Well, Sup Forumsois, I may be out of a job

Well, Sup Forumsois, I may be out of a job
>work in a nightclub that gets pretty busy
>its after all the drunkards have left, so all everyone is doing is cleaning up
>finish the mopping, as I do, and I'm wringing out the mop I used
>supervisor kept her handbag on top of the shelf
>accidentally knocked it off with the mop some of the contents fell out, including her phone
>fucking thing landed on the touchscreen, cracking it
>I apologized and said I would pay for it, I fully intend to
>she replied with "it's fine"
>though I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get fired
>help clean the beer garden
>finish shift
>post this here


what do you do there

u guys
I'm not actually sure she can do it unless she proves without a doubt that it was intentional. For all accounts it should be her fault for not securing her possessions at ground level or in a space without this kind of activity. That's probably why she's pissed.

I'd keep your head low anyway, though.

I'm a bartender
I intend to keep my head low

unless you're shit at your job, or you have personal problems with her, you'll be fine

Lmao bro your fucked

We get on ok, and I'm pretty decent at my job, I can serve a fuck ton of jæger bombs in a short amount of time

then you're good my dude

i've been a bartender for the past 6 years, server for several more. you're not getting fired over that if you can hold your own and you haven't created a hostile work environment

The only problem I have is with lager, I can't seem to get the head right on it
Gives me no end of grief

I bet it's the line or the keg itself more than it is lagers across the board

in fact, i'd bet just about anything on it

also, you work in a night club? guests at this kind of establishment generally don't give a fuck about proper head

Its not the keg or anything
And by head, I mean either its little or half the fucking pint, I never seem to be able to do it correctly

are you tilting the glass with little space between the nozzle and where the beer lands?

it shouldn't be that variant. i'd understand if it was always flat or always a solid two inches of foam, but if it's that infrequent it's probably you dawg lol

I always try that way, but the bloody stuff is a bastard, half pints are worse than pints for it, I succeed more with a pint glass than a half pint one

half pints are always more trouble, and fuck patrons who order half pints.

critical fucks should just get a full pint and not bother me every 20 minutes for a half drink

try this:
if too much head- instead of tilting the glass straight up when it's about to fill and pushing the tap back, let it run for just a second and push the froth out of the glass. then tilt the glass and close the line

if too little head- create as much space as possible between the glass and the nozzle.

between these two you should be able to achieve at least a decent head on each glass

Thanks, this should help
I've been working there since August, that was really the only thing I had problems with, apart from the occasional asshole drunk

if that's it then you're good. hope you milk every customer for every cent they're worth haha

We get quite a few big spenders that can hold their drink a lot, they're pretty chill dudes, one of them always has at least two steins of Guinness a night

Between our posts, I've noticed a significant difference in perspective of our jobs. I'm wondering if this is either cultural or due to time spent in the industry

I assume you are in the UK, or new to bartending (2 years or less), or both. Could you confirm or deny either?

I don't mean either statement to be derogatory; I'm honestly curious.

I'm a Brit and I've not been working long in the industry

Good to know! Enjoy your new profession, friend- intrigue always abounds in this industry

Just don't go down the rabbit hole too far

YOU should have got noods of her phone

Hopefully I keep my job and stay employed there for longer

You'll be fine- just try not to call out so much

Maybe I should try to pull one of the patrons?
Or is that a bad idea?

What do you mean by pull- take home??

I mean it's not a terrible idea, just don't be fucking weird about it.

I'm actually shit at socialising, that's the reason I decided to get the job in the first place, so its probably gonna be weird

Godly quads btw

Word, well what an environment you've landed yourself in to learn

Take it easy and you'll get there. How old are you??

I'm 20, still a virgin unfortunately

A little more information than I needed, but ok.

Don't do that IRL- never give out unnecessary information, especially that which can be self-deprecative

Oh, I should work on how to talk to women as well I think

Don't focus on it so hard though my man

I know it sounds counter intuitive but concern and hyper-focus on how you interact with people will make you perform poorly.

Master the art of not giving a fuck. Seriously.

And also don't hyper focus on women. Figure yourself out man, and don't measure yourself solely by the yardstick of society

If you get fired for this just enjoy funemployment

Thanks for all this advice, if I'm lucky, things should end up ok

That depends entirely on you

But hey, you've got this

I just gotta be careful in the next few weeks

Then be careful, but don't psyche yourself out.

Go out of your way to do as much side and closing work as possible- even if you don't think it's being noticed, it'll help

I'm gonna have a sleep and see how things go as the weeks progress

Bet- be good homie