Waifu thread

waifu thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>lies and slander
>he sends me boys pic
>isn't a fag



Homos begone with your own picture





Hmm oki, haven't really been watching animu for about 2 years now anyways

cutie cabbit
how does the rice not fall apart?

i'm not gay


Now away with you or get a proper waifu.

>Glitch City best Bartender claimed

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня

you're bi

life isn't fair

not yet you aren't

it's sticky rice
it sticks


pfft, I liked Naruto when I was a kid. took in some other better things later so you know. My opinion ain't worth shit in anime stuff.

>A Ninetails appears


You have to wash it, you wash the rice a few times before cooking it to take out the starch, you cook it, and it gets sticky.
Sup Laura.

Nobody can beat the mama Africa
You follow the beat that she’s gonna give you
I need a smile you can love
Make it go, the sufferation of a thousand more

her yukari


STOP posting my waifu/husbando and start posting women.

I saw him first!

This is Chen, you baka-ass motherfucker

My friend thats Sonokawa/Aikawa
fuck off kurumi

>you baka-ass motherfucker
Fuck, why did this make me laugh.


Rem claimed

shit sorry Reimu
how you doing today

I have hardly watched naruto, but I meant that I haven't seen any anime for about 2 years

can you do that with any rice? I want to do that now
post more waifu pics, duke~

Did you now :3


Dynabeat, you better keep it grooving
Dynabeat all the night
Dynabeat, you better keep on dancing
Dancing, now all the night
Dynabeat, you better keep it grooving
Dynabeat all the night
Dynabeat, you better keep on dancing
Dancing, now all the night

i saw someone in a fursuit cosplaying as ran recently
made me laugh

i'm serious though
rice made that way tastes a lot better than rice that doesn't stick


Trying to figure out some family issues atm.

Is there more news on Fate/Extella Link yet?

Well i claimed him first taking one for the team, SO get your own.
>My friend thats Sonokawa/Aikawa
What. That's astolfo.

Ever since I've moved out, just havn't had the time for it. Too damn busy. I know the feels.

BACK OFF IMPOSTER i'm astolfo poster today.

I'm fine, well not fine. I'm playing Monster Hunter world, and guns aren't that great, contrary to what the NRA tells me

Time for Supeku


all we know for now is the release date in japan
June 7th, 2018


MHW is pretty damn fun, and what gun have you shot?
M249 best weapon

The person posting him is sono

You > me. Get a new waifu for this thread its's mine.
>The person posting him is sono
I do not know who that is, I've on;y been here a few times fill me in. Is this not the same person from last thread.

I was referring to the guns in MHW, but I've shot Henry rifles, i have a soft spot for lever actions.





Why would he post Black_Rider?

I just want to know if we have to buy the game again or if it's some kind of DLC. As a person who owns the Switch version of the game, that information is important because no Switch version of the game has been confirmed.

so i can fap to them too

Why would not he post Black_Rider?


She's cute~
Thanks, I'm not a rice expert ; - ;


chen you idiot, you're shooting at GIANT FUCKING MONSTERS with THICC skin
I never shot lever actions, only ARs and military weapons :(

it's an entirely new game, you dumdum

you can ignore the sono accusations
someone's just trying to instill paranoia

neither am i
but i tried (and failed) making sushi once

>playing Fate games
>playing the switch
Imagine for a second, because any longer would be dangerous, having tastes that are this shit and being this retarded

Oh then your sono, sorry.
Thought you were discount megumeme lole

I don't know how psychopaths think.

Okay, but now I still wonder if it's going to get a port for the Switch or not.

I'll fill you in.

Yeah, but I'm using an artillery piece. Well, now I use a spear and a butterfly

My mom used to buy """sushi""" from this Mexican lady. It was good
Nice socks

>you can ignore the sono accusations
>someone's just trying to instill paranoia
If you guys got problems then i'll just piss off for now and probably go back to lurking. Didn't want to get involved in some weird shit just wanted to shitpost with someone who'd put up with it.


Best Jill

Heyo user~

I know she is, and she's mine

You don't want to show her off, duke?

i have a few chinese and japanese restaurants near me, most of which sell sushi
the place i get groceries from also has a fresh sushi bar inside
thigh highs are good

nah you'd just be giving in to it then
it's just some silly drama, but it's easy to ignore
keep on shitposting buddy


yes victorique is a cutie

Don't know why people hate Sonokawa so much.

You own her?




Cute user



give me a (You) me Sayori
give me a (You) me Sayori
give me a (You) me Sayori
give me a (You) me Sayori
give me a (You) me Sayori
give me a (You) me Sayori

>keep on shitposting buddy
Really don't have a point if the guys waifu i "stole" isn't here or was here other then that i don't even got anything interesting to talk about. So i'll juts pop in and out for a joke or make an ass of myself.



nice feet



i'm that guy
you're stupid uwu

ps4 and vita only my dude

charge blade and long sword are best

you're playing on ps4, Marisa?

hey Saya!

took a shit and showered, sorry my dude

Cute feet

nom nom :3


Hi Astolfo

that works too

Hi hi how are all of you today?