Ask a freemason anything.

So how long ago have you been set free, Mason?


Does it bother you that foil hat stoners think you're a lizard person trying to control the world, when in reality, you're just a dude who hangs out with other dudes that try to make their communities suck less?

should I round off the corners of my room or am i already safe enough from the hell hounds?

9 years

How to join?

People always fear what they do not know.

People alwas shun what they don't want to understand.


Just drop a question to your local lodge.

Well spoken. I should've followed in my great grandfathers footsteps into freemasonry. Maybe some day when I'm not in Commiefornia anymore.

Thank you for trying to make the best of this shitty world.

How often is penis inspection?

what are some of the actual benefits of being a mason?

I wish you a good Journey!

When is the end p the world?

what degree?

Is it possible to move lodge to lodge? I may have a move coming up.

What exactly do you do? The masons in my town pretty much just hang out in their lodge all day and do nothing

whats the secret to a really smooth ,creamy hummus??

Flugelcrank or flugelhorn?
Personally I think the crank comes before the horn but this Swedish dude told me the horn comes first. I mean, you can’t have one without the other obviously but it seems to me you need the crank first.
Help me out here this shit is really bothering me.

what do you build?
why do you do it for free?

2nd this. i have a lodge about 10/15 mins away from me. always thought about stopping by, but i havent seen anybody parked there

flugelmeister here,,crank fist horn second,it reduces the wear on the shafflugel,and its much smoother in the end

If you've got to go to one library, and be there for rest of your life, which one?

How many upperclassmen cocks have you forceably sucked so far?

What age is your mother.?

Honestly interested in joining here. However, I see the same type of rhetoric in the freemasons as I've seen in many cults around the world. All about "realizing yourself", shrouded in mystery, and very few stories of people actually leaving.

Why did you join? How has it turned out? Can you have a regular life besides being a freemason?

If my moms uncle was a 13th, would that help me join?

Are you inbred

Jesus that’s been fucking with me hard these last couple weeks
Have a masturbating mime for your troubles

How does baby blood taste my nigga

a coworker tried to recruit me, I said no thanks because it sounded dumb.

How often do you have gay orgies? maybe i should reconsider...

I lol'd way to hard to that face

How do you mitre granite slabs if you don't have access to mains voltage on site?


Before you were a free mason, did you charge a lot for your work?

looks like this one