Can you name a more talentless or insufferable person in Hollywood than this bitch?

Can you name a more talentless or insufferable person in Hollywood than this bitch?

Protip: You can't

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Amy Schumer

>more talentless and insufferable than the star of "Ghost"

Yes, how about the star of "The Accountant."

Kelly Osborne

Lena Dunham.

ITT: Women.

>she wins Oscar
>OP doesn't


I love her. She's one of my favorite actresses.

>thinks winning an Oscar has ever been about talent

You don't deserve those dubs.

She was the best thing about Ghost.

I just got them again

She's an EGOT winner.

what's your problem with whoopi. fucking teenage shitbag.

the best fucking scene..

What about the EGOT that's kind of impressive.

pol is always right

OMG she won an OSCAR from his role in fucking Ghost?

His mom probably watches The View while she prepares his tendies.

Real name is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

>She has stated that her stage forename ("Whoopi") was taken from a whoopee cushion; "If you get a little gassy, you've got to let it go. So people used to say to me, 'You're like a whoopee cushion.' And that's where the name came from." The name Goldberg is an alternative family name that she says she chose to use to be taken more seriously.


She banged Demi Moore in this movie. It's like the sneakiest clever lesbian sex scene in all of cinema.

thanks doc

Beat me to it

>Literally naming yourself after a Jewish fake fart

>Sup Forums unironically defending one of the absolute worst cases of SJW shit being allowed to go too far

Stranger Things absolutely ruined this board.

Shes based as fuck

Not only is Whoopi Goldberg talented but she's cool as fuck, she is one of the only people who stuck up Michael Richards when that shit happened.

She stuck up for Ted Danson and the black face thing as well.

They were dating, and it was her idea in the first place.. so yeah..

She can't even make a coherent statement there, interupts everyone, and keeps adding shit to her argument to keep them from getting a word in.

Yeah, she's right that women need to accept responsibility for their actions, but she's still an insufferable cunt while trying to express it.

I've rarely been more-hard while watching a film, than I was during Girl, Interrupted when Whoopi picked up a furious Winona Ryder and dumped her into a bath of cold water. I swear, I should have used that erection to go prospecting for gold.

I would have alternated between having Winona give me a blowjob and thrusting mightily in and out of Whoopi's luscious, super-tight cavern before yelling out in glorious climax and explosively jizming on each of their upturned, grinning faces.

Christ, I'm hard again just thinking about it.

If that other hapless bitch didn't keep interrupting her she would have gotten her point across.

Fuck off person born on or after January 1, 2000. Go be nu-Right some place else.

You're trying too hard.

Just make a thread about what YOU like... oh wait, those get deleted dont they you fucking pedo?

Sorry your safe space got taken over by the FBI and all your pedo buddies got sent to prison, but the good ol days of coming here for child rape videos are long over.

fuck you nigger, men do this shit all the time and no one bats an eye.

She made her point in the first 5 seconds. After that it was all about staying the center of attention.


You got that part right.

Except when they get called out on it.

>Says Stranger Things is bad and bad for the board
>accused of being a pedo

Man, you guys sure are fucking stupid. And so is Whoopi Goldberg.

>Except when they get called out on it.
by getting interrupted and spoken over by someone else. fuck your shit faggot. literally everyone does it.

You know that image shows a kid mad that he lost a chess match, right?

It basically sums up this argument right now, and how I'm utterly destroying you in it.

Not an argument.

And certainly not a defense of Whoopi's debate skills either.

>Stranger Things absolutely ruined this board.

This board was never good.
When you say the board was "ruined" I assumed you were pining for when this board was filled with child rape, not pining for a different shade on the spectrum of autistic meme spamming.

You know you have autism, right?

It basically means you can never win an argument with a normal person because you have a faulty perception of basic reality.

>get fucking destroyed by your own inability to understand the visuals of a poorly made macro image
>I better call him autistic!

And have you noticed yet how you have zero convincing arguments about why Whoopi Goldberg is anything BUT an insufferable cunt?

>tries to prove he's not autistic by missing the point of a common meme that mocks autism to focus on meaningless details no normal person cares about
>thinks he can argue against human subjectivity because he is incapable of understanding a reality that is not objective and based on his own personal faulty logic

kekkity kak

>I'll prove my point by using terms the wrong way! That'll show him!

>Ill prove my point by saying I won the argument!

She was pretty damn funny in The Player

You already did that.

With the chess image that shows you can read macros alright, but can't look at the deeper context of said image.

Basically, you're a fucking idiot, haven't done a single thing to support your argument, and you're devolving by the second in your failed attempts to salvage your position.

I've won, and this conversation is now over.


gotta admit i whack on off to her back in the day she had a GREAT ASS!


>we need more black people in the movies
>I know a young black actress who looks and sounds exactly like middle-aged black bin lady
>perfect, problem solved

>biel's pedo dad

She's pretty funny desu

Abatap ruined this board, but you go right ahead and have your opinion. I'll allow it.


>implying sister act isn't pure kino


>Ill win the argument by coming back to it 30 minutes later after the other guy has left.

jesus fucking christ

i know we joke about everyone having autism, but you really do have it.

>With the chess image that shows you can read macros alright, but can't look at the deeper context of said image.

legit autism