What does Sup Forums think happens when we die...

What does Sup Forums think happens when we die, completely serious question and I'd like serious answers about this topic, just the thought of dying is God damn terrifying

In the context of you, nothing happens. You won't remember it, you won't even be aware of your death. It's honestly the best thing that can happen to most of us.

If you're fool enough to be religious, you may have different beliefs, and I pity those that spend their lives preparing for an afterlife to which they will never arrive.

Basically this. Your consciousness is attached to your brain; once your brain ceases function, so does your ability to perceive the world around you.

Nothing. You are going back to where you were before birth. Absolute zero. And that's nothing to fear. Unless you're a religiotard.

What happens before youre born? Its literally the exact same thing.

Now you know.

You join the skeleton war



>just the thought of dying is God damn terrifying

But not actually dying itself. The thing is if you're having a thought then you arent dead, therefore you dont have to worry about it. You should try your best not to, but dont be afraid when your time comes. Its what happens in your life that you should be scared about not after.

if you were good you go to heaven if bad go to hell

This puts me at ease actually, I'm not religious but I'm not a neck beard atheist either

Your body shuts down. Your brain turns off. You're fucking dead. That's it. *windows 95 shut down plays softly*

Same thing that happened before you were born.

You go to heaven, see the most beautiful woman you've ever seen in your life. She takes you to a bedroom with a large king sized bed with all white sheets. She starts to pull down your pants and you do the same. She has a dick... thats for wasting all your time on Sup Forums


Can confirm, am skeleton.

(pic related; is me)

It wouldn't be heaven if she didn't have a dick.

Kill yourself then tell us


It's not o much the dying I'm afraid of, but the nothingness that might come after it.

Maybe Christians are right and there is a bell, and I burn for eternity? Ouch.

> be me
> die
> realize earth was the stable level

Without the brain, there is no consciousness. Without consciousness, there is no construction of the world as you know it, formed by time, space, and causality.

honestly think there is an afterlife

hoping for there not to be

my body will disintegrate but my spirit will roam freely

>Maybe Christians are right and there is a bell, and I burn for eternity? Ouch.
Or maybe one of the other thousands of gods is the right one.
Or maybe they are all bullshit and all designed to profit from the fears of people like you.
There is a reason why churches are so heavily invested in hospitals. They understand that people who are terrified of death are cash cows.

The last two thousands of years almost all religions taught us about the alterlife why should i trust a fedora tippin edgelord like you

1. define spirit
2. provide evidence for spirit

whatever you think wouldnt matter because the universe works in the way it wants to not in to regards to how the evolved bacterical clumps of molecules that manifested self-movement that lead up to being your brain wants it to. You will cease to exist and your matter will become remains and maybe even reformations of other life to come but you wont have their conciousness you will just be the matter that makes up their body and maybe even their brain. dont be retarded thinking you will have a joint conciousness because its likely that people and animals before have shared the same matter that make up your brain but your not thinking like some fucking dinosaur are you?

Life is defined by death. The moment you realise that the easier it is to accept that dying is a part of the cycle of life and that nothing lasts forever and might just give you a better apprieciation for what you have.


lmao what was it like before you were born?
exactly faggot get smart.

For most of the last two thousand years civilizations have been impeded from achieving the quality of life that you enjoy today because religious cults actively plot against rational discourse and scientific progress.

Ok. You edgy fuck. Hope you rot in hell

>nothingness that might come after it.
From nothingness world was created, from nothingness you will reborn when God makes his second coming.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

Long shit story short
Knowing what happens doesn't matter it won't change anything, you die you die

>actually thinks something comes from nothing
do you also believe in beginning and end, too? naive child

Exhibit A: christian "love" and "morality".

but for real, i feel like whatever created us is some bored being

like it was a child at first, obsessed with weird things like dinosaurs and different fucked up creatures to fight each other, but overtime this creature developed, reached a point where it made us, because it became more complex, and desired complexity in the conflict it saw. It's just a curious being.

I compare this to myself, as a wee child I enjoyed getting ants and putting them in enemy ant territory, and watching them fight.

Do you really think this creature would care about the ants after they die?

I believe in God who created the universe

Death scares me. The thought of not existing scares me. It didn't used to, but now I have a child and the thought of not being here to protect her scares the shit out of me.

I hate you.

It is likely that she will be around 50 when you die. She will be able to take care of herself by then.

1 my spirit is my nonphysical presence my essence my energy the vibes people get from me

2 a spirit is not something you know as much as you feel

Exhibit B: Possibly an edgy fat fuck, or a nerdy little bitch who hides behind a computer screen.

I'm not religious you dumb twat.


She's only three right now and I'm not even in the same state as her. My wife and I got divorced and I had to move in order to find a good job, and now I'm trying my hardest to get back to her so that I can be the father that she needs. I know I fucked up after my divorce and made bad decisions that led to me having to leave her, but I hope she doesn't hate me for it. I hope I can get back to her before she is old enough to even remember I was gone in the first place. I fucked up, Sup Forums. I miss her.

You were lied to, user.

>2 a spirit is not something you know as much as you feel
So................no evidence. Your spirit is just as fake as every religiotard's favourite god.

tips fedora+

We go back into the lifestream.

