Post your guitars faggots. pic related

Post your guitars faggots. pic related

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are they all fenders?

With the exception of the white strat. Thats a Parts caster that came out awesome. has a new warmoth neck not pictured

i used to have a stratocaster made in mexico like yours the one on the right but withou the sparkly bit. not really my type of guitar but theyre nice. ever since i got brian may’s red special i cant get off it. 10/10 guitar €700. fuckin worth it

My babies (also yes I know both guitars have broken strings but I'm fixing that today

your bass looks autistic

It kind of is. I mean it was 60 bucks and it sounds decent, no no complaints

Sold my epiphone les paul 8 years ago and still didn't buy another guitar.

Here's what's on the wall.

Mando, Martin mini, tenor, and fretless bass.

Not pictured are three electric 6, 5-string electric bass, upright bass, 12-string acoustic


Nice bass. I've always thought acoustic basses are cool


Those fucking frets tho.

> (You)
>Nice bass. I've always thought acoustic basses are cool

It's a cheap Applause I got back in the 90's, made in Real Korea. The pickup has never worked, but it's a good neck and stays in tune forever. Not very loud, so better for practicing alone.

how is the Red? I need a trem 3 single coil guitar, but I cant stand the look of strats for some reason. not into queen myself.

It's like midpoint between a strat and tele without the soy, it's a soycaster without being called a fag.

that actually sounds pretty good. ill check one out.


The soy? Soycaster?
I'm not following. You mean, like Made in Japan?

My basses

Parallel frets are for the weak

Is there a reason to have multiple guitars or basses? Do they sound different or are handled different, is it asthetics or what?

Sorry I'm a poor fag I have had the same guitar for the past 8 years works for me but never really understood guitarrist having multiple guitars.

Different tunings, string count, sound, feel, look, etc. All of those things inspire different music for me. Helps with writers block.

Different sounds, different tones, different tunings. There's plenty of different pickups. Even minor details like the material the strings are made of can impact a guitar's sound. You wouldn't used a strat for metal, and you wouldn't use a warlock for country. You also don't want to have to keep changing the tuning, especially if you're going lower, because it will sound like shit guaranteed. Twangy and out of tune. I have a Les Paul in C# standard, an acoustic in standard, and a strat in D#. Some people even go the extra mile and get a guitar just for a drop tuning. Kind of extra, but if you're playing gigs, you may not want to spend time tuning.

anyone in central MA wanna jam?

To me the analogy is colors on a palette. I mean I can get a Strat with a humbucker in the bridge but it just is not going to sound like a real Les Paul. So having different guitars for tonal color variations is my reasoning, with guitars are fucking cool gimme more & different guitars influencing different playing my other reasons.

I mean if you play a Fender scale neck 25.5" and then a Gibson scale neck 24.75" there's a palpable difference that for me at least changes my playing a bit.

Pic is my Nash 60's Strat, Nash is a boutique brand that makes some really great guitars. Of course real Fenders are great but for a relic'd 60's Strat from the Fender Custom Shop you're looking at about $4000, I got the Nash for $2200 with another complete wired pickguard of Seymour Duncan Antiquity classic 50's Strat pickups so I can swap out the pickguard that's on it loaded with Lollars.

Love that color, man

Washburn, Gibson and some classical beaters I'm working on restoring. Mia Gretsch Rancher Jr I lent to a bud.

Different body types for acoustics give drastically different tone. Electrics you can mess with tons of parts to change the way they sound. Sometimes it's nice to have multiple guitars in different tunings.
I just buy cheapos from pawnshops and try to find something that sounds and feels good.
