How do you fake delusions / schizophrenia / mental disorders in general ?

How do you fake delusions / schizophrenia / mental disorders in general ?

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eat your own feces

If I collect my farts in mason jars then the FBI can't read my thoughts.


Used to

You don't unless you want medication to take away your personality and gain weight. Or just seek attention. Unless you're trying to plea criminally insane. You going to the pokey OP?

Mine First. Cake O' Shit, Coming RIGHT UP!

Seriously, Post ITT. In This Thread, After Simon Posts His. Randomly Time Assigned (RTA) = Round Table Artificer (BOOM! KING ARTHUR BITCHES!)

Wooo, I just Finished Painting MY First Reality Family. How'd I Do?

One of my EXs had a highly schizophrenic mom, it would not be easy to simply act like them. She thought hair was strings that didn't belong on her head and would regularly shave her head smooth bald. She would collect random shit, put it in ziplocks and hide it in random places, got our weed regularly. She would stand up suddenly and begin speaking to someone that wasn't there, walk off casually talking to them back to her room and continue the conversation for hours.My favorite was she would randomly just disappear and we would have to hunt for her for months sometimes. This is actually where the EX came from, on one of her little cat journeys, she came back pregnant.

Good luck OP.

Make a new personality that's schizophrenic

lol she was faking


>gain weight
I do want to gain weight

Also no one is forcing me to take meds, i'll just flush them down the toilet.

OP Why on earth would you want to have a mental disorder.

Need to win an asylum case in the EU, but because i'm from a "democratic country" ( the US ) they don't take me seriously.

samefagging homo

good thing all three of you were retarded or that ending would have made no sense.


check what you faggot

Well to be labeled with those conditions you have to be evaluated by a psychologist. You're going to have to prove that you cant take care of yourself because of your condition. Like failing school living on the street or being a general failure. good luck

What would happen if i would call the local police and tell i'm about to off myself?

They will literally knock in your door and take you to the psych ward at your local emergency room. You could also cut out the middle man and schedule an appointment with a psychologist at a hospital.

thinking you don't have a mental illness is a sign of mental illness
go to psychiatrist and tell them you're healthy, act as casually and normal as you can, the rest follows.
a better question would be, how do you fake not having a mental illness

I'm diagnosed with schizo, (also studied psychology at uni). Schizo and psychosis is very hard to fake. At least you'd need to observe actual mental patients first for a few weeks and become a really good actor for you to pull it off. But even then.. probably not worth the hassle and you would be found out.

If you just want to get on disability, try depression or autism, both much easier to fake than fucking schizophrenia.

I think a suicide threat will be more "real" if you get my drift.
However i don't want anything injected in me, fuck this.

Funny stuff kid.

Although most people with those "serious" mental disorders like schizophrenia usually have a close relative or family member show some concern first because if your messed up in the head you're probably just going to think your depressed when your life sucks but in reality its a debilitating condition where every noise is amplified and sounds like someone is talking to you and judging you.

I'm trying something else, but why would it be hard?
I mean delusions ( jews running the world , they are following me, i can't sleep, see black vans with people checking me out )
hallucinations ( can't sleep, hear voices of a woman and can't fall asleep )
No eye contact.

Pretty much it, right?

I mean i need a serious mental illness ( also incurable )


Stutter like a madman too user

Just tell them you enjoy Sup Forums and that you are sad alot. They'll probably know your crazy from just that.

I have asperger's, autism and ADHD.
You literally can't fake mental illness.
Get a job and earn money that way instead of disability checks, asshole

>You literally can't fake mental illness.

smoke weed everyday

you go and tell the psych about your basic everyday problems and he gives you a diagnosis

Yeah but you'd need to actually fake hearing the voices, to hark, just stare into nothing and listening to them for hours.
No eye contact is a good one too, you've got that one right. But there are other mannerism one shows during psychosis, like disorganized speech for example, that's harder to fake, or seemingly random behaviour, like I don't know, rearranging your furniture, or clothes or whatever, in a certain pattern to signal to the greater conscioussness to make a stop to the jews surveillance... for example. You'd have to get creative.

