Am i the only one that fucking loves asian girls/woman? also asian thread, post your favorite pics

Am i the only one that fucking loves asian girls/woman? also asian thread, post your favorite pics

Obviously, not alone.

I've full-on fetishized them in my head, and it was never intentional. I never had any defined attraction to them until I slept with my first one, and then it was all downhill from there.

So, I thought I could just push through the yellow fever if I fucked enough, but the more I've had, the more I want them. It's having the inverse effect.

Now when I see some random Asian woman out and about, I reflexively thing she's just this sexual creature just existing to be pumped full of cum. This is obviously not a healthy mindset, if I'm honest. I have a lot of deprogramming to do to myself.

Lets be clear, Japanese women are perfect.

asian girls/woman have poop inside them.

i ish there was some asians somewhere close to where i live. My entire country doesnt have any i guess


asian chick are just the most beautiful.
shame there is none where i live. but who i am kidding, even if there was it would never work


>am i the only one that X
no, you are not. you know you are not. shut the fuck up


any thoughts on hapa girls?

oh yeah, i know i'm not.
>giving a fuck what i just typed

whatsa dos?

That's ok bro all woman are. Just fuck tubes don't feel bad I ues to. Have the. Yellow fever to. But after fucking. My first rice nigger I'm happy to be. Back to fucking. White bitch s

not that hot and cute, but still good


Same, there is none of them here. But i would definitely date one if there was

that is the only facialabuse video that doesn't disgust me

been with plenty of chinese women.
heres my take:
>they want a plan (kid, marriage etc) generally they dont fuck around
>their parents want you to have money
>some are super tight to fuck
>they're generally crap in bed
>family is everything to them so dont say anything negative about their fams


shit, that`s gold

Asian women are plebeian tier OP.

Asian Femboy are were its at.


it can be plebeian tier, i dont care, they are to much cute


more pls

you are literally gay


I used to up until the last two I went out on dates with. Both of them smelled like they didn't bother showering that day, and one compounded that with bad breath like they didn't bother brushing that day either. One was bitchy and ranted how much she hates everything and the other was as socially awkward as they come, conversation was like trying to do an interrogation.

I'm feeling generous so I'll drop a couple from my collection.




Maybe just bad luck. i know like several white girls doing that as normal habit








why they have to have bush. The only thing i dont like about asians


Maaya Wada from Nogizaka46

this one is actually gold

I wanna lick her clean

>not liking bush

Maybe it's just the age (mid to late 30s). Last white woman I dated was a little overweight (like average), and sex was a complete turn off. She grunted like an angry grizzly bear and her pussy made the room quickly smell like a warm turtle tank. She should've also brushed before and her legs were stubbly and scratchy. Trying to keep my erection was difficult as fuck.







Yes you are. That's why there is a whole niche in porn called 'asian'. So in the name of the porn industry I want to thank you for being the only man who likes Asian women




stop that pls


It's a cultural thing. Things like public bathing facilities are common, and women who generally have less hair down there are considered sluts when seen at these places, and how you are seen in society is a big deal over there.










okey, this is a good one, o have to admit it



done 4 today

it can happen to you!

>destroy their country
>destroy their religion
>destroy their race


