"Hey, user, you seem troubled, want me to hug you and hear your problems?"

>"Hey, user, you seem troubled, want me to hug you and hear your problems?"
>*hugs you at high speed*

What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Drop a banana peel

phase out of existence.

I'd flash him deez nutz

Reminder: in the Flash comics there was a villain who froze time and gave Flash's pregnant wife an abortion.

I'd ask him to fuck me at high speed.

Reminder: comics are without exception fucking retarded and should not be brought up in polite discussion of anything, even capeshit.

>hold sword up before hug
>"pssh, nothing personnel flash"

Ask him if is it gay to get your time remnant to suck your weewee

He is so much hotter than that thing they cast for the movie.

Hug back

I don't have any problems but we can hang out. Mind introducing me to Caitlyn?

That happened to Wally, not Barry. The villain was Zoom.
This, except because movies will never touch the batshit insanity of cape comics at their finest

>mfw unironically love superhero comics

Good taste, Caitlyn is best girl.

I want to fuck killer frost while she freezes and melts the inside of her pussy.

Why doesn't Caitlyn tell her friends that she can freeze shit. I mean she knows they'll try to help right?

Because she knows about her being killer frost and the CW writers

She knows about the CW writers? How meta.

She's a meta human after all.

this show is so bad is Sup Forums liking it ironically?

>Can see and react to bombs going off
>Can't see or react to a dude moving a massive piece of metal under his armpit from the complete opposite of his body

No that's legends of tomorrow.

It's fun.

I'd argue its the most consistent capeshow rn, including the Marvel Netflix shows.

It's probably the funnest show I am currently watching.

2nd most fun when silicon valley comes back.

Me too user. I still fucking die at the board meeting and the pug

He's also literally the shittiest actor on tv right now.

Fucking legends of Tomorrow
>We found where he was hiding out in this year, he was living in this town!
>Oh shit, we really fucked that up, guess we gotta find him in another time
>....couldn't we just go back literally two days before we showed up and get him? We know how he'll react now and can plan around that

It's honestly one of the worst shows but it's absolutely self aware.

Gotta admit when you have no standards you can go crazy.

That last samurai ep was GOAT.

last flash ep was rly fun, i'm back on board

Alright so new RH evil or good?

What's the verdict?

Who gives a shit. He's adorable.


dumbshit that gives his opinions even tho he doesn't have a single fucking clue about what he's talking about

pretty much Sup Forums tier evil

He's good but he will eventually go back and the person who really helped him solve the puzzle will be revealed.

Thoughts on Draco Malfoy? What's his role in all of this?

Did they just want the HP fanbase?

*pops a broner*

>inb4 shitty plot twist, he's alchemy

I swear to god, if they do it again, just like Zoom and Wells

He is alchemy.

>Doesn't exist in any other timeline
>Neither does alchemy


>What's his role in all of this?
I was enjoying the antagonism, of someone finally just not liking Barry. Now their likely to slowly become BFF's so slash shipping?

But that's such a shitty twist.

hes JD's loser brother who then becomes a successful salesman, making JD feel like he needs to move on with his life

When you watch the next episode look at the bottom right of the screen.

That will explain it all.

Who the fuck is JD?

That explains why he's white not what his role is in the story.

the guy who played Harrison Wells played JD's (the main character) brother in scrubs, a tv show

Would have never even guessed. Though it's been years since I watched scrubs. That shit where they all became teachers was beyond retarded

Thank God Vandal is dead and Season 2 has been awesome

I want his penis so much.

>I come from a pretty wealthy wizard family
What did he mean by this?

fucking malfoy, get back to your potions scrub

It explains his problem with Meta-humans
>TFW you stop being Wizard after Voldemort, become a nice normal Muggle CSI, Suddenly superpowers everywhere.

>Cisco pronounced the AT-AT as @@

I didn't even realize it was the same guy he looks 40 years old.

Don't bully Erza

ywn have that jawline ;_;

I've never once seen The Flash get hit or injured in a way that didn't seem completely retarded and bad writing

Recognizing a brittish cunt from a mile away is a superpower I've depeloped meself m8


He be looking ugly as fuck besides that
not worth