Oh no Barry, a new metahuman villain has arrived and he'll be your toughest fight yet!

Oh no Barry, a new metahuman villain has arrived and he'll be your toughest fight yet!

Alright, Cisco - tell me what I'm up against!

It's another guy who runs fast whose suit happens to be a different color than yours.

Hey Barry, I'm here for 30 minutes of melodrama.

>Credits roll

You'll never catch him Barry his vibrational frequency is too high.

*insert same running frames since season1


was it Norm Macdonald who pointed out what a boring superhero the flash was?

This season started so good man but its getting boring real fast

That's very insensitive.

Cisco doesn't say that shit

What I can't stand about this show is that there are 100+ people hit with dark matter energy, but literally 99% of them are people with criminal history.

There should be a lot more wannabe super vigilantes.

Oh no, your father died a horrible death. But don't be sad, you have another one who happens to be another version of Flash. We can all be happy now. How many Flash's do we have now?

Criminals are good conductors.

>tfw the show had so much potential in season 1 but then you realise the writers don't have talent or budget for interesting things.

Only people with bad genes get powers

I wonder who could possibly be behind this post.

What if 50% are villains, 10% are heroes but most of them are small time vigilantes or just hide their abilities, and 40% just use their abilities (and don't reveal them in public) for their own good in non-evil ways?

Rather ironic that you decided to post this the one season the main villain isn't a speedster



what the fuck is that thing

How would Barry fight a guy who's power would be making people's penis and genitals explode?

>oh no I can't win guys
Just run faster Barry

I honestly having nothing against repeating things like this, it is very comfy. Grimm is the most comfy show I know and have more or less been the same for over 100 episodes

Dude I will settle for mediocrity as long as it's comfy lmao

Can't wait for the Gorilla City 2 parter

why not just snort opioids? can't get any comfier than that.

delete this

is that grodd?

Did you forget that Reverse Flash is the main villain for all three Arrowverse shows?

Your teeth rots and falls out
thats not very comfy

I cannot watch the other shows anymore, also Eobard actor has no presence, Alchemy isn't all that bad so far

They're gonna make you soon when the crossover happens

He's been on Legends for the most part after Flash episode 1 but will show up more surely

I don't get the joke.

Reminder that the characters that we have gotten to know over the last 2 seasons have been erased from history and now Barry is pretending that these practical strangers are the people he has known all along.

This is really unnerving about the show.

I guess Barry, Wells 2, and Jesse are the same people at least but fuck every time that thought runs through my mind while watching it makes it really bizarre

No it's groid.

He literally erased all the people he grew up with from existence. If this show was smart they'd capitalize on that for drama. The life he knew, the life he fought so hard for, to maintain, is gone now and forever. In the process he irreversibly changed the life of some of his best friends for the worse.

Again, if the show was smart, then they'd show Barry slowly realizing this and going almost insane.

Legends of Tomorrow is at least somehow original, pity they don't know what they are doing.

They have at least some idea now. Last year they seemed oblivious to the fact they were supposed to be a time travel show. They went beyond 1940-2016 what, twice?


>Barry you're fucking late again, nevermind where you've been. Just confirm something for me: what's your favorite Hogwarts house?

...wait a minute, that isn't actually Malfoy is it?

>he isn't fast enough
yes man

Big revelation: He's Alchemy. Woah, what a twist


What's with Tobin Bells voice? Is he supposed to be older Julian Dorn or something, I missed the episode..
I don't care, give me the spoilers!? Please?

>It's a Barry, run, Barry episode

I would imagine Alchemy is old Draco brought to earth 1 or a split/copy/shadow of him created by flashpoint somehow

Every single criticism about this show is valid, but fuck you all I love this show.

I shouldn't be laughing

He erased his memory of their past. As far as they know he existed and Barry shares enough common history to role with it.

Like when Rick and Morty switch dimensions and take the place of their dead former selves.

>barry this timeline you created is literally perfect for you
>the only bad part is that wally got stabbed and he's not healing as fast as he usually does
>oh and you might forget that other shitty timeline where everything in your life was complete shit
>so yeah uh....you have to go back

What a stupid mess.

Ah okay, thanks!

I'm not kidding, please tell me what happens!

He would run really fast in a circle

>Do Flashpoint paradox
>No Thomas Wayne Batman


it happens more often in season 2, it was subtle in the first season and this season you'll get a RUN JESSE RUN

Why when he comes up with a superlame gay codename for a meta does STAR Labs give him a pat on the back?

"That guy attacking CCPD threw fireballs from his hands..."

CISCO: "Hmm wait... Firebro? No I got it guys! Let's call him Firestarter! No! FIREBALLER! I'm a genius guys."

BARRY: "Hmm, that's great Cisco..."


At this point it's just obvious that they keep him causr he seems to be a fan favorite.


I was rolling my eyes at his new character at first but kek'd pretty hard at the latest episode tbph

>it's a barry runs circles around the villain to stop him episode

>he doesn't like cisco

Why do you guys never trust me no matter which universe I come from?
Do I really look like that shady?
I'm such a good guy with no secret agenda at all!

All i want is cisco to cut his fucking damn hair.

You got a fucked up ear. Imperfect people are not trustworthy.

Wally wasn't just healing slow, he was dying.

>ciscos house didn't have a bunch of rube goldberg machines

What a huge mistake

I must say, I thought this dude was going to be a fat annoying faggot like Foggy in Daredevil, but he's a solid character preformed quite well

Props to CW

Even if that were true, which it isn't, so what? Barry found out he exist less than a year prior

>rube goldberg machines

Michael J Fox has Parkinson's

He's not a sociopath and doesn't want Joe and Iris to suffer due to his selfishness.

Is that Braille on the wall behind him?

>it's another "main storyline doesnt move forward" episode

It's Interlac, the language of the future.

>always fucking shitty Beats headphones

I hope Monster Cables fucking explodes and Dr. Dre dies in a car crash

Fuck that shit brand, or did Apple buy them again? Either way its garbage.

Then he could have just ran back in time and fixed it. There's literally no reason for him to leave that timeline.

Based Wells is literally the only reason to watch the show

The timecop dementors would have been up his ass in no-time.

Plus he was losing his powers so with that happening and Wally dead there'd be nobody fast enough to run in circles when bad things happen.

Yeah, people forget that by the time Barry was going to restore the timeline, he couldn't even stand and Thawne had to carry him.

It seems unfair considering evil season 1 Wells wasn't even Wells.

>Get killed and bodysnatched
>When the colleagues you would eventually grow to love and think of as family find out they don't give one iota of a shit
>They replace you with some random universe hopper
>When that guy fucks off they search the entire multiverse for another replacement instead of even considering saving you


>Someone brings up the idea of saving real Wells
>"Look at what happened with Flashpoint though, we can't change the past."
>"But the whole reason Thawne did that was because it didn't actually change the future, he took over as Wells."
>"It still wouldn't work. When Eddie shot himself to save us it meant Thawne never existed, but if Thawne doesn't exist then he doesn't come back in time, and if he doesn't come back in time Eddie never shoots himself, and if Eddie never shoots himself then Thawne does exist and comes back and Eddie does shoot himself. It's the paradox that caused the singularity. Saving Wells would lead to the same kind of event."
>"... okay Barry, I can see your point but... who's Eddie?"
>Cut to Malfoy talking to Prof. Zoom