Riiiiight......you're an atheist who gets triggered by people shitting on religion. Top keks, godtard.

using edgy as a insult kys normie faggot

I mean that's exactly right. Which more than likely means you are a fat fuck who is possibly an edgy nerd who hides behind a comp screen.

Who has an opinion because he thinks it makes him intellectual, and has little jpgs for every little point he tries to make.

Using normie as an insult. Kys you edgy fucboi.

>be on Sup Forums
>make this post
>gobble dicks

i think you forgot your on Sup Forums reddit is down the hall to the left

what's stopping you from feeling spirits? you are not open

Know how to green text cause it makes him edgy and he thinks he's cool for it. Profit you ask? Balls in his throat.

>what's stopping you from feeling spirits?

>Know how to green text cause it makes him edgy
Greentext=edge now?

Nah, I'm in the cesspool of humanity, where we both currently reside, did you forget that?

Hahaha what a fat fuck.

The same thing that stops me feeling the tooth fairy. The non-existence is kind of a problem.

then you should know how everyone on Sup Forums is instead you act like a fag and take the bait


Imagine the fat goblin who posts this shit.



What came first. You or the bait? Probably you cause you're a fucboi degenerate.

OP I hope we made you forget about death. Lmao


and I believe in reincarnation. You see we have all these questions about death. Do we go to heaven? live on as a spirit? Or nothing at all? You see here is catch. When we die. Our minds die. Our brain holds all the memories of who we are and what those questions are.
once that dies so do the questions, and all we will have left is the answers. But since our past selves have died we wont know what to do with those answers because we wont remember the questions. I truly believe our conscience gets reborn into something else.

For all you know. You could be your 6th or 11th reincarnation of yourself. However you would never know that..cause your past self died along with your past self's questions on death.

I am dino. The last dinosaur

Another religious debate, how tedious.

What makes your God more valid than someone else's? What makes your ancient book the true word, and not someone else's? Can you prove God?

I think God is an answer sought by people who lack the strength of character to accept reality for what it is. People who need a higher calling, or who need to believe that this all isn't some bizarre cosmic accident. God is also something that gives life a sort of structure, which people can depend upon.

I'm not being edgy when I say that I don't believe in God. If there were a God, and all of this is part of his plan, his plan is horrific and he should be lambasted, not worshiped. If you choose to believe in God, you must also accept that God is fine with children being raped or getting cancer, that God allows people to worship Satan under his own roof, worship false idols and destroy one another in His name, that God turns a blind eye to all torture and suffering on this planet.

If you believe in God, you believe in a monster.

the bait did lmao idiot judging by the amount of times you say fucboi you seem like the type of guy to follow worldstar on instagram

just let people believe what they want to believe you act like if there was no religion the world would be such a better place

lmao prove the after life isn't real faggot

Either you sleep without dreaming for all eternity, ceasing to be 'you', or you move on to a place infinitely better or infinitely worse than where you live now.

You had me at fat goblin. I do watch world star, because I find it bemusing to watch people act like monkeys and beat the crap out of each other.

Yeah, shallow.

People believe in God because they want to believe that when evil people die, even if they got away with all of their crimes here on earth, they will be punished in the afterlife.

this, there is a 75% chance you're fucked when you die

no you like acting just like them cause your a stupid nigger you keep saying fat goblin acting like if everyone on Sup Forums is a fat disgusting shit while the majority is a lot also arent i mean there is literally a board for fit people and people trying to get in shape

this nigga doesn't know the difference between religion and a higher being lmao

very epicurean; and i agree

dying probably sucks, but once death does come: fuck, you're irrelevant at that point

Whoa bro, way to lose your edge there. Rule number one of edginess, punctuation. Mind those digits, you fat little midget.

Is this some kind of buddhist/hinduist shit?
Thanks but i wont take it, i trust more the bible about those issues.


using grammer as a insult+ even more of a fag

It's really just a game of chance, 50% nothing happens, 50% you're just nutrients in the soil fam
>All these fedora tippers
Kill yourselves if you give that little of a shit about life if it really means nothing, honor your words faggots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

pic related, god is a sham

I'm agnostic. It just seems like the most logical out come for death.

During sleeping your brain never ceases to function even if you are in deep sleep or dreaming.

If you don't dream then you never experience it. You close your eyes and then you wake up. It'd just be like never waking up.

>evil and good
>morality exist
you think god gives a fuck about your subjective morals?

Again, grammar.

Try to think back to before you were born
Thats what death is like, just a lot of nothing

When someone tells me that there´s nothing after death, it really bums me out. Like just try to imagine it. I know you can´t thats what makes it so terrifying.

One time when i was 10 i cried because suddenly i realized that everyone i love will eventually die.

This pic tells religiotards, in a very easy-to-understand way, why their favourite god is a sham. It's a glittering tribute to their monumental stupidity that they just can't get it.

Me too, but stay away from southern/eastern asian shaman religions, even islam is more rational and skeptic.
Christianity has the most logic teachings because it flourished in the gulfs western thinking.


So, an atheist without balls, eh? Are you agnostic about the tooth fairy? You should be. Can't disprove him.