Fucking Disgusting Shit saved from Sup Forums

Fucking Disgusting Shit saved from Sup Forums

how does someone become this?

Correct life choices

wish she had a dick though


saved from rotten you mean.
>being this new

who fucking cares

You guys do know it's orange juice, right?


Still fucking vile


you dont like oj?

i'm sad too

Prefer apple juice

step 1: get into bathtub

i like to mix both them, is that ok?



hmmmm you seemed to by devoting a response.

Perfectly fine
What if it’s coming out of an ass like in the image above

when did you realize you were gay?


I’m not seeing much disgusting shit Sup Forumsros

when did you realise u mad?





That's some dedicated faggots. Disgusted, but impressed.

takes one to know one


My dick just asked me what the fuck.

who is she

It’s just orange juice guys... haven’t you ever spilt a lil juice on ya shirt? Same thang

Which "she"?

you got the joke, good user

>It’s just orange juice
I've got some for you.



you need help

you need to shut the fuck up


I always fall for this way I really should know better.

