How did i lose on this?

How did i lose on this?

you kidding?

the cards are there for everyone to use so you have trip kings he has a full boat

No, I'm 100% serious. Flush draw needs 5 of a kind. it was his 3 Jacks vs my 3 Kings, no?

I checked every detail in the picture, cards, chips, player names, time, money ... just to realize that there's nothing to see and it's a troll post.


He has a full house you dense nigger.

He has a Full House, 3J 2K
You have three of a kind 3K


No, because he also had a pair of jacks, making his hand a full house.

Either you are trolling or you don't understand the rules of poker.

No, it was 3 jacks + 2 kings versus your 3 kings

Full house. Go play snap you fucktard.

If you can't figure out why you lost. go back to playing Go Fish

nah you should have won, game is messed up
keep playing

I've been trying to learn poker and i think this is the last thing i actually can't understand, Even by looking at the rules of a full house it just doesn't make sense

Someone explain to me as if i was a nigger 9yearold

everything everyone said + your 6 is useless card. you're a newfag for going all in there, that's why you lost.


your hand is the hand you create when you replace two cards on the table with your own two cards

this op

His best 5 cards vs. your best 5 cards.

>it was 3 jacks + 2 kings versus your 3 kings + a jack and a 7.

a full house consist of three of a kind and a pair. no matter what the numbers are aa long as it is a full house, they are a better hand than a three of a kind. you had three of a kind of kings, he had 3 of a kind of jacks AND a pair of jacks making it a full house

he has a three of a kind, you have a 2 of a kind. 3>2 git gud fagg

Online poker is rigged bro, go to a casino dont be a retard...

two gay men (JJ) beats your patriarchy (Kx)
it's the sjw rule. learn it

oh boi, you are mistaken as well

Thank you friends.

I actually understand now. Fuck this cancer rng game

Full house beats three of a kind

>rng game
>playing any card game
well there was your first mistake OP.

everyone leave this thread

If you can't see why you lost this hand, you have no business playing poker.

You fucking idiot....
Don’t play things you don’t know the rules for and blame the game when you suck

if you or anyone here was a real poker player you would know its exactly why we want him to keep playing poker

as bender would say:
"I only gamble with chumps."

Why? He had a good hand and only one person to beat. Shitty luck the other guy had pocket Jacks. Otherwise, he's got it made.

he didn't have a good hand, the only way it would have been remotely good is if he hit a king on the turn and prayed for 2, 6 or king

He should have bet higher on the flop or turn.

Of course, we don't know how the betting went so we can't really judge. I've won quite a few hands because the other person was checking or betting low, and then I catch something good at the end.

He had a shitty hand...

>all in

Which, again, because we don't know how the betting went, isn't necessarily the case.