Waifu thread

waifu thread

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Ouji-user claimed

Sup babe

I laughed when she did, so glad to see her go.

Fucking damn. That's like One Piece. I bet the creator is a billionaire now. I should have watched it when it came out.

Piano studies are boring af

>get fucked Vincent
I'll keep my scotch for Sunday...Now is time for some noice Guinness

>Glitch City best Bartender claimed

Oshino Ougi claimed.
Ikaros-poster claimed.

It's pretty long, and there are more novels to come. As I've said, you get bored fairly easily, so I don't know if it's a great series for you.

I opened b for porn and saw waifu thread and thought I'd take a quick look. What have you been up to?

local fag coming in

i don't think I'd enjoy that kind of structure, but I can see it being necessary for a big cast to get characterization

troubling days ahead, bc
what's up

i am drinking my scotch already


If you're so local why aren't you at my house yet uwu

Dispatched by the Knights to watch over this thread of Heresy and Debauchery.

Ul-Fenesis Claimed

It's certainly not for everyone, as I've said, it's very dialogue heavy, so you can have a single conversation last an entire episode.

I believe everything to be in order around here.

bye ouji -hug-
I willwatch it...ugh... ima go

working, working and more working, I have to get back to work. bye

how dare you call me bc...
we haven't even cybered yet.
bye now~

I don't know what that means, bye!

Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня

>local fag coming in
Not anymore.

I'll talk to you later, Ika. -hug-


permission to fap to your waifu?


WOA i am not sending a pic that's lewd
i did uwu !
how was your beer


I know, I know, flat is justice. Nothing wrong with a cute. But pretties also important.

because ur ugly lol

i wouldn't mind that per se, it's more about the character arcs
I think? i don't fucking know my dude, am not exactly in a good state right n iow

do come back


nice cock my good sir

look at this fake fag

D-did you enjoy it

Yeah I guess that's a pretty valid reason


What if I were to tell all of you weebs that the whole universe along with everyone's memories and everything in existence was created a few minutes ago, and you have no way to prove me wrong? What if I tell you that you never actually got to experience your favorite anime, or fall in love with your waifu? What if I tell you those emotions and memories were all created all too recently for them to be real?

dude weed lmao xDD
420 YO!

It's more about the characters, I don't recall if you said you tried to watch it too, but you can give it a try.


Oh shit is right, Swine. Anything to say for yourself.

Still here and half filled.


Everything seems good so far, but I have seen some things... How are you doing tonight Ougi?

sup Vali?

cute smug, how are ya?

that's relieving. thank you

maybe i should. but not today, i don't feel like watching anime
i'll tekk you about my thoughts on it whenever i do

homosexuality is a disease, and the only cure is beatings

Saying I'm high doesn't prove me wrong. Prove me wrong if you think that I'm wrong.

someone just learned about the five-minute hypothesis

The thread of the niggers

you are a fagg
prove me wrong

Heyo what's up?
U r. What's up?

look up russell's teapot

I'm fine, not out of the ordinary. I guess I got my E-girlfriend back, so that's good. How are you?

I'm not sure watching it drunk would be a good idea anyway.

The thread of the cutes

rick and morty fan? nice bro me too

aren't those shrooms poisonous

i wouldn't understand anything!

yet they never learn not to be a newfagg

All you could think about is how much you want Araragi to walk you home gently.

probably less poisonous than whatever you're drinking

I may be.
And just some beer, a cig, and some Lo-Fi playing in the background.

fuck off imposter

what how am i a fake fag
does it taste good

>the only cure is beatings
Good, You understand. Now assume the position and atone so you might be spared the camp.

he has autism let him do his thing

That was me, CuBu.
I just saved the pic that the breed guy posted.

he doesn't seem that cute or attractive to me really

tonight is some canadian club, and some Ardbeg
one of them is better than the other

because you can't send pics ofc

no atonement, only beatings

just make sure you drink enough water

i wouldn't send pics on here! maybe on discord OwO


Just playing some vidya. I'm gonna guess you're in monster hunter?

>The events in Touhou isnt real its just Nazrins Shroom trip.
Best fan theory yet.
lewd trips. thinking of what vidya to play for the rest of the night...
your E-Girlfriend was Blood Chan? Well good to see you two back together. i'm just looking at Vidya for the night.
i'm taking a break from it for now, just woke up from a nap. whatchya playing?

Oh I'm sorry. I feel bad now

You made her leave. She didn't even say goodbye. She was so scared.

>i am drinking my scotch already
monster how could you not wait for me

we both know I wil forget to

is this an invitation

that's a pretty good theory

go get a glass right now then

>no atonement, only beatings
Disappointed in you, You had your chance to reform. Now we will be seizing your waifu and shipping you away to one of are more luxurious camps. I pray you learn from this experience.

I'm glad! I wish I could send you some good pics.

Play something fun or a free game pm steam

maybe it is

It's okay, don't worry about it CuBu~

Smug is still here.
Honestly, I knew that the guy was going to photoshop the pic, was nice to see I was correct.

>just make sure you drink enough water
What are you the no fun police. No one wants to drink water when drinking.

Sure then. You should also lay off the cig

maybe later

joke's on you that is no waifu

that's my boy

that's me

Say something nice to my waifu.

The nigger of the thread

Ah, I see.
I'm playing warframe at the moment, prolly going to bed soon, though.

Nah, it's okay, I'll finish the beer soon and probably get to bed, night is boring and I don't feel like getting drunk anyway.

too much makeup
so now what

Would you be overjoyed if someone bothered you every time you drink a soda?
I'll make a green
>Soda is almost universally accepted as unhealthy, containing nearly zero nutritional value


You're into femboys?

Yes, she was and is again. What games do you have?

how harmful is soda

>joke's on you that is no waifu
Afraid not the jokes on you. We know his identity and we have already converted him to purity.
user, It's not like anyone is going to die from drink the night away a little water won't do anything but ruin the fun. Just relax have fun or join in.

Make it interesting then. Become the batman
Damn right I will


I got a new rune set!

just drink water before going to bed, that's pretty normal stuff

>join in
no thanks, alcohol is awful tbh

now i add you

isn't that a dead giveaway considering who i claim


You know you're dating a crazy person.

What if, every time you enjoyed a delicious, ice-cold Coca-Cola, someone linked you to a video of a Coke spray bottle being used to peel the paint off a car?

but how will you do this without my discord and i probably cant send what you want anyways

Birb here. Tired af ready for sleep but it is only 8:30. Got some horse pills. How is everyone's nights going?

Alright, time to take out the nice booze.

So you're perfect partner is a girl, but with a penis?

I'm aware.

I would LOVE to drink rn. But I am on meds and shit :(

Then I'd stop drinking that shit.

Not who I was talking about.

Nice! Got a pic?
Ew wtf

then it is pointless my dude
bottom's up for me

no, it has to be obvious it's actually a man
like pic related
some masculinity is important


You don't need to worry about that. The worst case you're hungover and that's not terrible, Not fun but not terrible.
If you feel that way fine but you can still join in on the fun.
YES. Atone now or we can not longer be lenient on you.

But if you only enjoy the refreshing flavor occasionally, surely the paint wouldn't peel from your car.