Well, I mean if you're dead set on it, go to first, check out all the material on there and do your research right I guess, and then just give it a shot.. but my guess is you'd be found out.

Imagine hearing the bee movie script in your head every goddamn day

Talking about it is not all, those people believe it and are far off reality.

Just talking about it, would be like saying you broke your leg. Although you say it, you don't show any symptoms like pain or are screaming.

i checked your future dubs dumbass

Sure maybe autism or ADHD but you'd have to be one hell of a dedicated actor.
Mental illness is hell. Any sane person wouldn't want to fake mental illness so if you want to fake it you're probably not sane.

>far off reality.
Those are extreme cases, most schizos aren't that different from you and i, it's when you get to know them that you find out about some random shit they do.

kek just look up brain scan comparissons,
looks like you faggots (including me) need to looking at all that porn and ending up with a screwed up brain like this

nice source idiot.

It has to be real, you have to tell them that you failed out of school and can't find work. Tell them that you have no close friends and alot of enemies. They will ask you if you hear noise or see things at that point and what you do is say "yeah all the time" they'll ask for an example and you will say that it sounds like people are talking about you like their whispering commentary on your life. Then tell them that you like your privacy. then say you dont like when your neighbors look in your window for no particular reason. Try to act sad and try to 'act normal'. By this I mean don't act retarded just pause a bit more than normal and if you can reorganize your thoughts so that they don't come out fluidly your golden. Remember not retarded just a little off.

My aunt has mild shizo. Yes, they are off. They start brabbling about incoherent shit for hours non stop. Constantly describing new evils and conspiracy theories, creating fake memories. Still she has a job.

That's why i'm going with the jewish conspiracy, enough shit on Sup Forums and even Sup Forums to drop a fat folder on the doctors desk and explain every single page to him, i think i'll be qualified.

It is not only the conspiracy, but also the inability to describe it and it changing constantly and getting mixxed with other theories. If you are no extrovert, you will fail this, because those people talk constantly, even when no person is around.

>If you are no extrovert, you will fail this, because those people talk constantly, even when no person is around.
I don't get it, i go to school but i'll be telling this shit only to my psychiatrist.

That's not how this works.

Those people are on a constant high, hyperactive and talkative. If they have no one to talk to or no one wants to listen, they still talk.

what lol

no fuck you

how many traps have jackeded off to today?

ask ur mum lel


can that get better? like does the brain heal up or new connections happen if you stop and like, eat healthy and train or something?

iv spent the last 13 years drinking, smoking grass, eating masses of psychedelics and masturvating to porn incessantly, its not even so much that im worried about the damage allready done, id just like to know theres hope i save what iv still got left

cause i can see im developing somethinglike mild dementia and cognitive/volitional disfunctions progressively year after year

like in 2013/14 i could do things, remember things, think in elaborateways, like remember my day backwards or get myself to fokus or change mental tracks by will, then by 2016 i couldnt do that any more, 2017 im starting to loose and forget things and cant consciously cause what my mind is even doing, now its 2018 im realy starting to get demented

You're doomed.

For the recovery of the changes due to substances
Alcohol yes, pretty fast
Weed yes, but long time
Psychos most of the time never


you're fked

You can't define schizophrenia simply, that's first. e.g. cannabis helps, cannabis puts you out of reality... There can be many types.

You can't eat masses of psychedelic, what you've been eating?

he means a lot.

Listen , talking about stuff like this "ohh it would be easy i can easily fake it , its not how it works, try it, do you think they gonna believe in you ? You cant fake it easily, YOU NEED TO EXPERIENCE IT, Not just talk about it, YOU NEED TO SERIOUSLY BELIEVE IT, you cant fake that shit, i have a psychiatrist and there i met some people who has schizo , its not easy to fake it , you can try to fake it, you going to fail for sure . just like almost anything , talking about it is MUCH EASIER , BUT WHEN REALITY HITS YOU , YOU NEED TO PROVE IT SOMEHOW , YEAH ..... THATS WHEN YOU FAIL .

no you don't idiot.

and you know its not about that , doctors dont wanna give you medicine , THEY HAPPILY give you anything if you prove somehow you are sick. I GET HUNDREDS AND I HAVE HUNDREDS OF XANAX PILL because even tho i tell my psychiatrist i cant more than 0.5 mg - 1 mg daily, she always gives me , so i have like 400 hundred xanax pill, i dont know what to do with it, i could sell it somehow but its not easy.


four hundred , sorry i cant type.

