Friday-highday :)

friday-highday :)

I wish! Gonna buy some weed in Rotterdam soon, just got a hundred bucks for a picset I did, waiting for my bank to get the funds after I transferred em from PayPal.

Government has been hiking up prices on January 1st for years now. When I started smoking a pack of Winfield 20s was $7.50. Now a pack is $25+. 30 grams of tobacco was around $15 - $20 depending on quality. Now I think it's close to $40 - $50.

faggot rotterdam weed sucks

50usd for 20 cigs ? thats hard man..
i guess u are from australia ?

Is it that much worse than Amsterdam?

you just have to ask locals .. every shop owner will tell you that there stuff is the best..

No. $25+ NZD for a pack of 20s.

i started rolling bcuz i dont want to waste to money on addictive stuff :D
in Germany it's around:
6-7 USD for a pack of 20/21 cigs

i would love to know how much you smoke :D
your prices for tobacco are way higher than me ..

Same is Australia only AUD ofc

I don't smoke. When I did I would smoke a pack every 2 days. I was buying 3 packs a week for $18.20 each.

A pack would last me 2 days.

Where are you from ? shit i would quit too.. 60usd for tobacco per week ... damn

New Zealand. My mate found a dairy that sells a pack for $22 so we've bought a few packs this month for when we're on the piss.

Halts Maul du Hurensohn

OP is a german retard. Please take him with you to your country.

i love you too honey, when can we do our vacation ?

Und mit welcher Bedründung :D ?
Mad bro ?

your country has to be rich xD these taxes are fucked up.

Werd erwachsen und fange an die scheisse mit dem xD :D wegzulassen. Du dummes kind. Ist unerträglich

naja ich sag mal so, ich bin schon mit meinen 20ern , bin leider kein dummes Kind mehr ..
aber als trigger : "xD :D :P"

Danke trotzdem für die konstruktive kritik , ich wünsche ihren noch einen schönen Abend..