw.

yeah oof but i knew a guy literally showed me he was a millionaire fucker joined just for fun wondering if this was him faggot said he browsed chan

I'll sell you my shotgun for $100,000

We both walk away happy.

OP, I'm a half-millionaire, 46 years old, and have been depressed since sometime in childhood.

There's no way I could explain it. I would have to write a book as long as my life.

I've worked on myself a lot, but the fact remains that I'm a beta faggot who still can't pick of a woman in a bar. If I somehow manage to get to know a lady, and she sees my nice house, sure - she will like me. But a random woman in a bar who has no idea I have money - I lack the confidence to do jack shit.

Sounds dumb, but these sorts of things are bothering me to no end. I'm decent looking and active. It shouldn't be so hard to just have some pleasant female companionship.

Anyway, take solace that there is someone out there sort of in the same boat. Unless these other fags, I can grok why you would be a suicidal millionaire.

can i have some money? for real? paypal [email protected]