General orb discussion. Post your orb pictures and experiences. dubs gets a visit from my grampas orb

General orb discussion. Post your orb pictures and experiences. dubs gets a visit from my grampas orb.


>post your pics of out of focus dust particles/rain illuminated by flash

do you have any proof a ghostly presence isnt the culprit?

Dude, go to /x/ they will accept you there. Sup Forums is not for this shit.

Go to where you belong.

Do you have any proof that it is?

shouldn't you be in a flat earth thread?

proof is in the pictures. Unless you have proof you are all idiots.

look closer



>I'm not autistic. You just cant handle that someone may have the ability to see spirits while you remain unremarkable in comparison

nice orbs.

thnx, orbs are my fav

ITT: Theorists claims other people need to disprove their theory in order to prove them wrong.

OK user, i'm GOD prove me wrong. Oh yeah you can't guess i'm god then...

same, I'm thinking about buying a DSLR and heading to newtown. I want to take pictures of the lost souls and send them to the parents so they can feel a little better about what happened.

checked. grab a camera tonight and try and get my granpas orb on film.


get the high quality pics for the non believers

i'm on it. i have to decrypt my drive that has the orb stuff



my grandmas orb follows me everywhere. at first i didn't believe in orbs but now I see them everywhere I go. scared me at first but now I'm okay with with it. right on OP we need to spread orb awareness

this is a pretty clear one.

thanks, if we open up enough minds and cultivate interests we can get to the bottom of this phenomenon and possibly communicate with our granpas

I already can communicate with my grandmas orb. it took years of it following me around and attempting to communicate with me for me to understand the 'language' of 'orbs'.

here is a pic of my gma

shes remarkable. when was first contact?

here is a pic of me as a kid with my gmas orb following me around since basically her death when I was a toddler

What's your dog's name?

it's not my dog. its my neighbor's picture he gave to me before he died

I know you probably think I'm joking around but this is very real, her orb has been following me around since I was baby and I can talk to her. I am so happy you also experience this because I couldn't find anyone else who believed me/ at least believed in 'orbs'

I have yet to make contact but when i do ill trap it in a jar and make another thread as proof


Dust. it's fucking dust......jesus

here is a photo of me speaking at a ceremony for her memory 15 years after her death. Again, notice the orb. I can't be the only one that see's this right? Notice the similarities between the orb when I was a child and the orb when I was about 19 years old. It looks like her presences has gotten stronger or maybe it's just because camera quality has improved.

Stay asleep sheeple, it's just dust, nothing to see here.

You understand that I released this photo 8 years ago when I finally realized and that is indeed me in the picture? It's one of the first photos capturing orbs in the early 2000's and basically sparked the whole orb phenomena.

here is me at one of my girlfriends houses, she wanted to be cute and take a picture. this was before my granpas passing but right after my first cat died in her sleep. I think she is with me still along with my granpa.

What should i see?

a troll thread

look in the top corner you have to be very observant to catch an orb

sorry i mean top of the picture not the corner. that looks to be the orb of a young lady

girlfriend sent me this on snapchat

ur a fkin idiot thats mia khalifa

the guys an orb hunter, he can get any girl he wants why would he lie. the fact hes being humble about it proves its real.

Ooooo..... You caught dust motes in your flash. They're very much in the foreground, hence way out of focus and brightly lit.

Not sure if bait or retards


yeah sure i'm going to believe some random google post over millions of specialist. nice troll bird brain..