Wonder if anyone will remember this thread

Wonder if anyone will remember this thread.


Floor 291 reporting, does anyone else smell that burning smell in the elevator shaft?

Other urls found in this thread:


What use is a apartment. All it is is a stone prison for the soul. Yaunder to the wild. Live in what mother earth gifted us.

Yep, i can see another Japanese guy which suicided here from the underground parking lots

Fuck, isn't that the fifth guy in the past 3 hours?

I’d like to file a complaint. I think my neighbor has been collecting cum jars and also he drilled a hole to my room and keeps sticking his cock through. I’m just trying to watch anime and he’s just dry fucking my dry wall. Can I be moved to a higher floor?

This is the guy that was dressed as a plumber from Floor 120, you realise I dragged you into this apartment because you were living under a fucking rock. Be grateful.

You've gotta take it to the ground floor man, but I heard the dindus were down there starting a fire or some shit again. Your call if you wanna try and brave that shit my man.

He calls me “Rainbow Dash” and he reaks of stale cum and expired chicken tendies. I just wanna get off Mr Bone’s Wild Ride.

If you wait long enough the ride drops you off on floor 505, but last time I heard of someone being there they never came back. You can decide if that's a better fate than where you're already at.

I'm from floor 291, and you know, I may or may not have caught my sofa on fire...

Floor 666 here, the ritual failed again and we're starting to think it's because one of the members is jewish. Will update with results if anything progresses.

Im about to drop 5 tabs of acid and smoke some DMT, im on floor 421, could anyone be my trip sitter?

Hi user from floor 33. I’m having an issue of Dindus who always put Kielbasa sausages in their pants (I’ve seen that them put it in their pants at the end of the hallways) and they just knock on our doors really loud and just shout “LOL U MAD WHITE BOI?!” And then they chimp out and they stop by every room. Can you please send security to fix this issue? Its very disruptive.

I called security and they told me they no longer deal with dindus. Apparently the triple k mafia has a floor and they said to contact them but they wouldn't tell me what floor it was. Sorry mate.

>Barry bingo keeps rattling off numbers and wandering the halls, occasionally screaming BINGO and shitting on the floor,

>The meth lab on the floor above mine keeps leaking unknown substances through the floor, Right above my bed, I am sleeping in the kitchen of my apt.

>The guy 3 doors down keeps bringing intoxicated strippers home and forcing them to eat whole bowls of eggs. The screams and smell of hard boiled eggs is overwhelming.

>Fridgebro keeps his sour cream for years on end then opens them all at once. Also he has a population of raoches and flys that evacuate when that happens and the whole building is almost cursed by by god.

>There is a floor full of poorly done trannys and they all hit on you when i try to leave the building.

Why did i move in here?

What has my life become?

Please help me,

Floor 200 by the way.

I heard floor 200 was way beyond fucked, I think all that's left is try to move up or just dive out the window and go the easy way.

user from floor 83 here. I’m surrounded by lefty Sup Forums and regular Sup Forums fags. Their constant bickering over the slightest things is getting annoying. Plus they both smell awful and always try to think they’re smarter than eachother. I get Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto nailed on my fucking door weekly. At leadt I have a /fit/ bro thats pretty chill on this floor. The mate’s a chad. Everyone else fucking sucks. Can I move please?

Basement dweller here. Some smartass decided to put his 2 liters full of saved cum next to my 2 liters full of saved cum. Now I can't figure out who's is who's. wat do?

Fucking kek.

dorrego y luis maria campos
this building is high class


Can someone in this building PLEASE fuck my ass??

I tried jumping out the window there is an netted trampoline right below my window 4 floors down and You climb in trampoline dudes window, he rambles about god and being a savior, then you either leave the room or let him try out his homemade roto dildo on you, a drill with a dildo on it. His room is full of shitstains and empty KY bottles.

Do a taste test.

Anyone want some hair crisps? $23 for u

Fuck off I just plucked some shitty image off google

what floor tho

Could anyone help me on floor 98? I have nothing but atheists claiming they're IQ is 147 and keep saying my god isn't real. It's moved far beyond pestering and is now full blown harassment. Can someone inform security?

There is an apartment left here in flloor 77 after Ady Sixx logposters were evacuated. They are currently swarming in 80th floor area.

floor XIII, climb over the watermelons on the stairs

Floor 67 here. There are so many fucking gloryholes in my wall and all the dindus are doing crack and raping everyone outside my room. Someone fucking zimmerman these niggers

Anyone seen Jesus around? He has been cutting his cocaine with dried powdered cum, and I have not done any I just caught him in a maintenance closet he turned into a drug station, He was cumming on a piece of paper and putting under UV light. Who do I contact about this?

