Got a bent dick

Got a bent dick
What can I do to get it unbent
>Pic related

Yes Im a faggot and yes I drink gallons of semen

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Wait that last part wasn't necessary I was just going to make fun of your boomerang wang but now I think you actually do eat cum.

if it bents to the left, when jerking off, rotate it clockwise a little, and jerk it off in that position. After 10 times you should see noticeable improvement.

If it gets worse then you're rotating it the wrong way. Do it right and start again. Worked for me.


>boomerang wang
Absolute kek

>Boomerang wang

why would want it unbent

Just fuck her while lying down on your right side with her flat on her back, easy g-spot.

There's no easy way out of this user. You can get it operated on to straighten the bend but it entails shortening the side without the plaque to pull it straight. You will lose some length from the procedure and there's always a chance it could damage your penis. If the bend is minor just deal with it.

Nothing wrong with being cap'n hook

Mine's bent and the women I've been with have largely liked it that way - it hits more spots inside them

Won't this create mustard gas?

Lol this is hilarious.


what if it curves downward though

no, nerve gas

My bent cock straightened enough over time (I’m 43) it was bent from a bike accident as a kid - still chicks loved it it’s 8 inches n thick

> still chicks loved it it’s 8 inches n thick
translation it is 4 inches and no one has even seen it before

Get your mom to massage it straight for you

no worries user, just have her lay on her side and hit that g spot like a champ

What exactly drinking semen has something to do with the shape of your penis?

This my brother had to have surg they cut his dick off and took out the bent part off and re attached it crazy shit

women fucking love my dick being bent, why would you want it unbent ?

any tips or experience with this?

Clockwise when looking at dick from the front? Like head-on?

Dentists say that brushing twice a day helps remove plaque. So have you tried brushing your dick regularly?

How did people miss the "I'm a massive cum guzzling faggot" part

which way is it bend?
Mine is bending slightly downwards
and all i found is that it's better in doggy style.
Is any of that true?

Start fapping with the other hand

Like this


Feminists will make sure your insurance won't cover this and then complain about viagra.

I hate feminist but it is fucked up how they won't always cover birth control. It's stupid and gay. The pill is much cheaper than giving birth so you would think it would be in their best interest. Plus stop following the media. They have way less power where it matters


many insurance plans DO cover birth control, women are just unhappy that they have to pay extra for it...

Theres a porn star with that shit, nothing short of chopping it off will help.

If you could read I said how they don't always

asians love bent duck

Peyronie's (look it up). Just visit a fucking urologist.

show it

And that is something I agree with. Not having an erection can be a medical problem but it's usually a sign of bigger issues that viagra doesn't fix. Birth control for women is not a medical problem but my stance remains. Why wouldn't you rather fuck without a condom and not worry. What's cheaper, a pill or a baby?

You can always take up tranny porn. it seems to work for Mandy Mitchell. pic related

No fucking way any man in his right mind will have his dick cut off. Bent or otherwise. Also the insanity might be genetic in your family. Better get yourself checked before you cut off your own dick too!