What's your most honourable accomplishment?

What's your most honourable accomplishment?

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Moved to a different country. California to New Zealand.

Reached rank 1 in the world at age of empires.

Smoked a quart of pot in a sitting.

Deadlifted 180kg reps.

Fucked 5 bitches.

Had a 10/10 tell me she loved me.

Invested in precious metals, namely silver.

Worked out some shit in the world.

Read some books.

posted fishe

Found my mums rubber cock, fucked my ass until it bleed. Told her about it later.

I've held top 10 ranks as dps and tank on current mythic boss content, and been consistently top 100 overall (world)

I also have a family, own a house, car, bike etc, you know, all that other stuff.

Handled depression like a boss at 19, led me to a spiritual awakening

Bronze IV

Became a well known Hollywood actor.

i was born white

all the people i've talked away from the proverbial edge.

that and top 0.2% in trove power rank wise thank you very much

Every day I wake up and resist the urge to just end it all.

I fought the world for love.
>and love laughed in my face

How did you do it?

Trips of....possible bullshit? Tits+timestamp faggot

I took a shit that wiping was totally clean.

I posted the original banana picture on Sup Forums.

Took a shit this morning looked like Elvis, the 70s version with mutton chops

Fingered three girls the same day i meet them.. three different occasions

The fabled ghost wipe? If you get one of those “Squatty Potties” for your bathroom you’ll get those a lot. We weren’t meant to shit sitting down. We evolved to shit squatting slightly. Look into that.

Also, I highly doubt user is a Hollywood actor and they probably wouldn’t dox themselves.

SAG card?

i saved a whole valley from a flood

My patents.

Nah man I'm Americunt, it was a sight to behold. Totally snapchatted it

I emailed Bill Burr on this podcast. He said that was one of the most brilliant things anyone has ever sent in

just give me some advice. one tip to reach that "spiritual awakening"

make 100k without a college degree and just a higschool diploma.

Able to pay for my own house and bills and parents no longer have to work.

God willing entire car will be paid off inn April. i bought in august 2016.

I will than be debt free.. but still single :( i need a vacation.

That's cool - is there a specific email address they use for his show"

I once fed the animals at the petting zoo lsd laced food.

Made a girl fall in love with me and fell in love with her for some time as well. Until she gained weight and I got sick of her :(

Just go to his podcast website and click the menu button. Can select contact. It's the March 20th of 2017 I'm trying to wreck it up so I could post the link give me a second. I was the one that something about the Washington Redskins wanting to change the mask up cuz it was offencive

Became an anarchist.

sucked myself off


48 minutes and 10 seconds in... I sent an about the Redskins. My biggest accomplishment in life

Its the worst.

Not that difficult.

That’s a very Japanese question.

>Finger a girl when I first meet her

This is like a girl saying

>I gave him a handjob when I first meet a guy

it aint no accomplishment user

found Christ

Does he still have that same robe on?

Read Nietzsche and understand him

Nice. I'm just a well known athlete.

I graduated from college with honors. Granted, my life is shit now, but at least I have that.

rofl what a fucking LOSER this kid is
WOAH we got an edgelord here

>I once fed the animals at the petting zoo lsd laced food.
You monster.

I sucked 3 dicks in one day and I'm not even a faggot.

That means you just agreed with them. I don't find the top of the class the best hires. I want the one that told the lecture hall professor to get a real job and have a few reprimand on their records. Getting in trouble is not necessarily a bad thing.

This is not love.

I find Nietzsche fans some of the most fucked up people out there. They have a lot of moral transgressions to hide and use this guy's quote to justify them.

God is dead.
wow hes brilliant
watch him fumble over his damnation

It is more than a meme but you gotta pass through that kid mentality of rejecting everything that is thrashed because 2edgy4m3


worked with a person several years ago. She got paralyzed waist down in an operation. Health got worse. Lot her job because had to apply for health retirement. Couldn't afford rent. Lost appartment and had to live in her handicapped van.

I bought a home and equipped it for handicap. Let her stay there rent free until her mother passes and she inherits enough to buy the home from me.

>God is dead.
>wow hes brilliant
>watch him fumble over his damnation

"Neitzsche is dead" -- God

Not edgelord, but can you back up this shitpost?

ive fought some kickboxing k1 and won a couple lost a couple but still fighting, feels pretty fucking good.

Yes i can back it up.
Proof: you responded.

>Its all I got
>And that's shit too.
Jeez yea mean bastards.

Way to go man.

So, no, not really. You don't have any information off hand of why you responded in this way. Thanks for the assistance in research, twat waffle.

I dropped out of college at the age of 29

I look at funny pictures on the internet.

