Why is it that people that have never been in a fight talk to the most shit...

Why is it that people that have never been in a fight talk to the most shit? Does getting socked in the face a few times really calm down people like this?

It's like... virgins talking about "slaying pussy" when they never even touched one...

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If you don't know how much it hurts to get hit then you won't be as afraid of it. This is pretty simple logic here man.

I know people who have had their asses kicked multiple times and still talk alot of shit.

>virgin shit talker detected

>If you don't know how much it hurts to get hit t
That's the things tho, it doesn't. Getting punched feels like nothing. The next day, sure, but at the moment no.

Nah I think it has more to do about how you were raised and how much of a bitch you become because of it. I'm not much of a fighter but I don't go around talking shit to everyone I meet. (Maybe a few though)

Think so too. Gotta stem from how you're raised. Not a fighter or "Rambo" either, just stick up for myself and got into a few fights because of that. Just seems like people who never been in one talks the most shit.

Most of the shit talkers I know have been beat up multiple times. It's all good though, they get what they deserve. One word of advice, don't get freindly with loudmouths and you won't have to back them up when they start shit with strangers. Been there done that and none of them were worth it.

So it's like brain deficiency then? "This hurts, better do it again!!!"

The handful of people ive known like that obviously have something wrong with them so..

check out Charlie Zelenoff on youtube to see what somebody like that looks like.

Talking a big game generally keeps me out of fights. People aren't entirely sure if I'll blow up their house or something. That said I've been in plenty of fights and while I haven't won them all, noone as been stupid enough to fuck with me a second time.

If you've ever been in a real fight, don't go looking for another one

Wise words from my pop

Charlie is fucked in the head! Got his ass beat too many times, but truth be told, he got a mean hook! Bet that how he thinks he got people.

I always burst out laughing when I see him catching people off guard. Watching him is actually hilarious but hed piss me the fuck off if I was around him.

Heard same from my old man. Fight today aren't what they used to be tho. It's not fists and having a beer afterwards. It's getting stabbed.

>socked in the face a few times
Checked and yes. I'm a late Gen-Xer and we beat down punks constantly. At first I kind of liked that millennials didn't engage in that primitive behavior, but that allowed a majority of freaks and weaklings to fill your ranks and now we are all suffering their entitled whining.

Hopefully Gen-Z will learn something and not allow snowflakes to walk freely and do as they please.

He's funny, that's true. His love for the Kardashians too kek.


He ran, but won tho! 13794-0 GOAT!

It's some weird truth tho, innit? Like, MMA fighers are the nicest people you can ever come across. Even with assholes fucking with them, they just walk away. There is something about the whole thing that you just don't want anything to do with it.

Good question. I'm a little bit confused about this myself. Maybe history has something to do about it. Caucasians have a history of developing weapons and technology to do things for them instead of doing it themselves. The Caucasians who committed mass genocide on the Native Americans and enslaved some Africans were probably much weaker in physical strength, but they had guns to give them the one-up on the situation. Even if they have the physical fighting ability of a wet paper towel doesn't mean they can't fire off a technologically advanced weapon of some sort.


This. Or getting the police involved.

Why can't people just accept that they've lost fair and square?

Also I think people's eating habits have something to do with it. Carnivores are proven to be significantly more violent in behavior than Herbivores. Rookies want to be the leader of the pack; the Alpha male, but have yet to learn of their "place" in society. Seasoned veterans have put themselves to the test and know how far their bodies and abilities can go.

I mean, psychology of the mind can be infinitely complicated and behavior patterns usually take into account multiple factors that can influence someone to act a certain way. Blah.

Still standing tall and proud talking alot of shit tho!youtube.com/watch?v=eK4Sc5_KTbM

For real. It's like some "fairytale" either, back in the back, the boxed that shit out, went to a pub, had a beer, and that was is. It's become like some... kill or be killed thing too. Fucked.


Anybody almost killed somebody through a fistfight?

Yep, those who think they'll never be called out on shit they say will keep talking shit. The odd fight gives some humility.


Everyone knows what a hard hit to the head feels like faggot, you don't need to be in a fight to know this, if you mean the adrenaline takes the edge off slightly then yeah, but only because your mind is so preoccupied with avoiding a catastrophic beating that you literally have no time to think about the pain, but it will always be there.

Getting hit hard in the nose fucks you up bad, no matter how much adrenaline is on you, your eyes water up, you can't see right for a second or two, and it completely disorientates you.

Hits to the top and back of the head have a similar effect, your vision can get blurred the fuck up, like your a whisker away from passing out, you lose your vision and balance, and you are very aware of the pain

Not the guy you're replying to, but I've been in my first fist fight recently (on my birthday oddly enough)

I got hit 2 times, once in my forehead/temple area and once in my cheek. It didn't hurt at all but it disorientated me and I quite literally "see stars" for a second or two until I regained my balance.

The thing I did notice though is that after I got hit and the adrenaline hit me I had the biggest hatred against the guy that punched me.

or Madd Thadd