>tldr 4 u

>Rosenhan himself and seven mentally healthy associates, called "pseudopatients," attempted to gain admission to psychiatric hospitals by calling for an appointment and feigning auditory hallucinations.

>During their initial psychiatric assessment, the pseudopatients claimed to be hearing voices of the same sex as the patient which were often unclear, but which seemed to pronounce the words "empty," "hollow," "thud," and nothing else.

>If admitted, the pseudopatients were instructed to "act normally," reporting that they felt fine and no longer heard voices.

>seven were diagnosed with schizophrenia at public hospitals, and one with manic-depressive psychosis,

lot to read, im gonna read it maybe, not sure if i will understand all because my english not so good, im gonna read sometime.

you can fake anything because once you sit in thechair opposite to the psych everithing, every thnig, you say or do is interpereted as a simptom and the psych automaticaly inferres and reads-into your words and behavior and most personality disorders are diagnosed by clusters of simptoms, so like if you tell him you got random problems with anger or depression, vorry about this or that, admit to somesort of 'substance abuse' and tell him about that time you hurt your fist punching something or some random act of selfharm, thats like 4 tics out of 7, congratulations youve now officialy got a personality disorder F-something diagnosis on paper and on file, and its never going away ever

Are you from France by any chance?



okay well , interesting, but still i dont think ANYONE can fake schizo or any other "more serious mental illness" . you know even tho i have reason to get all these xanax pill , i dont really need this much , but my psychiatrist gives me anyway, thats why i have hundreds , i dont know much about other meds but i believe there are some which you cant access that easily.

xanax is for anxiety, not depression or schizophrenia.


shrooms and lsd, used to take shrooms like 5-10 grams a pop, lsd i mostly 'microdose' by cutting it up, or just take one but i did that for a long time like 2 years

I actually know a couple people who take it as a antidepressant from their doctor

Act like a female.


yes i know im diagnosed with both, i take xanax but super low dose , 0.5 mg 0.75 mg, not even 1 mg daily. its actually super low , something minimum, of course there was time when i took more than 1.5 mg daily, but now i dont take that much and feel super fine . also i take some other medicine called sertralin sandoz , its for depression, i feel fine with both of these.

For that you would get reward IMO.

Let's make sure that has the word "bi", "bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality" in it.
Let's make sure that has the word "bi", "bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality" in it.
Let's make sure that has the word "bi", "bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality" in it.
Let's make sure that has the word "bi", "bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality" in it.
Let's make sure that has the word "bi", "bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality" in it.
Let's make sure that has the word "bi", "bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality" in

You have to get cognitive on this stuff.

"be sexy" I get it, you filthy scum.

Your going to jail for touching those girls OP, an insanity plea cant help you now

Just tell dem your being ganstalked

bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality

How do I cognitiv'd?

bisex", "bisexy", "bisexual", "bisexuals", or "bisexuality"

what you mean by that?

I am going to blow your puny minds but try to stop believing in psychology for a second. What do you call your shortcomings now? don't answer that! mental flaws are mostly emulated by the mind itself. Your mind is capable of controlling itself through the belief in psychology. If you had never heard of depression would you even bother with it or would you look at your life and see that it sucks for your own poor decisions. Quit believing in psychology and know that if you really want to pretend you have schizophrenia you CAN. I want you to know that you have the potential to scam a medical professional. I love you


shit so close i touch myself with vegetables my family eats. check em

>I want you to know that you have the potential to scam a medical professional. I love you
any tips though?

Trannys are cool now check em

I mean, it's not about being mesmerized by simple phenomena, it's about expanding potential, so you can see bigger complexes out of it.

check em

Why would somebody want injected some neuro degradatory stuff on owns will?

look at all the schizophrenic videos on youtube and get creative