I accidentally knocked over an urn containing my aunt's (picture related) ashes. What's the best way to handle this?

I accidentally knocked over an urn containing my aunt's (picture related) ashes. What's the best way to handle this?

Make a paste and masturbate with it.

Snort it. I hear its to die for.

Whatever happens I am sure you earned it.

There are little bits and pieces in with the ashes Not sure what that is but interesting.

Sweep it up with a dust pan or vacuum, put it back in the urn, seal it, and act like nothing happened.

Dubs, you gotta do this one OP. Sup Forums rules

Dust Buster


>little bits and pieces in with the ashes


Kill every living relative so no-one finds out.

No way. Her bones? They are tiny bits though.

i'm definitely sure they've urned it

Pics or gtfo

they get break down during cremation

Fucked up that joke, faggot.

She needs a tribute. Anyone?

The ashes, nigger.

I figured someone would have beat me to it, but the first post?? Lol

If dubs you post a timestamped pic of your dick touching her ashes.

I considered both ways, decided that urned it would be too obvious. So it's actually "intentionally used the wrong one faggot" faggot.

It's actually "being a fucking retard", you faggot. L2pun

Strangest thing I've ever seen. I'll do that if you post a tribute with her pic. Swear.

Just add water

she'll grow back in no time!

Pull out your cigarettes, and smoke away. You know where to ash. They won't know the difference.

Someone do this.

She looks ok, any beach/bikini pics?

Such wit, clearly you must be a master of the art. Why not show everyone how it's done?

Vaccum it up with a fresh bag then run it through a fine strainer. Toss the rest out.

Fuck with an Aunt like that the best thing to do is to just use the urn as a cold cumdump, like she once was in her youth.

With an aunt like that?

Still waiting

>Whatever happens I am sure you urned it.
Faggot. Quit being so ashinine.

Who cares. Everyone makes mistakes, you tipped over her ashes and she made the mistake of dying which made you tip over her ashes.
In retrospect it's her own fault.

Can we see her body?