
Yogurt dispenzer

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I approve

It's been awhile since I posted. Here's something I'm working on I guess.

lovely ...

Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she's gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep

Taking requests

Fuck off faggit. No one gives a shit about your awful draws.
Requesting you drink take a bath in bleach. Ya know, to wash the nigger off of you.

drink and take*

W-well i didnt want to w-win anyways!

Spiderman requesting Spiderman pointing two revolvers at the viewer

Drink take.

drink take

Requesting plug girl laying unconscious on the ground with empty tear-filled eyes after being raped. Her body covered in cum. I know it is a bit extreme, but I would be very thankful.

Greetings gentlemen.


Hi dont mind me ~~

Stop reposting.

Requesting art of best-girl Rin. Only rule is that you HAVE to use your feet to draw her.

>D E L E T

Why? I love plug girl, so I thought why not request her. I also requested it on other boards.

>I miss believing it was butter....
me to
>o-oh ... hey momo ... n-nice uniform.
>i like it ...
Thanks. I like the jacket.

Perish the thought. I don't mind anyone here.
You're asking for a lot here my dude!

yossy boy

is there any way to get better with drawing thats not just practicing consistently? i hate my art style and it hasnt changed after two months of almost daily practice
also, is a huion (i think its spelled like that) drawing tablet decent, or should i get a better one

today is a day of justice ...
creator ... made it disappear ... i was a fan too ...
and what is it about the box?!

I don't even know what that means!

Hello Godly Clean! It's nice to see you, an artistic genius, gracing these threads with your presence!
>Wasting the image limit already with reposted shit scribbles
>Jawlines fucked up
>Tubes for arms
>Girl on the left has a flat face
>Sketch lines still present in some places
>Bad linework
>Piss poor attempt at coloring
0/10. Try harder or consider suicide shit-scribbler.
>Inb4 muh style
That's not style. It's trash.


if you fags are just gonna interact with each other and not the rest of the thread, go to a private chat

Requesting your favorite loli character as a milf, looking back on an old photograph of herself and trying to wear the same outfit she wore back then. But it got so small that it doesn't fit her anymore and thus reveals her lewd bits.

>pic related

i mean would you really want a request being done by "that" sort of artist?





that last thread was a fun read, i cant believe you idiots let one guy get you so riled up.

People are required to interact with the whole thread or what are you trying to say?
Are you retarded?

He's that shrill kid in kindergarten you wanna ignore but he's so loud

hard to filter out that turd, missing IDs


Yeah well the way you won with that obviously not overpowered katana is justified, you can leave me here now.......ill just uhhhh.....lay down here

You got any tape in those boxes?

Oh great! Now twll me about you, it can be anything

Its ok, its all part of a balanced ecosystem

>Tfw Nelsha is an obese neckbeard
>Still wasting the image limit with shit scribbles

You haven't got a leg to stand on, and you know it(!)

yup, that tastes purple ... kind of ...

I will tell you two lies and a truth. That way It's more fun.

1. I'm currently fully erect and masturbating.
2. I have a boyfriend.
3. I have blue eyes.



I'm not telling, you silly goose. That's no fun. But it's a very good guess! You may even be correct. Who knows. Want to try another one?

pls no bully


Jesus Rin what did they do to you?

the difference is you don't have to actually hear him here.

why even waste effort on trying to filter it when you can just.. iunno, laugh at him?

>part of a balanced ecosystem

i wouldn't say that, the other shit posters would always actually have something noteworthy to say when they tried to troll, not just repetitive strings of illegitimate sperging.

>Tfw Nelsha is an obese neckbeard,

you forgot the part where he is also happily married, has a piss easy job bringing home 2k a month, and can afford anything he wants because he isn't a neet.

>the difference is you don't have to actually hear him here.
Good point

Meanwhile spitroast sits at home jacking it to poorly drawn fetish art 24/7 while his dying dad withers away.

h-Heroo haave a snickers..ii think your hangry!


Leave my boy Mineta alone.


>Has a job
Have fun being a wage slave goy! Sheklebergstein needs you to support his system!
Unironically the best thing in this thread outside what I'm posting


Carrothorn plz

the best part of that is when his parents finally die he will have zero skills to offer the real world and will likely end up homeless or killing himself.

so.. always that to look forward to.

>Have fun being a wage slave goy! Sheklebergstein needs you to support his system!

I'm a manager where i work, I'm not the wave slave, the people i tell what to do are.

