Goodnight, Sweet Prince

Goodnight, Sweet Prince.

Fake news!

Are you from the future?

Oh. Shit.

this would be soooo nice



Dubs speak truth

Sorry. Not tonight.

it will be the longest night america will face. Trust me

fuck you

>glass breaks


Fuckin tease.


heh . the faggot rainbow . i hope to see something like this in germany

This would be the most satisfying thing to ever happen

get cancer pls

that's because we all know you'll never get laid

would jizz in my pants


Is the him while he was on the wwe?


There would be celebrations all over the country lol. All over the WORLD. Even his buddy Putin would see it as a victory.

It would be fucking glorious.



Probably the first president since Nixon that would deserve to get assassinated.

>Trump wins
>Libs masturbate with their own tears to fantasies of his death

>Is that the President of the United States when he was on the WWE?
And Sup Forumstards mock people when they reference Idiocracy

filthy nigger faggot

Hello B. M. Thought you'd be asleep.