Send them to trampoline guys room, he wants to show them god, and his new roto dildo from bad dragon dot com.

Just walked into the fucking restroom of floor 835 and this is what I found. Why are these fucking niggers playing poker in the restroom.

Hello user #758808191. We’ve received your complaint and have dispatched 2 guards to apprehend the nuissances. The guards should take care if them easily as they are probably fat neckbeards who have no physical strength at all. Here at the Sup Forums tower where the pool is always closed due to aids and stingrays, we hope to provide a sanctuary to autistic misfits of society suh as yourself! Have a nice day!

I think you had to much of jesuses stuff, that is not poker user.

Watch out for It's a trap, this apartment doesn't have that nice of a reception, it's constantly on fire due to the fucking dindus

heard there were a few traps on floor 69, if that's who you're looking for.

Hello user 758810153. Sorry for the inconvenience but I regret to inform you that Jesus has amnesty towards any and all charges due to the fact that he is the messiah of an entire religion and because he is magic. We cannot do anything to help. Have a nice day!

Noted. Thanks! My thoughts and prayers have finally worked. And you know what they say, "Prayer works."

Hello user 758810340. The didnu residents enjoy their games in the most unconventional areas. We cannot do anything to remove them because we di not want to seem racist. As any action against any dindus often result in bad publicity. Sorry and have a nice day!

OK, I've chugged them both down to nothing. I still can't tell which is which.

Bring it to reception and make them taste it.

Who's crying in the room next to mine, and why haven't they stopped in hours?

Hello user 758810921. Our front desk slaves’s job descriptions regretably does not include “tasting semen of random faggots.” We apologize for the inconvenience.

hello, reception? i need a cleanup crew up here on floor 999x10^16. a bunch of neckbeards just *teleported behind my roommate* and sliced him into little pieces of sushi with their katanas.
pic related, it's the only clear shot I have of their xXclan leaderXx

Excuse me I'd like to speak to the front desk. I'll have you know my IQ is 147, and I was just rudely escorted from the building. I will share with you the secrets of my famed "fedora flipperoo" stunt, and one odd stare that is maintanted for a few seconds longer than is comfortable if you return my key.
-M (Denier of Illusions)

yes, I think it was number 12's charcoal trying to run away again

Okay, which fucker took a dump on my doorstep?

it's me, my tendies just expired. sorry user :(

Floor 911 here... I got planes homing in here.

Hello user #758811096. We will dispatch a janitorial unit to the location immediately. They should arrive in approximately 7,688 years by elevator. Our greatest consolences towards your friend who most likely had a mental impairment. Thank you and have a nice day!

fuck sake user this is the fifth time this week

I have more, user 758811219. May you let me in?

Ah good day user 758811115. We greatly apologize for your forced removal, but there have been complaints and Moot’s spirit has confirmed us to remove you from the presence. Have fun with your life of worthlessness and have a good day!

Wow reception in this building has inproved.

It's over. Nice day.

Floor 699 here. I've jammed the elevator using a short inanimate carbon rod. The motors are staining but cannot move. They will burn out soon. I cannot let the upper floors get through. Something is happening up there. I can see what looks like snow falling from my window. But the temperatures are mild it must be for ash from a fire.

Floor 42069 here, which floor has the closest gym?

Hell are we out of plane repellents again? Last time I checked internet explorer was working faster than the services in this place.

Sorry mate, the closest floor with a gym is floor 3, so you've got a long fucking way to go. They say just jumping out the window and banking on the fact that trampoline guy has been around is the best way to go down.



A big fucking shirtless italian guy shoved me in an empty room on my way out, threw some keys at me and told me rent is due at the beginning of the month.
He then proceeded to kick down the neighboring door and shout "BADA BOOM BADA BING" and beat the elderly occupant to death

The ground floor niggers won't let me leave until I "pay reparashuns n sheeeit"

My phone doesn't dial out of the building and there's no fucking air conditioning I'M GOING TO DIE HERE

yeah man, come on in. floor 184858292, take a right from the elevator, and you're practically there. door should be unlocked, but I can't get up to check because my skinny ankles can't hold my 965 pounds of awesomeness. see you in a couple years when you get here.

Hello user 758811583. The the closest gym in on the very first floor but some gentlemen have made their own gyms on floor 71, 918, and 7,662

Floor Shintysix here. Does anybody know how to fix tvs? I was halfway through watching Dogfucking Nignog Bastards part 4 when the damn thing exploded.

must be either the nogs or the dindus, they do shit like that all the time on my floor.

