Making BLTs for lunch, anyone have any good variations?

Making BLTs for lunch, anyone have any good variations?

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Add crabmeat salad

>, anyone have any good variations?

Garnish with deep fried pork rectums.
They're like onion rings, only chewier

Use human flesh instead of bacon

Chop those shitty ends off the tomatoes.

>Use human flesh instead of bacon

It's like veal.

Like that?

sometimes make a can of tuna and have Tuna BLT's for a change

Would raw onion go well on a blt?

Bacon update

Cover the bacon in brown sugar and cayenne pepper. Then cook in the over.

Oven bake the bacon @ 400, uze only oscar meyer. Butter one side of each bread slice and toast on a cast iron skillet.
I also like mixing in a bit of horseradish with the mayo.

Here is a gay nigger for you.


Replace the lettuce and tomato with bacon

yes replace the lettuce with bacon, then replace the tomato with bacon, then replace the bread with bacon, and add more bacon.

You joke but I've actually eaten these in Hong Kong. They're more like calimari but with a nice line of crispy pork crackling on the top. Tasted pretty good tbh

If you're going to do pigcandy you'll need maple syrup as well

You may also have a gay nigger.

Add some peanut butter to the bread.

use your cum as mayo

Shit-tier bacon. Roast it in the oven (don't preheat), this is the only path to god tier bacon

Toasting bread

This man knows what's up

Except for the gay nigger

I agree, I need to get racks for my sheet pans

>Toasting bread

Any BLT tips for someone who doesn't like mayonnaise?

Almost a swastika

Sour cream works pretty well

Try spreading the butter on the bread for better toasting.

Have another gay nigger.

> (You)
>Almost a swastika
Maybe you should open a can of these

Why the fuck u cut both ends. cut out that green shit thats it

No meat balls?

Here, one for you as well.

Don't like sour cream either. I love hot sauce?

cut it thin because it's a red onion and it has more tense taste

All done. Am going to try the tips here next time. Thanks all, what way should I cut the blt?

Then I would recommend hot sauce


Looks good OP


That is literally the only thing that does not affect the outcome.

>cast iron

cut edges off and make a perfect shaped sammy


That's fuken burnt mate

Perhaps a slice of some good pepper jack cheese next time. Just a suggestion. Good work on the sammich dude

mm I think it's just where that glob of butter was...probably tasty. 9/10 would eat

Fuck I didn't realise this was a rekt thread

I like mine a little over toasted. Tastes great.

I'm rekking it right now, fucking orgasmic.



Fucking glorious

Fuck if I know, i always eat tomatoes raw and whole so I don't care about the green bit, only pull the stems off.

is there no turkey in it? Just Bacon, lettuce, tomato?

Cremation wasn't an option...

Buttered outside toast, mayo inside untoasted side, lettuce, tomato, 5 strips of bacon, toast repeat. Done. Going to try egg or tuna salad next time on the BLT.


>cutting off the bottom end

You can really start to see where the pokemon designs started going to shit with gen3 mon like skitty

Why are all the cat-like pokemon so fucking useless too

Making a badass pizza!

Espeon, Umbreon, they weren't that useless


To a britfag this is not bacon.


use spicy/Dijon mustard next time

Is everyone in this tread high or something?

Fancy a butty ?




if you have a chili pepper jelly (sounds weird right? it exists) it actually goes really well. but i like spicy stuff. you could also heat some crushed red pepper in oil for like 10 seconds and drizzle a bit over the top. for a little kick

I've got jalapeno jelly, I should try that instead of mayo next time

could mix it up with the mayo. for an aioli of sorts. but no one asked me