Is it wrong to eat dog meat?

Is it wrong to eat dog meat?

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Its no more wrong than eating any other type of meat


Man, you don't eat your best friend. The humans never came here without the dogs.

>The humans never came here without the dogs.
What about horses and beefs?

Koreans love it

No , but it's not that nice, it's ok , sort of like very meaty old lamb , strong flavor maybe the way rabbit is , I had it in a soup/broth which was mostly how it's cooked , they used a certain breed of dog too which I can't remember , it was chunky and the broth was watery , the second time I ate it was like a casserole/curry and was better but I couldn't taste the dog much because of the heat

Nureongi, 누렁이

Yes that's the one , quite fatty ,

I consider my little pig a friend and there are many pig eaters in this world. Fucking pig eaters.

I have a dog and I can't stand looking at dead or injured dogs.
My lab is like my daughter. Not that I humanize her that much, ie she s not allowed to use the sofa nor the bed, etc.
But she means a fuckin lot to me.
Anyway, I don t think eating dog meat is an horrible thing. I mean we are used to eat animals that are sacred in other civilizations. I would nt. I own snakes too and I wouldn t eat snake meat. But I don t blame people who do.

There's nothing wrong with the capitalists by name, comrade.

Actually one of the best selling Korean books ever was called "100 Ways To Wok Your Dog".....

We eat like all kinds of animals. Might as well go full vegan if you believe it's wrong to eat a dog.

Its wrong because they suffer befor they die.

I wouldn't say it's wrong, it's just that western society sees it as taboo.
For example where I live horse meat is an expensive, high quality one, but I've heard in UK it's not eaten frequently.
Every place has it's customs, and eating dogs is just that

horses help, but without htem, could use another animal. But Dog's help to hunter, protect home. Without their nose and ears, will be rare to find food or protect.

how much time to you fry the bacon?

Yes, eating dog meat is wrong because they inherently trust humans to the point that they live within our "packs", so to speak. This is different than herd animals that don't form that kind of a bond with whomever is leading them. Every dog eaten is a betrayal UNLESS it's feral, like a coyote or a wolf.

tl;dr, it is wrong to eat domesticated animals, it's perfectly fine to eat feral ones of the same species.

The major problem is that "the way that you kill the animal". Asia is much knowed by cruelty against the animal.

Pretty much this, fam.

Plus, dog is not vegetarian. Dog is meat eater.

Not really. It's more the way they are treated that gets me. I'm not a dog fan and would love to eat one.

Nope, anything that isn't human or poisonous is fair game. I've had:
and frog

Now I want to try:
and some sort of lizard


Just say fish you fucking faggot

reminder these are the same type of "people" that eat flavorless sharkfin soup because its a status symbol

Id say no, but fucking chinks think the meat of a dog is better if it suffers (boil, burn skin them alive) when its killed, so it is wrong.
They also steal other peoples dogs kept as a pet.

>Is it wrong to eat dog meat?
Short answer is: Chines are wrong.

I've had:
Almost every kind of edible fish, you name it
shark(its included above, I guess...)

There is nothing wrong with animals dying or eating meat yourself. Animals die everyday to other animals in nature, it's when animals are put into mega factories and have to live their lives like they are an object waiting to die. Eating dog isn't any better than eating the cows that are filled with steroids and live with no space or eating the chickens with breasts so fucking big they can't walk. Just because an animal is cuter doesn't give their life more value pig's are smarter than dogs and they live in terrible conditions. I'm a hunter myself and believe me tearing apart a dear is no fun but I never feel bad or guilty it lived free and died free it also just tastes better I think most people have to eventually really grasp where their food comes from and they decide they don't care or they do something about it.

actually looks god, like my country's piglets

ugh, probably not. I have two dogs, would never eat dog, and I find it deplorable to kill such a smart and loving creature...that said...I hunt deer. Deer are smart and they can be trained too. I often grapple with these concerns but I shelf them to learn/master the skill and to continue the tradition.

In my state I can hunt Coyotes just about year round but I haven't yet because they are basically dogs. I'm sure my opinion will change if any of my cats were ever killed by one but until then there is simply no reason to kill a k9 in my opinion.

if you eat any type of meat then you're no better than a dog eater

they taste different
with your logic, instead of listing pig, cow, and venison, I should've just said "mammal"

i'm fine with that, pussy.

I went on a hunting spree after coyotes killed my cat. Sometimes revenge is a dish best served piping hot.

There is no objective right and wrong

right, wrong, good and evil are all arbitrary

It is important to note though that things they do to the dog's in Asia are truly terrible look into stuff like the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival.

Dog is rery rery good

Here is your answer OP
This guy is a hunter in the wild and explains it all in a logical reasonable way.
Just watch it, so i don't have to type all that shit.

Poster is obviously a faggot from /ck/

Cat vs. Dog. Which one tastes better and what does cat taste like?

My favourite recipe is Szechuan shih tzu.

You're insufferable

I'd imagine it wouldnt taste too great but china is a shithole so its prob all they got

Under the right circumstances I’d eat anything made out of meat, little lap rat dogs are going to be the first victims after the food riots start.

Ate dog meat while in Korea. It was fine. Its just meat, user. We decide what is a pet, and we look down on an entire culture for seeing things differently? Please.

ok since were making list the craziest i've had is:
colorado oysters
whale carpaccio
fish eyes
i've drank water from elephant dung
ostrich egg
escargot snails
frog legs
alligator meat
road kill raccoon boiled
i guess you could say, i'm a very adventurous eater, there's not much i won't eat beside humans, housepets, and inedible things

depends on what it tastes like

No it isn't wrong, people get salty because they view dogs as pets.

