Earth is flat

Earth is flat.

Deal with it.


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Wake up.

God and Jesus are also not real.


>Venus rhymes with Penis.
>Research flat Earth.

NASA CGI on the left, real images on the right.

Planets do not exist as landable terra-firma.


Antarctica surrounds the Earth keeping the water in.

Might be more Earth ponds out there.

>The sun and moon circle above, and are only 32 miles wide, and 3000 miles high.

>Every single image from NASA and affiliated agencies has been doctored, and is fake.

>No real images of Earth from space, or satellites, or planets, or so on exist.

>The ice wall which surrounds Earth.

>Wake up. The globe is non science.


How do you explain that when you go higher you can see further?



You are good at photoshopping. Wtf took that pic of the plane if the plane was the thing taking pics.


The globe belief is a fallacy.

Remove god and jesus from anything you know about flat Earth, and you are on the right path.

The US government is trying to push a religious FE agenda to stop the movement in its tracks.

It is not working, we see through the lies.

The globe is a religion no different to christianity.

Flat Earth is real science.

I don't understand this one

>Real Science

(they zoom over the water a long distance, thus proving there is no curve to Earth)

>Perspective is not curvature.

What you learned in school about the globe, is absolutely nonsense.

Ohhh that why morons with no education believe this shit. Just bullshit them with fake geometry. Fake news and fake geometry rules and idiots will believe anything.

So why is there no direct line of sight from say the top of a building to another one? If it's all flat you should theoretically be able to see clear across the whole earth provided a mountain doesn't get in the way



You literally think Earth is a spinning ball, and that Australians are upside down right now?


water does glob into a ball in places unaffected by earth's gravity

>religious nonsense

Based on that curve angle the earth would be tiny xD how is flat earth theory even a thing


What curve? xD

What you learned in globe Earth class directly conflicts with what you learned in science class.

The globe is not science, it is bullshit.

>Newton made up gravity

>Why lie?

Its ok if you cant understand basic things that Newton realized hundreds of years ago user. Dont be sad.

What is over the ice wall that surrounds Earth?
>Image found from 1000 years ago in Jap temple.
>Mainstream media says it is fake news.


>Thinks Earth is spinning at 1040mph eastwards right now.

This is the result of the failure which is your countries education system.

>There are no stupid questions.

on the opposite side of our earth is another earth where all coin flips are reversed.

>Another win for flat Earth

>And another

>One more

>Earth is flat, which is why you do not feel or see it move, and why every single test to prove it is moving has failed, and why gravity has still never been proven one single time to exist.

It's all a bogus jewish lie.

Earth is flat.

>Every single image of Earth from space is photoshopped.

Wake up.

It's quite possible for a man to travel at 60mph while sitting inside a moving car, why wouldn't that scale up to a gas cloud sitting inside a moving atmosphere?

I use km you amerifag. Explains why you are so fucking retarded. Also, how does your gps work? Throw away your phone and computer and everything you use that is based on science. Please do not have children.

You're in a vehicle for one - not an open system or anything similar to earth.

Your example is not valid.

Resident of earth here, i can confirm that the temperature changes with the seasons.

>Believes everything blindly - calls other people retarded.

>Did not notice the ring around Earth, impossible on the globe model, but possible if Earth is flat.

A car isn't a closed system, you can have your windows open.

Are you implying that's an actual photo of earth?

I believe that is what you and your pals are doing right now.

Step 1. Science is about challenging ideas.

Once you take their word for it, it becomes religion.

You fools are not science minded persons, you are religious indoctrinated government trained pawns - nothing more.

Anything they say - you will believe instantly.

You are a cancer to the world.

Just because you reject shiva and jesus does not mean you are science minded.

If you believe in the globe, you're a moron - and you are part of a cult.

The biggest lie ever told.

To be honest, it's amazing how dumb you people are - your logic is ass.

You see how water acts every day on all scales, from a glass of water to a swimming pool to an ocean - and it's always flat.

