What celebrity does Sup Forums look like?

What celebrity does Sup Forums look like?


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Jake T. Austin apparently



This site is weird


Louis Theroux, would have preferred to look like Justin though


Fucking hell this site is sheit

Why does it suggest Chinese people for everybody

Because you're all mongoloids.

This site is shit.


Will you be my gf?

hey man i have news for you


I tried this before on another site. It just matches me with abunch of asians, and im not asian myself..

I kind of agree with them

Novak Djokovic
Bear Grylls
Sharlto Copley

And on another pic of me
Benjamin Walker
Adam Rodriguez

I did this some months ago, the only one I still get is Jason Reitman

Will she be my gf?

Used a completely different pic and that David guy popped up again, I like that

It's perfectly accurate.

this is stupid i'm white

Maybe its because you are from Argentina



you might be white on the inside but you're not on the outside

Don't really know what to think of this desu

I can kind've understand it but he's not the first one I would've licked


Forgot pic

Like this but chubbier and younger

my first pic gave me all asian women.

Wut ? These four guys don't even have anything in common.


Is your chin similar to any of theirs?


been told I look like Bill SkarsgÄrd

>Sorry, something went wrong.

I broke it


Yeah, my chin is kinda similar to the one on hackerman. With tired eyes and the bottom left guy's hair I guess that can explain the forty something scores.

