

Requesting Yin and Yang (from Yin Yang Yo) participating in some brotherly-sisterly love.

Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep

1 succ please.

can i succ the cat peen please

>Tfw he has to samefag for his requests


no one really cares man

What am I witnessing?

Why does 4 already have hooves?


Mods we got mlp pony fag here



heres another my man
fuck knows
i doubt a single image makes you a pony fag dude

Why are you posting that pic of Leyla?

Thank you I like it when girls do this

So I don't know why but all of my footage is upside down when I open it in my editing program. It's the right side up outside of the program though. I'm really confused and idk how to fix it.

Changed my mind, here's Swiss-tan

>vorefag having the gall to call others out for samefagging when half the thread is him samefagging to himself
boy i am a laugh

he's sperging on me becausehe thinks i'm samefaggin' reqs and shopping out yous.

it's funny watching him flail around helplessly thinking he's right where he damn sure knows he's wrong.

*sigh* wish he just left this place already...

what program u use?

Very nice stuff!

>Being this autistically delusional
>Damage control
>Can't refute the evidence

Okay, first. You delete system32 folder.
THEN! You take a hammer and smash your hand.
After you do that, have a break. Chocolate milk. Hug a stuffy or two. Then right back to work!
At this point, you're going to want to bathe your computer in mountain dew. This gets all the gigametabits out of the CPUGPUROMRAM and makes things work the way they are intended.
After you let it soak for a good thirty minutes. Plug it back in and turn it on while still in the bath.
Then, just slowly lift the computer out, and place on a towel.
The heat of operation and the internal fans will do the rest of the work for you!

Draw the master ninjew from South Park phone destroyer

hey thread, remember when vorefag was caught impersonating drawfags and samefagging and then sperged out?

Thanks m8!

I remember. He even tried to delete the evidence and impersonate an impersonator impersonating himself.

fuck off

Cyberlink something. it came with my laptop when I got it like 7 years ago. But nevermind I figured it out.
I will do just that! Cheers.

What the fuck are you going to do with those drawings you save fag?

Put them in my collection.
Why do you care Vorefag?


I would love to see how a lewd NEET Milf would look like or in what perverted scenarios she could be involved. You are free to choose any Milf you want.

>bonus points if it is a scenario involving Sup Forums or a specific board in some way


ew. well glad things are resolved then, can't wait to see it :p

i was there.

>Yv starting to get triggered
That wasn't me btw

Even the sunflower one




That looks alright. Why are you asking?

Did you save it or was it another user

>>Being this autistically delusional
Glad you liked it.
>damage control
>can't refute evidence other than "wasn't me"
>being this autistically delusional
You'd hold more ground in your arguments if you weren't a blatant hypocrite.
When you coming to kill me faggot?
To be honest, you denying it makes you look even weaker because you acknowledge that I would fuck you up in real life. You're just a pussy.

go away

You know Yv is triggered when he goes into full rant mode

Let see you can draw my sea woman

I saved it and I am not the same user. I didn’t even request that I just liked it.


Thank you YV my faith has prepare me

You know when Vorefag is sucking my dick when he stops posting vore. What a fucking idiot for falling for the bait. He's so easy.
Glad you liked it.

Okay well it had nice talking to you fellow user

Oh okay no hard feelings

/r/ fuck you

Nice talking to you too

Requesting misty from Pokémon losing her clothes please

>Gets triggered to the point of writing walls of text
>Gets laughed at
>"Haha! I baited you!"
My sides have left the planet

Fuck off pedo

Draw a anthro butterfly queen

*adult misty

Requesting a drawing of you holding loads a moni.

It has occurred to me that I draw pretty much backwards, and I realized it when I saw how janky this body is starting to look

New, YV brand dildo using the latest in dildonics to provide pleasure to even the tightest of assholes. With the new revolutionary design, you can go fuck yourself and YV at the same time!
>>Gets triggered to the point of writing walls of text
>>Gets laughed at
>>"wuh buh WASNT ME"
glad my tactic is working though, you're too stupid to notice you're being distracted.
I guess, sure

user, that's lewd, staph >.<

>Damage control
>Can't refute the evidence


i don't even need to refute it.


Drawfags, save this puppy or I'll put it in the oven!

Draw a human butterfly queen

I think it is looking nice so far keep up the good work

lodz uv moni
why are we even still replying to him

You are Blind?

>"Haha! Distracted! My master plan!"
We're witnessing autism that has flown way off the charts!
It's right there buddy! Care to explain how a new IP can manage to have (You)s despite having never posted in the thread yet?

Draw a fucking woman in a bikini

>draw backwards
what the fuck do you even mean by that do you draw with your feet of some shit?

Well what i mean is that i start with the broad shapes and clothing instead of the actual structure and joints n stuff, which leads to janked Torsos and arms of weird length and such.

No I am blinds.
>hasn't posted vore in over 30 minutes
>sperging out over "evidence" still despite screenshots literally telling nothing
I mean, my evidence against you is more compelling than what you're trying to pull, given that it's actually evidence and what you're doing is just shitting on yourself.
>We're witnessing autism that has flown way off the charts!
It's sad you lack self-awareness.

Hey YV are you still doing requests?

>The walls of text continue

>I am blinds

omg so cute cat

It is simple yous are not tracked by ip. There are several ways to track such a thing without the use of ip. Also if you know about cellular networks you would know that the ip switches quite often on them.


Not really, we're all just kinda picking on vorefag's autism right now. He's sperging out hard.
>so mad at someone you threaten to kill them
I guess getting eternally bitched out will leave you with a grudge. Keep projecting to me how mad you are though, as if everyone needed more proof of how autistic you are.
You still haven't answered my question whether you have to touch your dad's dick when you bathe him, so I'm guessing it's a "yes" since you're too embarrassed to answer the question.
Thought you'd like it.

the thing is, I don't use Sup Forums on my phone.

idk what game he's trying to pull.


can i post my old drawings or i must draw something new right now?

Oh okay well if your done roasting vorefag can you draw this space woman please and thank you YV.

>Thought you'd like it.
Who said I liked it? Another user replied.

do whatever the fuck you want, no one really cares for the most part

>He can't help but write walls of text in his fit of rage
Classic Yv. Never change.
>He doesn't use Sup Forums on his phone
>Posts screenshots of him on Sup Forums on his phone
I really hope his this is bait

Post anything, here neither seems to be a Drawthread

jesus christ this shit is retarded

meant for

Here it is. Drawing heads and faces is another important area i need to really work on

If you feel like sharing old work, go ahead. But thread is usually intended for active drawing.

/r/ Gasai Yuno wearing a chef apron, garter-belt and a beret.

I have something you might like.

>he hates me so much he can't even focus on me without seething rage that he accidentally tags someone else's post
Gold. Thanks for proving everything I said right.
I said no.
Well you kek'd. There was enjoyment out of it.

for that one instance.

how much this piece of art will be worth?

>Well you kek'd. There was enjoyment out of it.

>"No you!"
He can't keep himself from replying. His autism prevents it
>"J-j-just this once! I swear!"

this is what he may be using.

is the clusterfuck resolved?
honestly, vorefag, why bother whit Sup Forums, go to deviant art to congregate with your peers

Those phone screen shots are not from him they are from me. I will tell you how there was a new ip. I use my phone. It is common knowledge that phones change ips. However Sup Forums’s (you) system is based on cookies. This is why there are (you)s that seem like they should be from an old ip.