Everyone is USA liked and praised tdk's joker, but he was nothing but a terrorist. At the same time...

Everyone is USA liked and praised tdk's joker, but he was nothing but a terrorist. At the same time, USA abhors muslem terrorists and kills them daily. How does this make sense?

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Maybe...because it is a fucking movie OP

Because one is fictional you fucking autist.


Because we can tell the difference between reality and fiction.
This allows us to enjoy a well written antagonist while also being able to condemn those who pressure to bring about authorities.

the joker's terrorism was fueled by a certain nihilism and disregard for humanity, and he has an interesting, funny, and complex character

muslims want to turn us into horribly regimented religious zombies, and are one dimensional zergs

beside joker being fictional, he had depth and was exceptionally performed by the actor. Also, having more vocabulary than 'allah ackbar' makes a terrorist infinitely more interesting.

Because it's fucking fictional

Except that the lines between reality and fiction constantly get blurred. There was a couples from Indiana who went on a shooting spree at Wal-Mart I think and the guy was very influenced by the joker.

Regardless if some are saying it's a movie or a character, it's still a mixed message. Glorifying terrorism in movies while saying it's bad in real life doesn't make sense.

mfw Bane was the better villian. Capable, and a believer in a cause. Infinitely more terrifying.

the line between reality and fiction is very clear though, it's a fucking comic book adaptation. Just because some guys are mentally ill and get inspired by fiction doesn't mean we should ban all movies/books/etc.

Should there only be fucking romantic comedies from here on out? Not that they portray reality in any way. There are millions of action movies but I don't see people creating explosions everywhere.

fuck your muzzie agenda

And sounded like a toilet plunger caught in an air conditioner vent.

I thought bane was better too. The joker didn't have a reason for doing what he did, while faggots in this bread are implying he did.

joker did a suicide after .white americans can maybe commit suicide and it will be ok too maybe

Bane's ideology was all over the place.

I considered not putting Muslim terrorists and just using terrorist. But I know that in order to get replies I need (A) decent bait and (B) something that triggers. I'm a newfag but I catch on quick.

His ideology was revenge for the death of the man who saved then condemned him and for Wayne's betrayal of the league of shadows

>tfw questioning whether or not Bane was the villain

Sure he did

At least Obama didn't make me pay for him to be a terrorist

He said he was doing what he did to show the people basically we are all trash and will eat each other if our backs are against the wall. That's not really a reason, though, because that's common knowledge. But his retarded plan failed when the boats didn't blow up before he got caught. His reasons were far less intriguing than bane's, scarecrow, or ras al.

Ever hear of an anti-hero?


all 3 villains literally had the same mentality and purpose: anarchy. they just went about it differently.

There are all kinds of antihero's that don't get praised, such as rapists, other kinds of terrorists, judges, cops, lawyers, doctors, teachers...the list is endless. I'm saying why are we glorifying terrorism in movies then get stunned when, say, a school gets shot up, which has become so commonplace in American society now that people hardly pay attention when it happens unless it's a high body count or if it's something "abnormal" like a 12 year old girl.

Batman isn't real you faggot

It wasnt about anarchy for bane. Bane was finishing ras al's work. That was partly why he did what he did. His entire goal was about inflicting vengeance for what Wayne was responsible for, kind of like if I hated you so much, I wouldn't kill you, I'd kill those you care for and let you live, maimed and living with devastating loss.

No they didn't you fucking idiot, they praised Heath Ledger's portrayal of him. I've never heard once in my life that the joker was justified. His character was charismatic and well acted. That's it. Everyone knows the joker has to lose.

When's the last time you saw a fucking Muslim with an ounce of charisma?

There are many fictional things that inspire people do commit horrific acts. Music is fictional but look how it inspires people to do both good and evil things.

If you're talking about the comics then I can't argue cuz I didn't read them. But in the movies, Bane literally wanted to give Gotham "back to the people" as he said, aka anarchy.

That was a ploy, a means to justify an end. Trump said the exact same thing. He literally quoted bane, except for the Gotham part.

>bringing politics into this
alright, im out.

