Would you have lunged at him too?

Would you have lunged at him too?


No but the judge is right not to charge him.

nah having lived hard stuff doesn't excuse or justify reckless actions.

Probably not, but then again, I wouldn't have left my underage daughter unattended with him either.

if it was my daughter, yes

I would've given him a little kiss on the nose >.

I like to think I would have not said anything before attacking and been able to get one good punch in. Fuck Nassar and fuck anyone for blaming a father for sticking up for his three daughters.


A LOT of these girls had one of their parents in the room when he molested them.

I would have found a better way to make sure he ended up dead

So the parents did nothing? well shit, starting to think that maybe the parents were fucking retarded too?


I would make a call to whichever prison he gets sent to and pay off the warden for my five minutes.

>the judge is right to not charge a violent nigger for assaulting a man

He used his body to shield what his hands were doing while a parent was in the room.

Please read about this before commenting.

The guy's about to spend the rest of his existence locked away. What do you mean sticking up for his daughters? How much do you need punish someone to make you feel like you're in a higher moral ground? The justice system is there for a reason.

find someone in the same prison with nothing to loose, pay his family and have him take care of it

I would have at at least been quick enough to grab a sheriffs gun and shoot him in the forehead before they grabbed me and took me down

>assaulting a man already in chains is "sticking up for his three daughters"

I feel like you meant to post this in response to someone else?

good luck working the retention holster before the bailiff beats your fucking ass

Personal revenge is sweeter and more delightful than the justice system

There's lawful justice and personal justice.


Guess again, nigger.

Oh I would have gotten it out in time, lol

muhfuggin operatin like an operator up in this nigga

Nah it's not lol
Maybe in your head it is, you're probably not thinking of the consequences of breaking the law to fulfill a selfish impulsion. News flash, that's how you end up in jail.

>This faggot is actually defending bad parenting
wew lad

And your point is?

Go back to cod kid.

News flash: if that guy skullfucked that piece of shit with his bare hands in a courtroom, he would become elevated to the upper echelon of gods among men within 10 minutes of that being on the internet

"A man" does not molest 150+ kids and then bitch to the judge in a wimpy six-page letter about how awful it is to hear them describe the aftermath.

Only to shake his hand.


Did for tv.didnt even get close.there was nothing stopping him from killing this guy.he got no balls

maybe there's still some gymnast poose juice on it

Was he one of the parents who was in the room while Nassar fingered his daughter under the towel?

>changing the definition of "man" to make yourself feel better about petty revenge against a human being who made a simple mistake

He didn't even make it to the guy. He didn't even assault anyone. The only thing he could be "charged" with is Contempt of Court. He wasn't resisting arrest because he wasn't under arrest. He didn't assault anyone because he was stopped before he could.

Literally a case of legally did dun do nuttin wrong, but unironically.

>poose juice

150 simple mistakes.

Revenge for someone raping your daughter isn’t petty

Yeah by that logic anyone who doesn't have any self control and does reckless shit and puts on the internet is a fucking hero. Oh shit you must be a fan of the Paul family aren't ya?

hand slipped.

I'll be honest, some of those gymnast, my hand would slip a lot too.

not what he said dumbo. You failed reading comprehension in second grade huh?

Rape isn't even a big deal, like nigga just walk it off.

Yea you’re right, he should have planned it out better

Turning left instead of right is a mistake. Molesting more than 150 girls under the guise of medical care... has me angry enough to write back to a troll like you. Bye.

Trips of truth
>hand slipping is ok.

Just need to beat his ass but not kill him. Let him be torchered everyday until they kill him.


That at least would've been smarter than:
"Your honor, can I beat him up pls?"
Talk about making yourself the first suspect if the guy dies in mysterious circumstances.

Why are you guys so quick to want to kill him? He has another good 40 years of being Tyrone's bitch. I hear people in prison don't take kindly to kiddie fiddlers.

What the fuck is wrong with you, are you going to go rape a girl too?


Well I’m sure bubba and anthony will get dibs on raping and shanking his ass in prison, or he’ll end up doing an Ariel Castro with the bedsheets

i'm not opposed to the idea per se

You don’t have any respect for women

Exactly. But the Dad should have the right to beat him to an inch of his life.



>all of these internet tough guys

you people are faggots

>people should be able to disregard laws against assault in certain situations because "muh feelings"



He was doing it for attention, nothing more. He waited for his day to stand in front of the dozens of cameras so he could get on national news, and everyone could say wow he cares so much about his daughters, what a tough and good guy. Now he can get on national TV some more with some morning show interviews and whatnot. Total exploitation.

He'll be in protective custody forever. He'll never be assaulted. Too high profile.

if he cared so much for his daughters he wouldn't have ruined their childhood by pushing them to become elite-level athletes

You can be charged with assault for attempting to assault. It is literally the same crime.

>mfw all you guys are retarded
>Nassar will have 6 months to a year of isolation before placement in GenPop
>Will be placed with a cellmate with similar offense
>Will be have 3 hots and a cot for decades to come
>Be able to enjoy luxury items eventually
You faggots have no idea what prison is really like, the worst of it is the "hurry up an wait" attitude of the CO's and the occasional beef between prisoners, which is less common than you think. Enjoy your taxes and the retard father's, going to the prison to house this dude.

Absolute truth. In a just world, the father would be in jail. Molestation shouldn't be a crime, it's just a little bodily contact. Where do we draw the line? Do we arrest a man for touching a girl's shoulder? Shaking her hand? Sexual eye contact? Where the fuck is justice in this world?

nah, tbh would've just bribed some deputy to fuck him up, pay more if they can manage to get me in there somehow

I wouldn't say that. He should be in jail, but that's unrelated to the father's actions.

Never read anything so asinine [/spoiler]today[spoiler]

I don't know user, but I'd say sticking your finger up a 9 year old's ass is pretty molestation-e.



I would not even think twice! I would even want to go to jail for it!

Oh they don't. He has to remain in protective custody for the rest of his life, which is essentially solitary confinement.

Who gives a shit most of these fucking whores are thots who would have no problem if Tyrone stuck his finger up their butts.
That dad's a fucking retard and I hope his wife divorces his dumb, beta ass.

You're pretty fucking stupid, kid. Nassar will be dead within 2 weeks unless he requests isolation, in which case he'll go insane after a couple years. Child molesters don't survive long prison sentences intact.

I would pay someone to have a room alone with him for 5 minutes

so you can blow him?

He's still locked up. Which is the point. What's your point? Saying people don't understand life in prison...oh I know stuff you don't here let me make a useless post to show the internet how woke I am. Fuck off cock collector.

to give him a high five, is what most of Sup Forums would do.

Nassir is going to die in prison anyways. If there is one thing criminals do for society in prison is kill bastards like Nassir. I’d pay to watch the fucker die

Guess Leddit came over.


I would have been jealous enough to tear him apart!

I honestly cringed watching the video

but then you have to prove intent which means its solvable with the proper application of money

>Hating child molesters is reddit
Watch that edge kid.

Courthouses have metal detectors at each entrance for this reason

The bigger question is, did Nassir do it?

There are like 10,000,000 women who now say he fingered them. That puts him in league with Hefner, Guccione, and Mick Jagger.

>Never been to prison
>The post
Isolation is mando for child molestation and rape for that very reason or at least it was in mine. CO's said it was commonplace.

The point being that it's useless to argue and the father is an attention whore, just like his daughters.

they were teens.

For all the bad rap lawyers get, you cunts seem to be ignoring the fact his lawyer put himself between the attacker and the pedo. 'Cause that's the kind of shit good lawyers do.