Get on train

>get on train
>see this
what do?

Mind my own buisness and wait for my stop.

Excuse me, maam, I recommend you sit up *tips fedora*

Do a 1080 and walk away

Honestly, stare until my eyes fell out, or noticed people noticing my staring.
What else would one do?

i gotchu fam

Sniff her panties of course dubs and you must do this.

Pour gasoline on myself and light a match. I will become a fireplace for her to warm herself by.

take a creepshot maybe?

lord KEK has spoke op

Probably wait for my stop to get there and not take creepy photos

Depends on train population/angle. But yeah. That is a possibility too.

i like the way you think


very much, yes. too much of a faggot to risk my life for a creepshot...

*unzips dick*

Make her eat all the eggs

Take her home, rape her, make her cook me eggs.

take picture
post on b
ask what other anons would do


Tell her to lay down in the other direction, then promptly ask if she would like assistance.

Take a picture, and immediately post in on Sup Forums and make a what should I do thread.

No one does anything because anyone browsing Sup Forums would never have the balls to do something