Don't wanna be an American idiot

Don't wanna be an American idiot.

There’s idiots everywhere. At least the American ones live in a better place than you.


Don't want a nation under the new media


he’s quoting a Green Day song you fag it’s bait

>only sith deal in absolutes

>lick my sweaty gym feets you alt-right gamer gating fascist scum! And if you touch anything else my black bf will cut your cock and balls off!




my dad played a nazi synthesizer in an band in the 80s

I know
It’s a green
Sung mate. What are u mad?


What kind of Faggot owns a business that uses any vehicle and dosen't have insurance on said vehicle?

Isn't he a white male? Or is that a chick?

it doesn't look like it is still in the gene pool, so it doesn't matter


I look at a lot of these people and think they have no idea how good they have it. So many of them would not know what to do if the shit hit the fan and would cling on to the police and government they claim to hate so much.

I wish we would have another nazi or soviet-esk oppression so these faggots could really experience what its like during times of extreme injustice.


These faggots have no idea what real fascism is. If they were really under fascist rule they wouldn't even be able to protest.

>lost wages
>time to get it repaired
>time waiting to get repaired

Those types of businesses time is literally money. Anything like this where a vechile is not out earning them money is money lost

