Hmm not enough threads that objectify women? well let’s fix that

Hmm not enough threads that objectify women? well let’s fix that

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice thread, OP





So hard

Mmmmm more like this


found the woman



Okay not in a sexist way but this thread really is for men

The follow up is the best part, where she reveals that he kicked her out when she came home.

hello, fbi

Kys fucking degenerate

^not bait


>violence against an innocent child
I can honestly say, you are somehow the sickest fucker in this thread

Know where I can find it? I fucking love this story.


I want to violently fistfuck her asshole until she is commiting.

Wahhhhhhhh I can't get pussy like a real man waaaahhhh



Yum any more?








Would love to use my daughter like this


please poast

enjoy your ban
and the party van
(assuming you are not the fbi trying to bait for sick stuff)

i wish this was you ya sick bastard


For the more cultured, do an image search for Allen Jones the artist. Some very interesting stuff and I went to one of his aptly named exhibitions

What was ?

I’m sure I don’t want to see it but I’m curious because of the reactions.

Request for baby torture that's been getting reposted this week


Thankfully haven’t seen any of that.




Fuck link to the vid your pics from!

If only Hilldawg had won.

It's amazing how this girl justifies her position, I hope the boyfriend made it big somehow and this girl runs into him and his now wife all happy and successful.

Are women naturally narcissistic? I suppose some are




what the fuck was it??? i want to see it!

somebody had posted this pic, it's too much even for Sup Forums

it was just a picture of a little baby smiling
it was what the poster was asking for that was sick
reposted here
afaik even asking for that will land user in jail
good riddance sick twat

This is fucking great. What a self obsessed stupid cunt.

top kek

Chad beer kek

Yeah I’d have one in my house

What's with those paint strokes above her eyes?


> owns a girl
> acts pretty alpha
> gives himself a name like „girlbreker bitch dog“




Oh hello