Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
I’m extremely suicidal, my acne is getting worse, I self harm regularly and to top it all off I just drank a jar of my piss.


lmao suck my cock

Why aren't you doing a live stream of yourself becoming an hero?

Nothing wrong with piss drinking, it's pretty hot. Can you share some of your pictures doing it?

I mean, i wouldn’t deny your offer

Not tryna be a gay meme

Nigga I almost threw up. But nah there’s no pics

if I looked like that I'd be suicidal too.

Following, because hmmm

Your face is like sandpaper


I'd hit it

That's grease acne, bro, you need to bathe more, and clean your sheets twice a week. If it still persists, go to a damned doctor have them shoot you up with some astringent or whatever the hell they use, it works wonders. Also, lose wait. It'll work more wonders.

>I just drank a jar of my piss.

why the fuck in gods fucking cock would you do that

Exactly. OP has potential

I bathe regularly tho, I’ll go to a doctor soon


do you use lotion? shower twice a day and use some lotion that doesnt clog pores right after. i had acne like thaat till i was 33 until i finally figured out using lotion keeps my face from getting oily, and almost no acne. maybe one pimple every 2 months

>Also, lose wait.
How will becoming impatient help the grill? Let's stay focused here.

I don’t use lotion actually, do you have any you can reccomend?


Life might seem hard now. But if you put effort into changing the things you don’t like about yourself and stay consistent, it’ll help improve yourself esteem. Focus on positivity and having a good outlook on life. Don’t take yourself for granted. You’re a human being, one with a soul. Learn to love yourself . It’s okay to struggle. Your struggles will make you stronger in the long run.

Always remember , nothing special ever comes easy. You have to work hard for it. But it’ll be worth the journey:)

Hang in there, you can do it!

Gobs of Clearasil.

Wash a bunch, moisturize, see a dermatologist about dem pimpz if you can, if not a GP will do. You'll be fine.

protip: drinking pee doesn't fix acne

Anything that will cover your face so we dont have to look at it

i use lubriderm advanced therapy all over after showering. no backne either. nothing else changed, just started using lotion. pick up a small bottle at walmart and try it out. just dont want to get generic shit that makes you even oilier/greasier. cant stand jergens because of that

>Always remember , nothing special ever COMES easy. You have to work HARD for it.


honestly my wife was always bugging me about not using lotion, an i thought it was a bunch of faggot horseshit for like 15 years. turns out she was right lol


also like the other user said, wash your pillowcase & sheets regularly. like at minimum twice a week, more in the summer if you sweat

Your acne will clear as you get older. You look fine, dont leave cuts on ya self as its ugly you will grow out of it eventually, go play magic or something and get social with other nerds, life gets good eventually

I can read between the lines. You are just after me naughty bits when I really need help.

Definitely get to that doctor then. My point is that your acne isn't deeply rooted, it can be treated with relative ease. Not like those people with acne that look like bologna nipples on their face. Also, just more confident; not defensive and secure in the idea that you should die. It'll work more wonders

Would you take me out to a nice dinner? All my dates have been in back seats.

That's gross as shit, bro.

Would shaving acne with a razor work?

Why did you drink your own piss? Lose a bet?

Do you suffer from PCOS? That could explain alot of the problems you are experiencing. Also drinking piss is nasty, don't do that.

Nobody cares how shitty your skin is. And what you drink. If you think someone does, you're a child and still need to grow up. Talk to you in 10 years

Why don't you try showering

>with a soul

Hey now... Don't push it.
We don't need to lie to this ugly whore.

Owe, no, never do that. That just get your acne infected and that's a whole new kind of pimple. Never do that. Definitely stick to astringent, and have a doctor give you the shot

Are you joking? The people he'd be interested in would definitely care about this shit.

dont drink piss rub it on your acne its works wonders for drying up your greasy skin

Also shaving away the pimple will cut off a chunk of skin and you'll have a weird, miniature face crater....I have a few of them

Well if you wanna get laid, you might as well fun another guy just as ugly and pizza faced as you...

There are plenty of them out there...

You are not going to find someone people consider sexy, unless you pay them.

Op here, gonna go to bed now. Thanks for the kind messages

Don't forget the secure the rope to something sturdy. That is a common flaw for people like you.


low effort bait


show boobs

stop put in disgusting greasy food in ur mouth, and instead of drinking that piss rub it on ur face == acne gone in 1 month 100% guarantee

Razor Chan around?