It's a black guy joins the group and suddenly all the girls are over on him and leave their ugly tiny-dicked white boi...

>it's a black guy joins the group and suddenly all the girls are over on him and leave their ugly tiny-dicked white boi boyfriends for him episode

it really made me think... sigh... how can we even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:

>show called last man on earth
>black man enters group
>you realize title is still accurate
>black "man" is actually the bull

I never thought about it but it really does make sense. The white "men" are really just boys.

The groups turns on him and he dies.
What's really funny is he got tired tired of fixing stuff for a bunch of selfish lazy white people.

I still think this is the most cuckolded tv show ever

Is there anything that comes close?

Ive heard the new comedy about farage is preddy bad

This show and that lost parody show "wrecked" make me believe that the writers post here
the latter did a brendan fraser meme joke and a big guy joke

Bella and the Bulldogs
that shit boggles the mind

You're the worst

Someone please post the You're the Worst webm

Just like society

except in total exact reverse

Caroll still chooses Tandy, even though the black guy wants her, he's shown to be unnecessarily agressive, everyone turns on him, and he dies.

hey man I was just asking

Agreed. In real life, he would fuck the white girl and she would leave her tiny cuck husband.

comedy about farage??

I think its called farage goes on holiday or something

its about some total bellend who goes about being racist

Apparently someone says he is a big fan and then is wearing a shirt that says KKK

I havnt actually seen it though because I assumed it would be terrible

>still watching this awful unfunny shit

>it has 3 seasons

Yea he was a total asshole. Fuck him

Idk the show turned to shit so fast i cant even remember when.

Like episode 1 looked interesting then they added a bunch of garbage characters, mostly unfunny women.

I did watch it for the astronaut dude thinking they were going somewhere there with that character. Nop.

Pretty dissapointing desu.

To be fair, I do think they're still going somewhere with his brother. The show really has it's problems, especially concerning the supportive characters, but I still watch it, mostly because of Will Fortes relentless style of cringe-humour.

>black guy comes in
>takes all the white women
>the white women swoon over him, wanting his D so badly
>the white guys hang out together, disliked by the rest
>black guy takes over white guys house, fucks the white women in his bed
>even takes his name, gives the white guy a girl's name
>takes his position as president
>in all meetings, the black guy sits with all the girls while the white guys sit together

I mean wtf

the show went to shit after that.

This shit really needs to stop its cringey as fuck. I don't know where you guys live but where I live in Pennsylvania girls who date niggers are usually ostracized and made fun of.

Someone give me a rundown of what happened since the end of S1

Sup Forums is the most cuck'd board hands down