What's the best way to stop yourself suffering that isn't killing yourself?

What's the best way to stop yourself suffering that isn't killing yourself?

I'm so fucking close to just doing it tbh

>inb4 do it faggot

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do it faggot

Smoke weed and play Zelda botw and drink some beers

Apathy can be achieved by drug use.

Literally just got home from the hospital yesterday from suicide attempt. If you do it, make sure you do it correctly. Find things to enjoy dude, psych wards and people telling you you're crazy sucks.

I literally don't enjoy anything anymore though, so I can't do anything

Thanks for the advice though man, I hope you're holding up ok

Bullshit, you're on Sup Forums. If you enjoyed nothing you'd be beating your head in a wall.
I am, thanks. Stabbing yourself is a shitty way to try.

Masterbate to straight porn. Give to the poor. Destroy your enemies. Procreate. Eat meat. Invent shit. Drink beer. Tell the world to go fuck itself once in a while. Masterbate to gay porn. Repeat in order.

leaving absolutely everything behind.
Trusting that those left behind will do fine without you
and going to a journey.

journey can take many forms.. some travel the world.. some involve labor... some involve finding your spirit

I went to a journey around the World and I found who I wanted to be. And this is the end of my journey. and the start of my story.

Will you fall and cease to exist? You will make choice now! Are you ready to build a legend? Ready to cast aside anything that holds you back?


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to suffering...I lost steam. Meditation my man. Think of your brain like another muscle in your body to workout. Try to find books/instructions that are neutral and focus on simple breathing, don't fall into some 'discipline' western yoga meditation or some fake shit like that.

Well all of the shit I used to enjoy I really don't anymore and that makes me feel worse, I literally want to do nothing then when I do nothing it makes me want to kill myself even more. I just want it to stop

leave behind reasons why you don't enjoy something.
I can give you a forum bear hug. Now go and be a beautiful person!

Well, I'm permanently at a higher risk of hernia and can't lift shit for a long time now. Would timestamp but don't have a marker. Sorry you can't find joy, but don't fuck yourself up in the meantime. Antidepressants and counselling can legit help bro, but who knows.

Shit, that looks brutal, I hope stuff starts looking up for you man.
I've been seeing a counsellor at my Uni but we only have a limited amount of sessions and thursday is my last one and I feel worse if anything. And I dunno if I wanna take anti-depressants I don't know if they'll fuck me up even more.

How did the abortion feel user?


Do some drugs OP, I’ve done it and makes life a million times better, just keep them under control

Are you talking about illegal drugs or antidepressants here?
I just feel like when you're taking them, telling people that you're taking them will just make them hate me and think I'm a fuck up

Depending on your issues
I went through a terrible time so I got a job to keep me busy and used to cash to enhance my existence.
I say existence because that was my mindset back then now I'm quite content with my life, if you have depression and or anxiety get Meds and counselling you will be doing fine if you push through.

Most people just do drugs or drink.

Yes do drugs and drink. Mix it up though. Don't become an addict to one thing

Fuck drink that just makes things worse, a little weed is good for you if you don't abuse it.

I didn't say it was a good idea, I just said it was what most people do.
I'd suggest getting high too though. Get stoned and play some video games yo

Oh guess what. Don't tell them

Start listening to this man

Is there an audio book or lecture?

healthy diet
hard, proper exercise every day

those two things will massively improve your ability to cope with the shittiness of modern life

i was exactly like you; i was depressed, anxious, miserable, pissed off all the time, fuckin hated everyone and everything.
was takin antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds
talkin to counselors
in a psych ward for suicide attempt

this was several years ago. after realising that the drugs don't work i stopped drinking, stopped putting unhealthy food into my body and started exercising hard every day

the differences are monumental
it makes you feel on top of the world and that you are the fuckin boss of everything. your confidence, charisma and general outlook on everything shoots through the roof

it's the hardest thing to do ever, making myself get out of bed 2.5 hours before i have to be at work just to give myself enough time to get ready and train, but it fixes your mental state and it's completely free and you don't even need to leave the house

just do it, seriously

Yes and yes.

I used to do that, I still eat healthily and it's only pretty recently that I've given up training, even that doesn't make me happy anymore


Could you link either, preferably the lecture

Or if ur in pain u could just try crying.....seems like the logical thing to do

this worked for me