Good ol' h/fur thread

Good ol' h/fur thread


Girlcock best cock.

This guy knows. Why is there never an h/fur thread???

I dunno, people have shit taste I guess.

any hfur discords?


I've never heard of any


can I get some cumming or having their cocks stroked? (or stroking their own?)



fuck yes, keep going please


This is also a tank tread








>you will never have a big herm mommy to fuck you and make you cum buckets, then cuddle with her in her big, strong arms and fall asleep together
Feels bad, man.



mmmph yes, more please!




china glass has no home

love seeing their faces overwhelmed by pleasure!










Love that pic. God I want to get on my knees and suck that huge cock so bad.



Roasty toasty shitposty


Wow that's a cool one, seems impractical


Get this furry porn out of my tank thread


What model is this? Looks British around ww1 era


Tanks or gtfo


At least post higher res tanks, user





I need more tanks in my fur thread

Amazing that even though that's clearly an old tank you can see the rough outlines of more modern day armor vehicles designs from it, neat

There we go, much better







Shitty resolution

















Greetings fellow tankposter

Get back i say!





I'd gladly hive her a ride



Maybe she can hitch a ride in one of these tanks


I love the idea of hull mounted machine guns. Maybe something that can be used 5% of the time?