But have no problems shooting wolves etc.

People are just retarded as fuck when it comes to PC

Cat meat could save the planet. Cats are an invasive species on every continent now, except the poles.

Kill a cat, feed a family.

Look at this Californian faggot "All dah fishies be da same"


I was part of that mission to locate her and get revenge, but what a fucking fail that was, nobody could do shit.

It's wrong for chinks to eat anything. Mao was on the right track.

I've eaten horse and zebra. In the case of most animals, meat is meat. It's the psychology people bring to it that determines "Wrong" or "Right".

She killed herself, because we found her that night, for about 2 weeks she tried to act all smart on instagram acting all edgy. But she got hassled in her neighbourhood and she couldn't take it when she lost her job too.

Only if no dogs die.

can confirm?

I was the one who found the building she was in, and posted it in discord. Nobody wanted to go look that night.

But she did off herself when she lost her job, and people gave her hell.

So you like eating genetically modified animals that don't exist naturally? Tilapia is a feeder stock created by man.

I'd feel worse if they did to an actual CIVILIZED dog breed like this.

Everything suffers before it dies even in nature.

Why can't they just eat a useless breed like Pitbulls?

It's not okay to eat dog meat. We genetically modified them to love use, protect us and hunt for us. All the other animals in the world will never lover and care of humans like dogs do.

Summary: Not cool to eat the one animal that would die protecting us.

You are full of shit. Many things that die of old age in nature simply die in their sleep and feel no pain or discomfort.

nope. killing a dog on the other hand is kinda fucked

Horse is fabulous. It's a member of the elk family, or so I've heard. One of the best meats out there.

Was in their local newspaper iirc the headline was "Cat murderer girl cowardly dies" -- best English translation.

She was a hooker/escort and that is how she could live where she was, and have everything essentially. She essentially lost her sugar daddies, and she was in financial strife when she lost her job, so she killed herself.

If there was a wild overpopulation issue and they were killed humanely. Dogs aren't cattle, we should have respect for fellow predators.

Tried dogmeat on my holidays in Vietnam. My wife tried it, too.
She didn´t like, because for her the taste was too intense.
I liked it, but I would not eat it every day.

Sadly it is forbidden to sell or produce it over here in Germany.

So... no... I don´t think it is wrong. But I think they should stop boiling dogs alive. Dogs are no fucking lobsters.

>It's not okay to eat Faggots. We genetically modified them to love use, protect us and cum for us. All the other cocks in the world will never love and care of humans like Faggots do.
>Summary: Not cool to eat the one animal that would die protecting us.

no kill pls

bear is incredible. moose is OK too

you should try some different birds as well

Fine, eat dog, what ever. But why kill them so painfully and inhumanly. No regard for life. I regularly watch gore video of asians dieing and feel nothing, cause i know they are emotionless lowlife pigs that are SOOOO deserving of the 3rd world, and all the death disease and hunger that comes with it!.

Prove that.

Do I like it? No, because I'm white and thus carry the genetic capacity for compassion.


Is it wrong? Nah. You can't blame a gook for being a gook, it's just what they are and do. It's like getting mad that your pet snake ate your cat. Sure, it's sad, but that's just what snakes do, because they're organic machines. Same with gooks

Seriously though, black people can be pieces of shit, but they're at least conscious. Gooks are insects in a skin suit. There's a reason they lost like a hundred yellow shits for every one american they took down in every war ever

Faggots are useless and superfluous, prime contenders for Soylent Green.

>escargot snails
>Snails snails

American and red neck detected..

from memory I believe this is where she lived...

How they treat them is wrong. Eating them in and of itself just shows their emotional limitations.

I've got others you can find...

if you don't find this sexy enough to make your butthole quiver at the site of it you're absolutely a faggot

Not if you wok your dog

and another
Mexican, location: who knows
cat status: deceased :(

oh just translating it for the uncultured.

Nothing has changed...

Golden. Sup Forums in all it's hatred towards basically anything STILL looks after the cure cuddly kitty cats of the world.

sauce??why tf would anyone care anyways, it's china.

This idiot does not know it is a felony to post videos depicting human and animal cruelty.

Old age is nothing but pain and discomfort, your body is literally shutting down and falling apart.

How was she doxed?

I'm white, but neither american or a redneck. I'm a middle class white male with a master's in economics, psychology, and working in the digital marketing sector.

I do international business (on a small scale, no contracts over a million yet), which includes flying out fortnightly to china, which I hate.

My career has made me hate most Chinese, but I do like most other asians honestly. The more I think about it the more I realise I just dont fucking like chinese people. Korea? Love it. Japan? Yup. India? In certain places, and the people are very kind. Vietnam? Those are my niggers.

But china? Fuck china. Literally the dumbest people I've ever had to interact with. Basically livestock

fucking loser, the day society normalizes that shit, i'm going to fucking riot!

Dogs are more loyal than any human being. So raher eat human meat, it isn't much worth.

If you let it, but if you stay active and healthy then it will happen just suddenly instead of over time.


because of her video, some people posted on weibo etc, and it circulated quite quickly.

I mean no, and there are some dogs (and cats) I would eat strictly out of spite. That being said, I don't imagine they taste very good in most cases.
I rather to stick to cows, because nobody really bitches when we eat them. The usual hum-drum of opposition has existed for decades and has been insignificant for as long as it has existed.