I only want ylyl and jews

I only want ylyl and jews.
This is the dream Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



That's a good idea user, I just feel a lot of the charm of this board exists in the fact that it's different every so often. Having the same images every time seems like it would be boring.

That's why I hid the niggers, and logposts, and all.

Does anyone have the webm or gif of woody telling buzz, "look out it's an alien" And then I shows a vagina with Googly eyes? If someone's does they'll forever be my hero


ur a faget

you forgot to filter yourself stupid phoneposter


Why don't Jews give oral?
Why give something away when you can put a price on it?





Well, Op is a faggot. But what else is new?





>asks for ylyl
>gets ylyl


B&nan&cgh hd dc


mostly this but I dont mind furfags and gore coz they were here almost from beginning
all rest is fluctuating cancer
and it will pass
like the crap that was here before

all waifus to be posted in this thread a shit

You forgot sfur, gfur, traps, cd, mentally ill, and honestly everything that isn't ylyl lmao

kek my wordfilter caught trap, I had to expand this comment

+1 for 4chanX




Is the joke the fact that this guy is like 50 still living with his mom and buying into the same memes as a 12 year old?



I love this one


The joke is you commenting on it.




No, most likely the guy had a friend saved as mom in his contacts so they could make the joke.

there are no jokes here, only cancer.




r8 my jam m8


Its a fucking meme filter you inbred simpleton.

Couldn’t the guy just be at his moms for dinner helping out?

Yea and they keep themselves contained