S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh furiday!
Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.









>complain that the rest of a game development group is making collaboration difficult
>get banned from it
like pottery



You want smth done, do it (by) yourself




It gets tiresome though.
I've literally never done a project where I have been helped and not let down.





Part and parcel of any group effurt





Requesting cubs











bisexuality > monosexuality






I want to fuck all three of them.


Seconding your own pawst wokn't help

kys sick fucks



Drew this today


I've never understood the whole "greedy" thing.

What if all three of them want me to fuck them?

Sure you did.

stop posting degeneracy

I will report it

>be software engineer
I feel you so much.


Saved, also pawsibly your best piece yet

You're somehow still at fault even then. Dunno I didkn't write the Sins

Lol, I did, you can find my stuff, just google desert kaiju kek

>My fetish for anthropomorphized animals is fine, but young anthropomorphized animals are for sickos

Ok bud


another one I did

You should make bisexual art.

Do gay/bi stuff too.


You seem to not understand the basic idea of morality. If you fantasize about that shit, it's evil, regardless of it being fictional or not.

It is severely unhealthy for your mind, if anything.

That"s bretty good user

Well I'm open to suggestions on characters, poses and such


Draw Toriel unbirthing
There's not enough of it


Meh, not into it

>be self-employed web dev/freelancer
Basically receive a Photoshop file and make it a (Wordpress) website. The only source of grief is when someone who doesn't how browsers work gives you a design that looks nice butt iskn't actually that simple to achieve in code


So fantasizing about fucking animals is somehow more moral than fantasizing about fucking young animals? You do realize that if it"s all fictional, and that animals cannot give consent, they're both equally immoral according to your logic?

Something like this...

They aren't normal animals, they're anthropomorphic beings that have brains presumably as complex as human brains and can give consent (as adults).


Draw waifu
>aka Renamon

Some butt w/ a side of side-boob maybe

or like this

I drew her once a while back with renamon here, maybe I should draw more of her


Since it's all fictional, and you say that the "adults" can give consent, why can't I fantasize that the young ones can give consent too?


You should draw a girl hugging a wolf.


More like AAA

Very nice, do you intend to shade that or is it finished?

like, non lewd?
those poses are kinda boring imo


that's a contradiction of terms

just stop fapping to sick shit that will actually affect your subconscious life in the real world

my own rule is to never fap to anything that I wouldn't want to be caught fapping to



It was old, at the time i called it finished and i don't intend on editing it


I never give any direction other than a girl hugging a wolf.
All other details and interpretation are up to the artist.



Guess I'm not much into this bisexual play even though I'm bi myself
well I mean girls getting fucked by canines are kinda hot tbh, but just normal non lewd hugging sounds boring lol