Maybe you been tuned out from social media and the marketing campaign toward kids. While adults did see the movie, make no mistake, it was targeted for kids, for those young influential minds who don't know or care about who ledger was. Any "super hero" movie is targeted for kids, no matter how adult it may seem.

I'm just telling you Trump quoted bane. Maybe you were unaware but you can look it up for yourself if you don't believe me.

I fucking hate them because they spell their own religion ten different ways.


We can't help it that some people are so dumb that they think it would be good idea. What would you have us do? Dumb down all our entertainment so that it's safe for idiots? Make everything pg, Christian, and family safe? How about kill everyone with an IQ Lower than 85?

Show me what you got, OP

Yeah I'm pretty sure I misspelled that.

Things have been dumbed down a lot. Christian stuff is far from family safe. I'm saying glorifying terrorism in movies but saying it's bad in real life is a mixed message, like women who are into the 50 shades stuff but also in the sexual harassment faze that's sweeping across America. The USA is a place of constant mixed messages. If we're going to be against terrorism then go about full throttle, put the Hollywood propaganda out there that denounces it and not praise it.

Some of you faggots are just like Tumblr. “STOP LIKING PROBLEMATIC CHARACTERS!!!! THAT MEANS YOU LIKE IRL MURDER!!!11”

>Somehow not understanding the Joker was the bad guy in the movie
How is it that so many non-Americans have no sense?

There were no good guys in that movie. Every main character was a criminal except gordon.

They praised the ACTOR'S portrayal of the CHARACTER.

which makes you a massive faggot.

OP likes the cockmeat sammy's, but won't admit he's a gigantic faggot.

How does this make sense?

When people talk about the character they barely mention the actor

I got your point the first time, but you're starting with a massive assumption for your premise:

>people GLORIFY terrorism in movies

That's not necessarily true. They also condemn it, accept it as part of a plot device, challenge it, laugh at it, get bored with it, make fun of it, etc... You simply cannot generalize the emotional responses and attitudes of large numbers of people. It's not a double standard, it's a fantasy because for the most part, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. It's very unlikely that there will ever be a real man who looks like the joker and has a specialized army of minions to cause mayhem for no reason. It's a plot device, it's captivating to the brain *because it's a novelty*.

The job of a big budget film is to captivate your attention for 90 min. In order to do that, they reply heavily on the biases in our own neurology. We favor threats, violence, sex, relationships, anomalies, and narratives with out attention because that's what helped us survive in nature. We are just wired that way. It simply is what it is. If you don't like it, then you can get pissed at human nature all you want, it won't change a damn thing.

OF COURSE we grieve when there's a real tragedy, because we can tell the difference between real life and entertainment. And before you go blaming violent movies for the increase in shootings, consider that the Internet has done a better job at radicalizing people by convincing them of the darkness of the world and the meaninglessness of life than any movie ever could. Nihilism and Ideology are the true mind viruses, not entertainment

Y'all niggas need to decide if media is just fiction or not. You keep wavering back and forth on it so bad.

Dubs of truth. Also, OP BTFO'd

No OP had to change a pamper

I don't blame movies for violence. I like violent things.

There doesn't have to be someone that looks exactly like a fictional character. There are militias all across the US and around the world that is basically an army of specialized minions. The US even employes some of these people as contractors as they have done in recent wars. So while that may seem far fetched to have an army of minions, it's a very real thing.

Dude, you're overthinking this. It's mostly not an issue, and the rare times it is, it's mostly not that organized, except Las Vegas. You can zero in on a tangent from the post above all you want, but the point remains the same: entertainment isn't necessarily responsible. And most people can tell the difference between movies and real life. Just think it through a little bit more, it's not that hard

I am diyng of laugher right now

I never said entertainment was responsible. I was also trying to respond to the previous post as good as possible. One of the biggest and most dangerous threats to the US gov is it's soldiers who have received training and turn rogue and law enforcement officials. The gov fears that one or a few of these guys my go off the rails or become begruged and cause massive harm to the US. Movies are propaganda tools, just like t.v., radio, plays, books, websites, and sometimes all it takes is a little push to spark someone into causing massive destruction. Look what a few "terrorists" did in New York with very little flight training and a few dollars. They changed the world.