Fucked her last week AMA

Fucked her last week AMA

got nudes?

get a life

Did you let her fuck your asshole with that monster nose?

how big is her dick?

Sadly she doesn't let herself get recorded anymore because apparently she's had them leaked before
KEK she gave nice head

Not a trap sorry user



see ya

Tell us about how she gives head

After she came riding me she laid down between my legs, I took the condom off and she sucked me dry

You fucked a solid 6/10 good job OP.

Thanks user


well post them then

ive seen her on Sup Forums before, why do you care so much you have to lie on here??

I don't have them
I've seen her too, but I've actually fucked her

Bullshit, this woman is at least an 8 or 9 to me. I envy you OP.

Thanks user, damn near almost came when I was fucking her doggy

This doesn't prove anything. This could be your mom's bra

Nudes or it didn't happen

Please read

no, you didn't, lying faggot

Ok if you say so user

You found a female beaner that wants to fuck? Say it aint so!! I will be equally surprised if she has a kid already and also wanted to get high.


Average nigger beaner is average.

So it didn't happen


Did she ever let you cum on her face?

That’s hot

Show her wearing those

She’s looking even hotter as she grows up

Sadly she doesn't let me cum on her face. Swallows most times though, so can't complain. Came on her tits a few times too.
Yeah her tits are pretty big
She doesn't let me take pics or I would user

I know, and her tits and ass keep getting bigger, wonder if it's all the doggy

>She doesn't let me take pics or I would user


Quit posting this faggot ass sageable thread

Not trying to have her through a fit and stop fucking over a pic

I hope so, enjoy her user! She’s famous. Also be sure to cum on her face, you’ll regret it if you don’t.

Anal whore ?

>tfw Sup Forums won't let you sage anymore

Doesn't work in options?

type sage in options to not bump


Thanks user. She always gets stared at by guys in public, wonder if they know. And I'll try, but glad she swallows my loads.

Doesnt do anal