>Stopping the fire from using the elevator, thus saving the rest of us from a firey death
God bless you user.
-Floor seven hundred an- oh for fuck sake.

I heard some guy called Lucas Baker on floor number 7 is pretty good with electronics, but apparently you can't get electricals from him without some sort of brutal twist, so good luck if you're desperate.

Yo I'm gonna go get groceries for all of us can you guys watch my sister and make sure nothing bad will happen to her?

Welcome to hell boyo,

Go to doomsday dan if you need supplies,
He has everything from cheap alcohol, marb reds and american spirits, as well as thousands of cans of baked beans and regular beans, every bean.

And other supplies from tampons to slightly used dildos.

doomsday dan the local supplies man, located on floor 100, room 32c

Please knock 6 times if you knock any less he will shoot you through the door thinking they do not know the code.

Log of resident of floor 36753: In my exploration of floors 54323- 55555I've located some interesting documents. I've also realized that as I continue higher the artifacts im finding at getting older and older. The floors are long abandoned. Except for one which had a small community which developed around a vending machine which endlessly dispensed a crude protein bar and perfectly clear water.

get me the heaviest thing they have
-Floor 99999
(p.s. elevator's broken srry)

Which floor was the SCP's contained again? Bob got himself lost there.

Hello user 758811843. We sincerely apologize that you found yourself in literal hell in a building for of autists, weebs, misfits, failures, and creeps. Yes you will most likely die here, but you can sign up for our special life insurance policy to at least provide for your remaining family when you die. It does not apply if you are murdered by a dindu. That money is for reparations to the dindus because muh racism. Thank you and have a nice day.

Floor 1999 reporting in - could the front desk please arrange for a Mr. Fermi to be removed from the premises ? I'm trying to sleep and he keeps yelling 'Where is everybody?'

Do you know if we can remove the advertisement for that porn game? it's in the basement down there

>takes the stairs
>walks through door with tendies

Say, wanna be roommates?

All I see is people complaining...
Come down here to the sub-zero leveles, like level -23 where all we get is rotten air through old vents and mutated creatures from below lurk in the dark floors and corners.

BRB hear something scratching at my appartment door. Gun loaded.

*tickles ur butthole*

Hello user #758812509. We dispatched one security guard who suffers from Down Syndrom to take care of the issue. It may take 2 months to solve the problem as the downy officer may get lost and forget his task. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Floor 13 1/2 Inbetween two levels only way there is a veritcal ladder acess, there are no working lights and it is pretty much a glorified crawlspace. Be careful there user because It is not the SPCs youshould be scared of, it is Poop Paul you gotta worry about, He coated every wall and item in his small room in shit and does jenkem all day, some call him a sage others a madman. Please be safe looking for bob,

what if it was...
...yours ALL ALONG!!!!!!

floor 88 here, some of my gas canisters had a leak, I just dropped them off at the door of the shekelbergs on floor 97

Here I lost 20 lbs via the stairs and got you thes-WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SISTER!??!?!

Upon reaching floor 55555 I've found my way blocked in an interesting way. It appears there was an attempt to disguise this floor as the "top" floor. Passages to the higher floors have been blocked by a false wall that is now deteriorating. It will take me a few days to make a passage through. I'm assuming the previous occupants took the repeating digits to be very important and suicide this must be the final floor.

Well I like floor 200, but It is hard to get down to the lower floors so I can actually escape this place. Doomsday dan has helped alot I only buy the canned food and alcohol and some cigs, everything else is dirty.

Hello user 758812620. Yes the sublevels are for the tards mainly. Their extreme disfigurement has caused far too much trouble on the upper floors. We apologize that we have mistakenly placed you there to die a painful and cold death. Would you like to sign up fir the life insurance policy?

Apparently if you roll into illusory walls they disappear.
I just heard it was a legend but hey give it a go.

We can't. EA lurks down there and you might have to sell 1000 kidney's and your soul to get that removed user.

We have a kek and check infestation on my level.

Hello user #758812870. You cannot escape as the Government will not allow such toxic people into society. If you haven’t guessed it already, this is a prison/daycare to the most toxic individuals on earth. You cannot leave. Thank you and have a nice day.


Sir if the second amendment applies here I could possibly save him


Andy Sixx visited us last night. Toilet's clogged.

Lol you think we have rights in this shithole prison?

Yes user 758813065. The second amendment does imply as it is still in United States soil. God speed user and have a pleasant afternoon.

floor -500, could you all stop shitting so much and flushing your needles down the toilet? a pipe here has a leak and i cant enjoy rick and morty because of all the shit and needles around me

Get your shit together front office.

Uh, yeah get me out here, or send more ammunition.
7.62 would do fine.