If Tom Cruise was a detective he would be called Tom Clues

If Tom Cruise was a detective he would be called Tom Clues.

pls nooo

If Tom Cruise was a news reporter he would be called Tom News

If Tom Cruise was a gay cruise ship he would be called Tom Cruise

An entire continent wouldn’t be able to call him that.

If Tom Cruise played Jazz he'd be Tom Blues.

If Tom Cruise were your mom he would be Tom Hugeslut

If Tom Cruise was black he'd be called a nigger.

I'm Tom Cruise was a jew he'd be Tom Justawhiteguylikeyougoys

True dat

If Tom Cruise was a drunkard he would be called Tom Booze.

If Tom cruise was in a boiling pot of vegetables he'd be called Tom stews

asains, nioce

If he was in the middle of taking a dump he'd be Tom poos

If tom cruise was hypocrite he would be called Tom Jews


Thank God, those 9 seconds without a post almost killed the thread.

or you can be an unappreciative little cunt. There's always that

If Tom Cruise was a practical joker he would be called Tom Ruse

If Tom Cruise was a body builder he would be called Tom Juice.

Oh no, I totally appreciate how you bumped an active thread without contributing to it. If tom Cruise were you, he'd be Tom Stupid.

If Tom Cruise hung out on Sup Forums he'd be Tom Lose.

if he had a foot fetish he'd be Tom Shoes

That doesn't rhyme nigger...typical rapper trash

>implying I didn't
sounds like you'd be Tom Edgy

If Tom Cruise had a bigger nose he would be Tom Jew

If Tom Cruise hung out with the bros he would be called Tom Brews

If Tom Cruise was a cow he would be called Tom Moo's.

If Tom was Canadian he would be called Tom Moose.

If Tom Cruise had narcolepsy he'd be Tom Snooze

God dammit
I don't know why I laughed at that

Tom Douche?

If Tom Cruise was Tom Cruise he'd be Tom Cruise.

If Tom Cruise stepped to me in the street he'd be Tom Bruise

If Tom Cruise made alcohol he would be called Tom Brews

Tom kys faggot


If Tom Cruise were a church he'd have Tom Pews

If Tom Cruise was an overcurrent protection for an electrical circuit he would be called Tom Fuse

If Tom Cruise was a pidgeon he'd be Tom Coos.

If Tom Cruise were a GPS he'd be Tom Tom Cruise

If Tom Cruise was a report on what was happening, he's be Tom News

much better, have a Tom (You)s

If Tom Cruise told you a lie it would be a Tom Ruse

If Tom Cruise was tall he would be Long Cruise

If Tom Cruise would kill this thread he would be called Tom RekKek

If Tom Cruise was an attorney he would be called Tom Sues

If Tom Cruise was a cunty millennial faggot he'd be Tom Tattoos

If Tom Cruise doesn't dry himself after a shower he would be called Tom Mildews


If this thread 404's and then starts up again would that be Tom Continues?

If Tom Cruise took a rancid dump he would be Tom Poos

If Tom Cruise hit on lots of women he would be Tom Woos

If Tom Cruise talked baby talk he would be Tom Coos

If Tom Cruise was a white supremecist he would be Tom KKKruise

If Tom Cruise liked a variety of colors he would be Tom Hues

If Tom Cruise knew how to drive a hard bargain he would be Tom Jews

If Tom Cruise was filled with pus he would be Tom Ooze

If Tom Cruise worked for Fox he would be Tom Fakenews

If Tom Cruise was into litigation he would be Tom Sues

If Tom Cruise was an out of control toddler like Trump he would be Tom Terrible Twos

Baiting this hard.

If Tom Cruise was a beer maker he would be Tom Brews

If Tom Cruise had a short temper he would be Tom Fuse

If Tom Cruise wanted to stick to something he would be Tom Glues

If Tom Cruise was the subject of a love song he would be Tom Muse

If Tom Cruise enjoyed reading newspapers he would be Tom Peruse

If Tom Cruise was into recycling he would be Tom Reuse

If Tom Cruise was cooked with meat and vegetables he would be Tom Stews

If Tom Cruise had a lot of You Tube fans he would be Tom Views

If Tom Cruise toppled off his lift shoes he’d be Tom Bruise