Would you start a war for her?

Would you start a war for her?

Perfectly cast
Not a big fan of the move though tbqhwyf

butt double

It wasn't just about her. Her "kidnapping" was like the shooting of Franz Ferdinand starting WW1. There were a lot of built up social and cultural factors that contributed to the decision to go to war. The two biggest alternate causes are Honor/Glory (what Achilles was all about) and wealth. Troy was a rich city and the Greeks wanted to plunder it.

Also war is the best way to get rid of pesky sons so you don't have to worry about who inherits what.

No, girls with looks like are a diamond dozen in Ukraine.

This is a 6/10 in the Ukraine.

t. Vlad

No, but i'd start a war for dat Brad.

No homo tho.

No but I've had a few fistfights with my dick over her.

Is Troy posting a thing now?


only if i could be her pusy slave

Between her and young Rose Byrne and Hector's wife, Troy was non-stop boners.

>tfw not a warrior from a simpler time


I hope so, Troy is actually a great movie that gets shat on too much because of "muh historical accuracy".

Troy would have been a dope book imo

>being this autistic
Here's (you)r

I'd kill millions for her

Nah. If I was prince, I would just settle for the thousands of free virgin jailbait pussy I already get on daily basis. Paris was a retard.

for her 16 year old version, sure.

Think you mean a dime a dozen user.

Sure, if I had an army

Yes. In fact I would start two wars for her.


I hate that stupid meme. People don't get that it's supposed to be based around the myth and the legend. Same thing happens with Gladiator, Noah and any biblical/historical epic.

>that Sack of Troy in the Director's Cut
>all of that rape and destruction
>those babies being thrown off ledges

Shit was traumatizing senpai. I just wanted a comfy sword and sandals flick.

Damn Diane Kruger looked like THAT?

25 years ago, yes.

Hell yes.


If we're going by pure mythology then the God's orchestrated it because half of them had been slighted by Troy in some way or another.

But why did they remove most of the mythological aspects, this is what i don't understand.

Sure, it doesn't need to go full Iliad with men hitting Gods with spears, but why tone it down to the level they did?

I haven't watched the film in years, do they show the fate of Hector's son at all?

All the mythological versions are pretty fucking grim