>>Its all I got
>>And that's shit too.
>Jeez yea mean bastards.
Truth hurts and stands on its own.

I passed dark souls 3 the first time with less deaths than dark souls 2

Have a BSN, currently work as a mental health nurse. I try to brighten the day and be the best patient advocate I have for you wacky people.

You know how to cheer up a severly depressed person? Being non-judgemental and a good ol' poop joke.

am the best skater in my town and have been sponsored

also had santa cruz give me some boards and clothes

Trips checked

I know this feel, but in MMA. Feels good man

being loved by a 15-yr-old boy named Matthew.

That's a huge accomplishment.

Winning Warsong Gulch straight up with a random pug against a premade Horde squad. Shit was off the chain. FOR THE ALLIANCE!

your life sounds awesome
I'm glad for you, user. Are you in a cult now?
tell us about your experience with mr. weinstein
you lucky bastard
don't listen to that guy, that's a pretty cool thing to do, provided it was in public
did you stick around for the results?
probably jewish
good samaritan or just a smart investor?

I do have research.
You believed faggot Nietzche
Your edge must be dull af

I finished Ghouls n' Ghosts (the Sega Genesis release) without dying once.
I also unofficially have the best score at Tetris DX in Ultra Mode (260K+) - pretty sure I played the perfect game

I think you could use this pic user

not him, but that faggot nietzsche had a few valid points throughout his work
too bad overall he was a pathetic cunt who died from syphilis contracted in a gay brothel

That was quite an edgy picture you brought into class.

Ghouls n' Ghosts lol. I finished that game once upon a decade or so ago...with help from my magical friend the Game Genie.

Saved a child from drowning once, that felt pretty good even though no one even said thank you and they looked at me like I was some sort of pedo

Wow, I begged to disagree with the other guy on a few points, but you are a giant douche, that's for sure.


color me impressed that game is absurdly hard

survived the korengal.

Becoming a police officer

>ace on a ranked game of siege in a 4-4 match point

That's better than creaming a barely 18 on her birthday

Only someone who thinks they are very clever would save this picture for future condescension.

I was still in college and was working as a night guard at the time. The facility I was guarding had only some potato computer that I was allowed to access. Naturally, I downloaded an emulator and played retro vidya for the better part of my shift. Since I'm mildly autistic, I started playing GnG over and over again, till I got it all memorized and muscle memory built. Took me about a few weeks, but it was sweet when I finally mastered it. Unlike most people, ridiculously hard platformers don't make me angry, quite the opposite, they help me stay calm and focused.

What....If... And hear me out here.... He was sick and fucking tired of peoples shit grammer all the fucking time?

>autism == bad

You should try recreational cannabis. Performance enhancing.

I kind of know how you feel. While I do get frustrated at games, it helps me try different approaches to an issue

Naturalized my illegal immigrant nannies whole family. Well her son and Daughter. They were on the. Rink of being deported due to some shitty pro bono nigger lawyer standing them up in court. If her daughter was deported back to el Salvador she was going to be forced into prostitution at 11 because her mom wouldn’t pay the extortion from the cayotes.

It took 2 years and cost $20,000

Also saved about 100 people on an air bot during Harvey. Pulled them out of their houses with their pets.

Ran a FEMA food distribution site during Ike. You should get an Amateur Radio (HAM) license.

Flew a Cessna 172 to Puerto Rico to drop of radio equipment.

I have spent many stormy nights pulling people out of flooded underpasses with my winch. I’m not a tow truck driver.

I just genuinely do my best work when shits the worst for others. I do it happily. I have been a Sup Forumstard for a VERY long time.

>quart of pot
a unit of liquid capacity equal to a quarter of a gallon or two pints, equivalent in the US to approximately 0.94 liter and in Britain to approximately 1.13 liters.


Good on ya user, that game is nightmare inducing hard.

I never had the patience for the extremely difficult platformers. I've broken NES controllers over platformers like the old Megaman games. Do you know how hard it is to break those old controllers? If you used one of those as a weapon, it would crack a skull open and not even dent.

Cannabis cures autism friendo. Quart short for quarter.

this was funny
God got bantz

I would argue for him that it could have been wax or oil, but he specifically said "pot". Gotta love randos

no it's not, but okay now I know you're a bitch who thinks that's a lot, too
try an o

It's just when I repeat the exact same mistake do I start throwing shit. It's not the game I'm mad at, its my own fucking failure to learn.

No, quart is a word with a specific meaning. You're just an idiot that doesn't understand shorthand. Not sure why your stupid ass didn't use 1/4. Furthermore, referencing a quarter ounce of weed is also typically called a quad. Wash behind your ears.