So how does something that is always flat curve and bend around a spinning ball Earth - something which to this day is STILL unmeasurable by anyone on Earth.

Absolute bogusness.

NASA is not science, NASA is more like Disney.

Wake up cretins.

Just because some goof told you Earth is a ball doesn't mean it's true.

Your 500+ year old bogus pseudoscience is coming to an end.

>No measurable curve anywhere on Earth - which is why all images from NASA and affiliated agencies are CGI.

wat bout dem seasons n tides, also water in space tends to group together and create a sphere

autism lmao

Stop spouting religious nonsense.

Show evidence.

Over 9000 images proving flat Earth in this thread.

Zero proving globe Earth - only insults from these morons.

After reading all these, it seems you are unaware about how really big this planet is
Your arrogance about humanitys place here is skewing your worldview
You need to stop getting all your info from YouTube videos

>Flat Earth video. 3 in 1.

Wake up.


Are you stupid?

See pic.

Earth is flat.

You are not logical.

least year i went from Australia to the US and continued on to Europe, eventually back to Australia. how come i did not fall off the edge?


Scroll up.

Learn to read mate.

>Globetardism crushed with great ease.


Assume theres a round rock spinning through space with water covering it, what do you guys think is going to push the water off?

This ball is surrounded by air, but if we assume there's no air in space it makes sense that the water would stay on the ball, is there any evidence that it wouldn't?

> /eyeroll

slightly pear shaped = shaped like a pear
2 million people = 6 million jews

Shaped like a pear, yet every single nasa image ever - is a perfect ball shape.


Your globe has been debunked with great ease - you people have been had.

Now you realize you are part of the worlds biggest hoax.

Don't feel too bad, we were all fooled once.

Research flat Earth.

Once you realize the mainstream narrative is bogus, you realize Earth is flat.

Everything you know of it right now however, is US propaganda, and is not truth.

No flat Earther is a retard like you globe morons - a real flat Earther is only focused on real proven testable repeatable science.

The globe, is not science. It is bogus.


It's a 'C' level, like your score on the Geography test.

That's my point it's not shaped like a pear, it's just not a perfect sphere.
Also, you should decide if you think those are photos of earth or not before you try to use it in an argument.

You're an idiot.



>Thinks it's 'sea curve'.

Yeah, user? Keep telling us about how you disproved something we figured out in 500 B.C. Y'know, I think grass was created by Hillary Clinton so she had somewhere to hide her e-mails. What do I have to do to get someone to agree with me?


I'd desperately love to know what the split is on troll and genuine flat earthers. And also how many genuine believers there would be if the huge mass of trolls weren't normalizing the belief.

You people are too retarded for me.

I am done here.

You're all suffering from a collective low IQ.
TV is not reality, nor is CGI and photoshop.

>Earth is flat.

the retarded is very strong with this one.

Holy shit, kid. If you zoom in on a curve far enough, it's gonna look like a line.

We literally do, though. It's called the geoide.

If this was actually the case EVERYTHING would be frozen, including all of our oceans. fun theory though.

Troll flat Earthers are religious and love god and jesus.

Real flat Earthers are science minded individuals that reject Einstein and fake CGI from NASA.

The temperature of the surface of the earth at different parts does not directly relate to its distance from the sun. This has been proven, and this image is false.

This is just a lack of understanding of Newton's laws and the concept of centripetal force. The spinning ball was acted upon by an outside force, thus the force acting upon it was actually centrifugal, not centripetal. This image is literally a demonstration of the opposite of what the Earth is actually doing.

Fuck you're dumb.


has there ever been a plane that flew too far and hit the dome wall at the end of the flat earth?

>Why gravity is just a theory - and has never been proven and never will be proven.

fuck off shitstain. i wasn't talking to your stinky ass.
also, thought u were done here? i guess if u gonna be an attention seeking fuck, you go all out.

Research Missing flight MH370.

Pilot flew over the wall and plane disappeared.

where is your god now?

This is advanced retardation.

You're an idiot - get educated pleb.