So Valentine's Day is coming up! Do you gentlemen have any romantic plans or something?

Anybody wanna draw something for me?
Drop kik or throw away email, i can pay you in noodz

You still have to show up and work. You earn a wage. Therefore, you are a wage slave.
Godly Clean my man! Thank you for gracing these threads with your presence! You truly are the best artist! I hope you live a long prosperous life, get married to a beautiful loving wife who is always faithful to you, and have many kids with her!

It's going to be the first Valentine's i spend with someone else than a fictional character

I hate to shatter your hopes, but I'm a super duper gay.

it was meant to trigger an insult you because you hate compliments and people being nice to you

Stranger things have happened

Gonna nut to Rag's drawings then call it a day.

i'll probably be here drawing things because i have no one

>You still have to show up and work. You earn a wage. Therefore, you are a wage slave.

That's not how salary works.

You need to stop breathing so heavily kid, i know it must tough to be alone when your parents don't give a shit about you to the point where you have no job, life, or freedom other than being that keyboard warrior you're so proud of, i wonder what you think about when you're changing your old mans diapers.

also, i know who you are, you would be surprised what someone can find just by following your typing patterns and image interests, you still afraid of that getting out?

Cheers! I'm very happy that you will have someone to physically hug and kiss. Very wonderful.
I figured as much, but the gentleman clearly hasn't done enough research about me. Plausible compliments have the potential to trigger me, but asinine ones are complete white noise.
That doesn't really mean anything.

You're still a slave to the system. Meanwhile, I can pretty much do whatever I want, when I want.

I'll assume Rag is a drawhuman. That sounds like a solid plan.
I'll probably sleep through it. But hang in there! If you want someone, you will find them. I'm rooting for you to be happy.

are you a fan of bone by any chance?

>I can pretty much do whatever I want, when I want.

you only cant little fig, you're stuck at home taking care of your dying pocket book, that's the fun of it.

>I'm right because the opposing argument is drawn with an exaggerated angry expression in this comic I found!

>All those implications
I'm as free as free can get my dude.
Be sure to tell Schlomo I said "Hi" btw

I have no idea what that is. An artist?

you forgot the simple fact that i am the boss where i work.

not only can you not do what you want when you want, you cant afford to do anything because you have no income other than being a lonely little caretaker who is fed for free.

its not an implication, you are a neet who is unable to care for yourself, its a fact, you have no skills, you cant even write very well, and your last story was over 5 months ago.

You still have to report to someone, or at the very least, you still have obligations. I don't. I am free. You are not.


>I'm right because the opposing argument is drawn with an exaggerated angry expression in this comic I found!

You have obligations, if you do not take care of your dying parents you forfeit your "freedom".

I indeed had no idea this existed. Cute little guys.

But I don't user. I am free of everything. I am free to do whatever I like to do

I enjoy my job my dude, i don't feel negativity at all when i have to go in, and i only have to work around 5-6 hours a night when i do go in.

You still have to take care of your pocketbook, lest it dies and you end up without someone to leech off of, that's still an obligation mon frere.

>I'm right because my argument is drawn with a smug expression in this comic I found!

Whatever help keeps you going man! More power to you!
Just know, that while you're working, I'll be enjoying myself, doing whatever I feel like doing.
Maybe one day you too will finally get to know what it's like to be completely free!

>I'm right because my argument is drawn with a smug expression in this comic I found!

I am free my dude, i can do anything i want whenever i want, even go anywhere i want because i own a vehicle, not to mention buy anything i want because i have excess cash flow.

keep cranking your yank my dude, since its the only skill you actually have.

to anyone interested, this is spitroast/voreanons ekas page.


Oh y'know. It's one of those puzzle blocks that you line up 3 of and they disappear... I don't know how it works, but it just kinda does.
Yossy boy
They're completely solid I think...
I've never considered what they might taste like, but they do look very hard candy-like.

Finished this right as the thread left




yes you are

Sure you can user! Sure you can!
Whatever helps you sleep at night!

>I'm right because the opposing argument is drawn with an exaggerated angry expression in this comic I found!

Requesting a cute Kitaro! Draw him doing whatever, I don't mind

>Sure you can user! Sure you can!
>Whatever helps you sleep at night!

You lose the 'argument' and thats all you can do is deflect? heres a little info for you, i work on a military base, and its not in fastfood.

see if you can come up with something else for once other than generic replies.