Do you consider being transgender to be a mental illness?

Do you consider being transgender to be a mental illness?


>Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/they identify. People with gender dysphoria may be very uncomfortable with the gender they were assigned, sometimes described as being uncomfortable with their body (particularly developments during puberty) or being uncomfortable with the expected roles of their assigned gender.
>idk u tell me

it is mental illness. it doesn't matter what anyone considers it.

Pretending to be someone who you are not is a mental illness.

It is. By definition a mental illness. Same with being gay.


um it kinda is... thinking you are male when you are female is about as crazy as thinking you are an elephant. either way you are truly believing you are something you are not. nature didnt get it wrong, your brain did

I consider ignorance and bigotry to be mental illnesses. One’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity should be of no concern to the rest of humanity. Then again, based on Trump’s election, there are a shit ton of ignorant fucks in America. The rest of the world accepts people as people.

I hope you add to the suicide statistic

>nature didn't get it wrong
Brain is nature though. Like being gay, it is natural. If it wasn't natural then it wouldn't exist in nature lol. It's an anomaly, but still natural.

wow, long read but it sure was FUCKING HILARIOUS.
now i can laugh even harder internally when i pass by one of these freaks in the mall.
so they gotta shove medical dildos up their fake snatches so that the wound doesnt heal shut?!?!

i may have a short dick, but at least its not a mangled mangina hahaha

46 % of trans ppl kill themselves, of COURSE it is a mental illness. ANYONE who says otherwise is delusional, and probably deserves a bullet to the head.

Yeah, outside of Sup Forums and this one guy I knew, nobody really cares. If you feel like you'd be happier living as another gender fucking go for it. Most people will be polite and try and use your preferred pronouns.

I've also never encountered anybody who uses those weird made up pronouns like xer and shit. Everybody just goes by he, she, or they.

And people never really get mad when you mix up their pronouns. Unless you're doing it on purpose just to be an asshole. Sometimes they'll correct you, but usually not unless it comes up in conversation.

I work in boystown in Chicago.


>Works in boystown
Enjoy your HIV, fag

Jesus fucking christ for your sake user I hope you are baiting. How can you possibly not think that this is a mental illness? Around 50% of the delusional trans people kill themselves. But thats perfectly normal right? Haha, you fucking total moron.

"one’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity should be of no concern to the rest of humanity."

Sure, you know where the problem lays?
The problem lays in them expecting ME to LIE and say that they are the other gender. They are NOT the other gender. They XX chromosomes have not changed into XY or vice versa.

And not to mention the normalization of this completely idiotic way of thinking. Accept who you are, and dont influence your children to be the other gender you fucking delusional worthless sub humans.

I am not even kidding anymore, Hitler should have won the war. If he did, you people would all be dead by now, it wouldnt be great necessarily but we would atleast not have you shitsmeared mongoloids everywhere.


id love to beat the fuck out of that old hag and kick her kid in the ribs

I hope you move to the middle east.


You are mentally challenged.

If people are so confused that they don’t know if they are male or female, then how can we trust them with important life decisions

i dont consider, i know!

just look at social statistics bruv. almost if not all of them had childhood trauma. its laughable

A man wearing a dress does not magically change him into a woman.
People are deluded if they think otherwise

That's correlation not causation, ever consider what other factors play a role?
1. It's a 40% suicide rate
2. transgenders with familial support are 82% less likely to commit suicide
3. Transgenders who are rejected by parents are 13% more likely to commit suicide
Did you do 0 research?

