Why do you like traps?

Why do you like traps?

I think we are kinda cute, but I'm bi, so... It's an all around win for me

Because they're attractive women that are/used to be men.

Men should be strong, not cute

I'm bi but I lean heavily to the female side of what I like. The female form even on males can be a turn on And given the chance I'd love to play with a dick but not from a dude that looks like a trucker.

cute men > masculine men

Then what is the main thing which makes trap better than a woman?

Cos crossdressing makes me happy!

No way thats a trap.

Because of the combination of secondary female sex characteristics and male genitals, mostly

Happy? You are doing things, which are against God's plan

Which is exactly why I'm not a man, lol.
Nah but for real, I think people should be what they feel they are. I mean as long as it isn't illegal or hurting others in some form or fashion. Shit... I'd add bein an annoying cunt to the list.. none of that plz... Though I know that won't stop them

thats not a trap though

Always wanted to play with pierced nipples.

Whats the appeal to male genitals? I dont even like looking at my own....

jesus you're cute ugh

No sweat, not everybody likes dick

Pretending to be someone who you are not is a mental illness

Are you sure?

>Sup Forums still thinks a real trap will have tits
Sup Forums, i love you, i really do, but trap=/=tranny

But god doesn't exist.

>I dont even like looking at my own
You got something weird going on inside your head, mate

google image search suggests otherwise

I mean Im not hating, I've just always been curious about this. Do you actually not see it as gay or is that a meme?

I want to bury my face in that ass

Nah you're totally wrong. Let me pull out this informative pasta to educate you newfags

Let me tell you what's really up. And you know you can trust me because I've been a trap-fapping faggot for decades -

Trap = genetic male who completely passes as female, thus being capable of "trapping" someone. Includes crossdressers and trans girls.

Trans girls = genetic males who consider themselves women. They usually live as women full time and make an effort to appear as much like women as possible, which can include the use of hormone replacement therapy and/or feminization surgeries. Not all trans girls pass, so not all trans girls are traps

Shemale/tranny = porn terms for trans girls - they tend to have a bimbo-fied look because that's what directors think people want to see. These terms are also seen as derogatory by trans girls, some are even trying to take back "tranny" as their form of "nigga"

Crossdresser = man who occasionally dresses in women's clothes as a hobby or a fetish. They count as traps when they can completely pass. But it's rarer for them since they don't have a full time commitment or any help from hormones or surgery

Femboy = a very feminine looking gay man, more so than a twink. Doesn't necessarily have to pass or even crossdress, but most do crossdress and they're more likely to pass and be traps than regular crossdressing men

Oooh, how can you be so sure? Stop being so delusional

Now for a bit of history:
Shemales were the first to be called traps on Sup Forums when anons would troll with their pics and later reveal the dick. Anyone who says "traps can't be trans" is a newfag who wasn't there when it started. And almost immediately as the shemale/trap trolling started, animefags started using the term and applying it to characters who look 100% like girls but are called males. Back in the day Bridget was the popular one, now it's Felix and Astolfo. Nowadays there seems to be a disconnect of the term with animefags - on their children's cartoons the characters are usually always referred to as boys and not as trans girls, so a lot of them think traps can't be trans.

Another thing that's really messing up the terminology is the growing faggotry in Sup Forums trap threads. I'd say at least 80% of the posts don't actually pass anymore, it's mostly attentionwhoring crossdressers and people reposting pics not caring if who they're posting passes. So people start thinking those count as traps and that it doesn't matter if they pass 100%. Also a lot of people see amateur passing traps as a foil to the bimbo-looking shemales - shemales have the ridiculous plastic surgery slutty look, so people tend to fixate more on traps that have a cute girl-next-door type look to contrast that. Although it's not a necessary part of the term.

And also there's a new movement among some trans girls to distance themselves from the trap term - they see it as another derogatory porn fetish, or think it implies they're just pretending to be girls when they really are girls (in their minds). So they try to say traps aren't trans to push the term away from them. But it doesn't change the fact that it started with trans girls, and in the end the only thing that matters is whether the person passes or not.

begone schlomo your lies are like a crystal i see right through them

Hey thanks ^~^;
In some shape or form having to constantly go on the internet to try and validate your existence to people you'll never meet to make points that'll never hold as facts is a worse mental illness than any kinda mental illness I have. I'm pretty stable, work a nice 12hour day job mon-friday, present as female (not trans, as female) and go about my daily routine like a normal person... What do you do besides shitpost?

I view believing in god just like I view trannies. If it makes you happy enough to make it through this life, and you aren't bothering anyone doing it, then go ahead.

Go ahead I guess.
Ok. Cewl

I now the truth can hurt sometimes, user. It's okay to be wrong every now and then

>Why do you like traps?
Sexy as all fuck
Give great head
Don't go on a hormonal rollercoaster every month

What's not to like?

I can't be wrong I am divine

dropped a k, my bad

is that you Jane?

Because I like the female form but think vaginas are gross.


Yeah I agree! I just don't appreciate people trying to push their beliefs on me.
My name tag says Jane so yeah pretty sure it's me!

>Don't go on a hormonal rollercoaster every month

Have you ever met one?

