I've been speaking to this "girl" what do you guys think?

I've been speaking to this "girl" what do you guys think?

I think she will have a very nice penis.

Andro girls are best girls
Post moar


She/he/it looks really young, user. How old?


In that case, I’d put my money on female. Although I’m notoriously awful at guessing this sort of thing.

yh i'm really not sure i matched her/him/it on tinder earlier. Its gone to bed now IDK what to do


Post a picture of his dick, OP

thats a dude man

you really think? do i go through with this to find out? maybe it will be something i enjoy or is that gay?

I say go through it.

Happens to me too on Tinder. If they message you and their profile says nothing about their gender, just be honest. You don’t wanna lead them on or anything.

That kid is still taking pre-algebra



could be a submissive boy so just go for it

If boy explain you don't want to touch penis, but you will pump that butt like it hasn't been pumped before. If girl you win.

Also those are god awful contacts.

good advice men

personally i'd get the hell out of there

Thats a man, baby!

fuck her in the ass my man.

I'd let that trap pound my butt if i were you