Cuck Thread. I want to hear your honest thoughts and stories on it

Cuck Thread. I want to hear your honest thoughts and stories on it.

if you are into cucking even if you are the bull jsut kys

Pretty much this.
Cucks are faggots, bulls are faggots, even the girls involved are faggots.

Wanting to fuck other men's girls is only natural, but I'll never understand cucks.

cucks are not men. they are pathetic and should definitely kill themselves. how can they live with their shame?

Would cuck some asshole, otherwise I’m too jealous for that shit and I’m not a faggot, couldn’t handle that shit nor can I fucking stand it, it’s fucking pathetic

I can fap to it but the thought of me doing it makes me gag.

>please don't like what I don't like.
Confirmation bias means you'd never understand, so you may as well leave. I won't mention insecurity, I promise.

I don't care if you like it.

and for avoidance of doubt I'm more into hotwifing as I'm not beta and don't get off being humiliated, but I did let my wife play away

>I don't care if you like it.
and I don't care if you don't. So now what?

Bull here. Don't knock being a bull until you try it.

Nothing. Just informing you that your greentext was wrong.

you asked for my honest opinion you beta faggot. now shut the fuck up and go back to playing with dolls or whatever the fuck you pussies do.

fucking idiot



what a fucking idiot

What a fag

>you asked for my honest opinion you beta faggot
>you asked for my honest opinion
>you asked
No I didn't, moron. That was my first post ITT; I'm not OP

what a faggy idiot

sauce on the pic?

That's a Lowes

Is this supposed to be trolling? It's pretty pathetic if it is.


Found it on some tumblr site.



Youre a fucking idiot

Do you guys make a difference between swinging and cucking?

I sometimes eat cum off a female friend's face/tits/pussy after she fucks her bf

join in the fun


Learn to spell words first.

Fucking idiot

As long as by swinging you mean you're actually fucking other girls while she's fucking other guys, yes.

you may not be OP but you are still a cuck. how does it feel to know that the world looks down on you? that the term that best defines you is universally seen as derogatory? you are an embarassment to men.

How ironic that a troll post in another thread should turn out so right
>and it's been a long time since I saw one of these

I positively nostalgia'd. I remember my total confusion a few years back when I became a victim of one of these. A bit like this sucker


Cuckolding is when you share a partner and expect nothing in return.

Swinging is when you and your partner are both actively engaging in the sex.

Bored with it now, was fun for a year or two to spice up masturbation every now and then but good goddamn I'd never, in any capacity, engage in something that shameful.

Yes, but most time the girls fuck more, because of obvious reasons.

Also nice trips

Pathetic little shit, shouldn't you be in bed?

>how does it feel to know that the world looks down on you?
If only you knew the truth. But I'll leave you with your preconceived notions and the fact you're too insecure in your relationships to be able to even try it.
At night, on a Friday, missionary with the lights off and only vanilla ice-cream, eh?

SJW soyboy men hate themselves so much they do this shit as a coping mechanism for being weak faggots.


I only mention it because you get these faggots who will bring up alternate definitions and insist that they aren't cucks even though the end result is exactly the same.

>Protip. This is the point where you beat your chest and show how masculine and alpha you are

I mean in the post at least. Your post doesn't matter.

Sex lives tend to be a continuum; life is not black and white

I can kind understand why people decide to get into cuckolding. I've been a bull for my friend and his girlfriend for about a year now.

It's surprisingly different than what most people think. He's actually in charge despite just sitting their watching me fuck his girlfriend. He basically dictates everything I do with her and at the end of the day she's still with him and not with me. He told me he sees it as a test of her loyalty and having her come back to him every time gives him comfort. Kind of weird but that's what I've learnt over the past year.

Not him, but he is right you know. Humiliation is a major subtrope of cuckoldry for a reason.

I’ve cream? What are you an emotional little faggot that has to eat ice cream out of a tub? Go eat some meat and do some pushups, testosterone isn’t a bad thing soy boi

Well, you still share the girl. On the other hand you get a reward

Anyone ever been cucked before or have done it?


People say that to avoid labels they aren't comfortable with.

>says another guy is insecure
>is a fucking cuck

nice try

Why are u friends with a cuck? A real friend wouldn’t fuck his friends gf, Cuck or not though so I guess you really aren’t


Why can't I be friends with a cuck? I've known him since elementary and we're practically brothers.

I see you took my advice here

How did it come about?

Shared girls in swinger events and fucked some also. Few cucks, but yes. Some arent present. Its enough for them to know.

A guy I work with is a weird lil cuck. He's always after this chick and she denies him. But he still buys her everything she wants. Knowing he'll never get dat hispanic pussy he tries regardless. I bet he'd even suck her toes while some dude rams her.

We got it. You are both faggots. Now gtfo

You have to be very secure in your relationship, and not treat your woman like a possession. Something you'd struggle with, because you're frightened she might find someone better.

Which is probably a realistic option in your case, so you better keep the leash on.

>You are both faggots
Well this guy is
probably still in the closet, though

yeah. or maybe i'm not a fucking cuck like you are, buddy



She knows I'm bi, one day she tricked me into licking her face when she had cum on. Later asked if I liked it and wanted to do it again.

>maybe i'm not a fucking cuck like you are, buddy
You definitely aren't. You couldn't handle it

No I’m a different user... go back to your dialation, don’t mind me

Cucking for me isnt about being humiliated by some guy who can please my gf better then i can. I do well pleasing her on my own. Too me its about my dominance over her. Having her fuck whoever i tell her too. Having her obey me

Are you a girl?

The IR subtrope is way over-represented.

Goddammit post content
I want to think about whoring out my gf

Inventing your own language?

Lol if ur not fucking other women and she is fucking other guys you are a total loser. And open relationship is one thing, that i get, but letting ur wife fuck dudes while you sit at home or whatever is so fucking alien to me.

Also this


You win Cuck if the day. Don’t treat your woman like a possession! You’re supposed to let her walk all over you!

How about you have a relationship built on loyalty and respect, and now it is not loyal if a girl is out choking down random dicks

You're a fucking idiot

the most retarded fetish there is
i'd rather be into scat than this shit

have fun being a beta while i fuck your whore then,you fucking cuck kek you're just sad

Green text?

Lmao dude that make absolutely no sense to me.
>dominance over your wife
> your wife fucking other dudes
Gotta pick one man

In modern parlance that's more like hotwifing; or even candualism, cuckoldry definitely has an overtone of submissiveness on the male's part these days

Hahaha Ohhh tough boi Cuck coming through

>i'd rather be into scat than this shit
Nice pun kek


I mean that's bsically the whole story

>so fucking alien to me


kek be careful, if you piss him off he's gonna give you his wife to fuck as a present


Does her boyfriend know?



Anyone got any greentext to share?

Nice pun