That sounds incredibly gay

It's bisexual. But more hetero-leaning since female secondary sex characteristics are much more important to attraction than genitals. And we're talking actual passing traps here, not the obvious gayboy crossdressers that have infiltrated this place

Daily reminder:
Traps with floppy penis= gay
Traps in chastity = straight

Yeah not gonna lie it kinda is.


And traps with big ol' hard dicks = boner city

If they are passable and cute, they look like a cute woman, so there's that.
The vast majority aren't passable, and they are almost always super fucked in the head, so nice to look at, but stay away from IRL.

It's a bit of a mix from what I've seen. Being attracted to traps is a lot different than being actracted to men as a whole. Some people interpret this to mean its not gay, while others think its just a different type of gay.

I like anybody that looks like OP's pic

Because I like cock, but not men

>The vast majority aren't passable
Then they're not traps
Not all crossdressers and trans girls count as traps

Traps are not gay because the gods say they are not. There, settled it for you Sup Forums

I don't, I'm attracted to their feminine features but it all disappears after I see the penis. I'd let one give me head though.



Chill discord looking for cute babes like yourself, come join us sexy

I'd put it in it's own category tbh. Thanks for the answer user.

>that collar
>those socks and panties
and now I'm hard...

Go on, cut off your penis if you truly want to be like a woman. I'm sure you won't do that because in truth you really don't want to be a girl - being a trap is just a pathetic excuse for your social retardness and attention seeking problems.

if it's hot, it's hot. DILLIGAF

1. It is commonly accepted on Sup Forums that all these are words are interchangeable, this isn't a liberal PC shitholes college campus
2. Trans, and crossdressers are usually just as mentally fucked.

The fuck you say?

I come back to Sup Forums after years of being away and it's the fucking same.
>"leaked" nudes from "your" girlfriend, and not the same shit that's been circulating for 10 years
>am I gay? what, not YOU'RE gay
>triforce memes
>fucking horses

Literally years. Sup Forums doesn't change.
This shit is so stale, no wonder it's dead.

Jews are just how the economy runs. Blame Jesus for telling you not to lend money at a profit. I got no dog in such things, I'm an agnostic warlock, so IDGAF, but you lay off the Jews or we'll all be out our college loans and our sitcoms about stoned teenagers.

I imagine myself as one.
I want to be a cute faggot.

Oh well.

It'll always have its audience of newfags pretending to be oldfags pretending to be newfags.

They give me a slight tinge of hope that I could achieve my desire of being a cute woman. Though I realize the more passable traps are usually the ones that go on hormones early on and I could never achieve that.

I wish there were magic or tech in real life that could and would transform me into the woman I long to be.

where you live so i can bump some cheeks?

In liberal PC shitholes "trap" is a derogatory term not allowed.

It's just that most people on Sup Forums are newfags. Most of you don't know the history and what the word means. You can use it the wrong way, but you're still wrong about it

Sorry, but the gods are against Jews

So this is more like a fantasy for you?

i know that feel

The path way to being a woman is through a rope circle.

Well, if there were a bit better advances in medicine that we could do such a thing and actually reassign and realign instead of creating an "aesthetic hole" than I would, seeing as that's not the case, I'll pass
B-bump cheeks? You're gonna slap me?
Also I'm in Texas.

They act like a woman but have a cock to suck and fuck...a win win

I just don't care if it's gay or not. I've fucked plenty of women, and also sucked plenty of cocks.


Have fun faggot-kun.

what's stopping you?

looking like a cute girl is nice and so is the cock that you get with it :)


what do panties feel like

Just go put on some panties nigga it's not hard

Who would win?
>billions of years of evolution
>some faggots with mental problems

I mean...



Sadly yes. I'd never personal have surgery or go on hormones because I know the end result wouldn't be desirable. If there were an actual way to become the woman I want to be, then I'd take it from fantasy to reality in a heartbeat.

As for my sexual attraction to t-girls it has a lot to do with the fact that I gave my self an attraction to cock through feminization videos. I'm not attracted to men aside from the cock part so female looks plus a cock is down my avenue of sexual interest now. Best of both worlds, as it were.

I'm not cute.
And shaving everything is such a pain in the ass.

This dude knows what's good

Are you afraid of a little dick? You scare easily.

Are you still wearing diapers?

Where Do u live?

I'm too masculine to be a trap so the most I can do is be a low quality femboy

Where at in Texas?

the fuck nigga
y'all savages in these trap threads

Oh shiz! Are you in the DFW cause if you're down you can get those cheekbones blown out?

Yeah, that's usually the typical response. Though credit for not simply writing "kys".

I'm cool with being a dude but if I had it my way I'd be a woman. No big deal. If passing on will achieve this, then I will gladly wait.

Lol, Dallas. Not getting more specific than that
Yup. But nope, I'll be aight without random hookups, haha

Because everybody has a fetish and all guys secretly wanna suck a cock at least once. If the trap is hott then it's a freaky, kinky, wild fantasy they've always wanted to have.

It has to be really painful for you if you know that you will never be able to fulfil this desire. Have you thought about undergoing some kind of mental therapy?