

in n out all the way

fuck you faggot
Whataburger 5ever

i've never had either but based on the pics i'm going with In-N-Out

Paradise Pup

Don't have an in-n-out where i'm at (floridafag). But Whataburger Beats the shit out of all the other chain places around here. Wish i had some now ...goddamn.


based on the image, in-n-out but based on my experience, it's fucking trash

Yup, fuck everything else.

Fuck five guys you massive faggot

california master race here. In n out is okay. I think its hyped up too much. But I will say, I lived with my uncle in arizona for a couple years and I thought whataburger was absolute shit. Its spongy tasteless meat, topped by 4lbs of mustard.

Whataburger makes me miss living in Texas. In N Out is the most overrated fast food chain in the world.

Whataburger has superior topping order. Lettuce should go on the bottom bun to prevent the bun from soaking through from the fat of the burger or condiments. In-n-out burger would be a soggy disgusting mess if you didn't inhale the thing immediately.

Both are good but overrated
The habit>five guys>in n out>whataburger

And their loaded fries

What about Shake Shack?

That looks glorious

In and out of course. Wab always seems dry.

In and out of your Virgin ass lol

Forgot about 5 Guys fagyhot. All the way is better than that putrid shit

You can't compare in and out to five guys. I can get a double double for $3.49. By the time I am done getting an optimal burger at five guys its around $10.

In and out is way better fags

I love in and out, but I've known whataburger much longer and I like better. Whataburger winner. More options, better tasting.

Wish we had in n out near me.

Whataburger spicy ketchup is awesome though

You poor Amerifats will never know the glory which is Harvey's, the best chain burger in the world.

No peanuts at in and out. Fuck you

In n out is the bomb

disgusting subhuman food

I work at Five guys, we have pretty good burgers and amazing fries.
It is kind of over priced though a meal will typically cost you 13 dollars.