We need more of this

We need more of this.

Other urls found in this thread:


No. No we don't.

bumping for interest.

What in the absolute fuck!

I'm sickened but intrigued

Fuck off OP.


Nice dubs.

I believe the smaller one used to be female and had her breasts removed. It looks like the taller one was a male that had breasts implanted.

Agreed, user.

Wen don't need. But i don't care if it happens. The have to live with this not me.

When the revolution comes you'll be up against the wall right alongside them.



It's unfortunate, because while the female (the thing on the left, not the abomination on the right) has a butter face regardless of its identity, look at it's hips and thighs. Wasted potential. Those would have most likely been very attractive features, but instead look freakishly weird.

Gotta love gender reassignment surgery, instead of progressing science to cure what's most likely a mental illness coupled with hormone imbalance. I love the cries of it's how they feel naturally, but then decide to contradict that by chopping their shit off and injecting themselves with hormones defying nature's physiological designs.

It's very sad the struggle these individuals go through, and the mistreatment (both being treated poorly and the medical treatment they receive) they receive.

Hope the acne and almost guaranteed regret later in life is worth it.

thank you for your service. and now back to plebbit.

Dang, we connect for a second in our pity, but then you had to go Sup Forums grammarfag. That's some edge.

We could find a cure for their disease rather than needlessly mutilate them.

It's like a house is burning down so the fire department just kinda parks a bus in front of it and goes "well that fixed it"

Nah nigga we can still see the flames and smell the smoke move that bus and put that shit out

>rather than making it easire to read, proper use of paragraphs means the user is from reddit
God i hope this meme dies

Except that gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness. Seriously, the WHO recently declassified it following medical studies that found that the dysphoria itself didn't lead to distress, it was society's treatment that did that.

So, like, it's not them, it's literally you.



Source or gtfo

that dude is actually cute

anymore of him?



The Lancet Psyciatry paper

>newfags actually believe "reddit spacing" is a real thing

Those are some ugly fuckers.

clean cut



No we don't freak

So you think mental illness and fucked up hormones have nothing to do with gender dysphoria? Cherry picking the statement so you can seem right. You understand this kind of shit is why progress can't be made. Stuck in the fucking mud that is your ignorance for the sake of protecting the genetically defunct.

So, like, it's not me, it's literally you're retarded.

I wouldn't call it proper use of paragraphs.

Those first 5 lines could be written without the unnecessary gaps.

But yes the whole reddit/Sup Forums thing is retarded like any of it matters.

go on... and don't mind me

this is actually hetero