Fuck my life, Sup Forums

Fuck my life, Sup Forums

underage b&

Math class is bullshit. Bitch teacher doesn't give daily grades and homework grades count as however many questions there are. Tests are 60% and quizzes are 20. Tests are once a month, on the entire months course work.

hurr durr whats a triangle


getting 63 in trig is hilarious lol

get out of here you underaged faggot

It's bullshit, it's not just trig it's algebra 2 and trig combined. We're on graphing quadratic inequalities. The grading system is horrible.

>nog can't do triangles

An hero. Nothing this bad has ever happened to anyone before in the history of the entire world.

What the fuck is a "daily grade"? Is that you expecting good grades for showing up?

bro ur just dumb as fuck just drop out and suck dick for money


Maybe you should just kill yourself you stupid child


Usually you get grades in class for what you do in class. But this teacher doesn't do them, and gives literally less than 1 percent worth of points for homework

Only in America are these scores still As. Gotta be shitting me

lol I work my ass off in these classes. The fucking math class is just retarded.


dude get a tutor. worst thing you can do is say fuck it and destroy your chances of getting a good job / going to college or uni after

Teacher offers tutoring before test, I'm definitely going. I just wish teacher would give weekly tests rather than monthly. Doesn't give formulas either. Gotta memorize E V E R Y T H I N G

Good. Homework is for practice. The only reson you should ever get any grades for homework is as incentive to do it. You have all the time you need to do homework and no pressure and access to external knowledge, so it's a worthless metric to determine what you know.

Maybe learn the shit instead of assuming you deserve a good grade for existing.

word up. harass your teacher. if you show them that you are putting effort in to improve im sure they will help u out more / be slightly more lenient w u

Well thanks professor fact ass but in case you didn't know, most teachers have more grades than quizzes and tests.

ITT: Underage b8 (b&) complains about how much of a faggot he is

how the fuck do you ace everything else and fuck yourself on ONE test?

Yeah I did. After I failed that test I worked my ass off for 3 hours every day after school pouring over my notes only to make an 83 on the quiz. Was a 10 question quiz about standard form and vertex form. each question has 5 parts. On two of them I missed one part and teacher counted the entire question wrong. I got partial on the 10 point bonus.

Because the tests are monthly like I said. It's a months worth of work with nothing to help but a calculator. Not a graphing one either. Have to memorize all the formulas and exactly how to use each one. I have another one this Thursday and I'm dreading it.

Post your grades then mr balls of steel

Just because shitty teachers do it doesn't make it useful. The majority of your grade should be a comprehensive grade at the end of the term. Shorter, interim tests show how much you studied, not how much you learned. You show this when you talk about wanting weekly tests instead of monthly. If you had actually learned the material, then waiting 3 more weeks to be tested wouldn't matter.

I graduated some time ago and have a job. Kids under 18 aren't allowed on here. GTFO.

i love hearing about the states education system.

its fucking unimaginable for me that there's a specific class for algebra, a specific class for trig, etc. same goes for other subjects.

as far as developed countries go its pretty brutal. i live in Canada. depending on the course, trig is like...a month or two. like its a unit in math class. not a whole subject lol.

im not trying to say Canada is hot shit. but when you compare their education system to the states...

But that's just it. How the actual FUCK am I supposed to learn this much material. Idk how to explain how much it is but in studying for that quiz I had 8 pages of notes front and back spread out around me, and that was a week's worth.

Well better arrest me then. Highschool fag here.

ok. what specifically are you working on right now in your math class?

As I said in a previous post, the class is algebra 2 and trig. Which fucking blows, but sounds pretty brutal on your end too. Point I'm trying to make though is that the teachers grading system is fucking autistic.

It was standard and vertex form a little bit ago, now it's graphing quadratic inequalities in standard form using the squaring formula. Like root2x^2+root2x=5

are you saying that the issue is you arent getting enough feedback?

Notes here

Scribble scrabble fag here

Somewhat yeah. The teacher basically works out a string of whatever problem we're doing on the board and that's the class.

It's math, you fuck.

It's impossible shitlips

just because you arent good at it doesnt make it impossible haha

Ok then it's impossible for M E

fuck off underage faggot. Also PreAP aint shit, if you're having trouble now you might as well just quit to make your shitty life easier

well i mean. you have choices. i dropped out of high school in my senior year and went and worked in a sugar factory. pay was great but i fucked up my back. now im signed up for first year of engineering.

i needed to see how shitty things were for myself without an education. i couldnt take peoples word for it.

everyone has their path i guess. dont let your dreams be memes.

Ya bro, I know. That why I posted all my grades dumbass, clearly PreAP is not the issue. I have a hard time following this teacher and their grading system is super hard.

Yeah Canada education is easy eh
>developed country
Kek you got me there mate

im not 100% sure what youre implying

you will always have shit teachers. just watch youtube videos about math to help out. find one that suits you. honestly i never payed attention in class and just studied at home

Damn bro that fuckin sucks. Yeah I have 2 jobs right now, I work at publix and I have a petsitting business with one of my buddies. Money's not really an issue, and I find I have a habit of spending money to reduce stress. I want to be a fucking orthodontist but I'll be in college until I'm fucking 30 unless I do all these max classes.

Yeah I have tried watching YouTube videos but a lot of times the videos have the same problems but a completely different method of doing them. This teacher has the infamous "show all your work or it's wrong" bullshit and teacher is pretty my way or the highway when it comes to the way you solve it

Aw... how cute. It's an user who thinks a report card is important. Someone feed it treats, pets and words of encouragement. Who's a good little user? Who? Yes, it's you! You're a good little user.

lol thanks for the treats bro I fuckin needed em, but care to elaborate, what exactly about a report card is not important? And I know this is the 3rd semester I've still got a semester to go before grades are finalized but I'm worried.

Just busting the Canadians balls because I wasn't sure what he was implying or saying.