How do you get this size

how do you get this size

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somebody feeds you 24/7
oughtta be a law

You start on Sup Forums



Laziness and cake.

Like, all the cake.

talk about pussy for days

He got balls

Curious about this too... I have periods where I do fuck-all. Gain or drop a pound here and there, but never any massive changes. How to the fuck do you get this size??


Step 1 is being born is Amerika

be American

by allowing liberals to be in charge

bumps on the pannus

I just want to know what that giant scrotum looking thing is.

Keep a folder of restaurant menus next to your bed.

Thats her FUPA

* Ask a guy who worked on that show anything. *

Most of those people eat around 12,000 to 20,000 cal a day. Figure a big Mac is about 1000 cal and they are pounding down the equivalent of that many Big Macs (12-10) per day.

Most of them drink a shit ton of soda throughout the day as well. A couple liters of it at least.

They are all vile and disgusting. Fat people (the medical category is super morbidly obese) have a horrendous odor about them.

How they go to the Toilette ? Or they always Shit therselfs ?

They are all addicted to food. To them it is their heroin. Coincidentally, there are endorphins released when you eat shitty food. Those endorphins act the same way for heroin users.

Somewhere around 80 to 95% of the super morbidly obese experienced a major childhood trauma, usually sexual molestation.

Not to mention most of them drink diet soda thinking its for "dieting" even though its just fake ass sugar shit for diabetics which ends up making you more hungry I believe.

At a certain point most of them can’t use the toilet or they need help getting on and off of it. Most of them roll onto a ginormous bedpan. They all need a caregiver at a certain point.

>I have periods

fatsos spend half the waking day eating,when not eating they are on what better be a concrete reinforced bathroom pot dumping,this thing can no longer even to that magod

Step One:
Be American.



nice balls

get out of here, you jealous euro faggot.

>Be American

This lady is from france you stupid eurotrash

>be skinny 165 lbs
>dinner tonight is awesome pizza
>eat it all, love it
>cheese and bread is love
>eat it more
>find pasta and cheese is love too
>eat it all
>devote life to love of food
>find self 400 lbs one day
>get depressed, deal with this another day
>meanwhile eat
>find self two years later, 600 lbs

Don't become like me, Sup Forums

why would the concrete need to be reinforced?

Imagine the horrific stench coming out of those crevices

actually you cant gain weight that rapidly by just eating unhealthy. You must literally not leave the house and eat to that excess to gain that much weight. I would know used to get high af everyday after work and come home, stuff my face with the best junk food but only gained 15 lbs in 2 years. No exercise.

You don’t need to greentext it. Just say “I’m a fat fuck who lacks impulse control.” We get it.

thats rude

Euro binge-eating over jealousy they're not American.

are those her balls?

iron will, and stretchy pants

Why does the human body allow a person to grow to that size and live?



You're fat.

Yeah, a meme. Use a meme to prove your point. Nailed it.

well they never need worry about being sexually assaulted again

Hey boogie, sorry about the divorce bro.

I'm constantly amazed that enabling people to eat themselves to death isn't a crime.

I feel sorry for her and anyone else that big,, but, i would laugh if i could watch them trying to get in their car.

anybody have links to the full episode?

Many theorized that that is the whole point. They create a fat suit for protection. It’s very sad.

His format doesn't make his point any less poignant you grease gulping Midwestern drumpf phaggot.

and you supported your point with...?

it's spelled dumptruck


Drink your milk and eat your vegetables

>bible belt

That's clearly a mickey mouse popsicle.
Last I checked. Miami isn't the bible belt.

At the height of his eating he would scoff down a packet of bacon, six sausages, six eggs with a mound of toast and beans. Lunch was more of the same plus sandwiches and dinner could be two large pizzas, three kebabs or a giant Chinese curry.

Snacks included packets of biscuits and sweets, cakes and family-size chocolate bars. Before bed he'd have four sandwiches with ham, Spam or bacon. He drank two litres of cola, plus six pints of coffee with sugar. This is an example of a 20k calorie diet

I don't make the memes, I just spread them carelessly. deal with it faggot

>deal with it faggot
I just did. Don't talk shit about Florida pal or I'll have cubans up your ass within a week :)




oh I'm real scared. Gotta have Cubans do it because you can't yourself? too busy fucking your sister I suppose



no its not you retarded 12 year old. go to sleep before i call your mom

i'd lick that moo moo puss tbh.

I’ll just leave this here. I’m pretty sure you niggers can figure out the rest.

Be really stupid and mentally disturbed.
Have a family and society that enables you.

Be me. On and off EBT. Never ever 190 lbs.

The fake ass sugar is usually sodium benzoate basically saline, salt water. It composes most of the human body and you need lots of it to be that big.

usually toilets sit on wood planks. imagine that fat fuck falling through the floor and getting a toilet lodged in his cheeks.

Literally impossible without huge amounts of money. Yours or somebody else's. Doesnt need to work to eat. Eats and doesn't work. Gets fat.

I could go for sombre curry right now
>it begins

right, because they don't sell Disney products all over the fucking globe

Some memes are truth



I want to shoot her and see how deep the bullet goes

Hi dr. Nick

I have a better question. How do you get like this.


Well said. They're both lifestyle choices.

Lol losers



I'd like some sources on those numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a factor in a portion of them. seems a bit high though

I ate pizza everyday for six months while wow raiding. I must also mention that was the only food i ate all day. Coffee helps.

That's a big pussy

5 years of regret going into your stomach
>about 10k calories a day of junkfood, where you spend most of your day shoveling food with a spoon.

I think some people eat themselves to death simply because they can

do u know the weigh?

50 years ago the people of America set out to end hunger throughout the world.
Packing calories into everything possible.
It was also a great way to sell more food, because big people eat more food.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Found the baby


Honestly being American really fucking sucks because I'm typically associated with these land whale troglodytes. I love my country but the people living here are so fucking dense that it hurts.